misconceptions of animal research

……………………. The biggest misconception we have is that our thoughts and ideas are pure, or that our research or reasoning is free from our personal biases, or the external conventions or zeitgeist of the times. This is in part due to the lack of information offered by the scientific community to date. age, animals, mammals, misconception, pupils: Abstract: A misconception about animals has been reported in various research reports on the pupils of all age groups. When researchers enter the facility they must wear special personal protective clothing to ensure they don’t carry in any pathogens that could infect the animals. as other research indicates, a complex understanding of adaptations is difficult and perhaps not developmentally appropriate for elementary students. Change ). the black widow spider is a consumer. There is an endless list of drugs that have to be withdrawn because of side effects and these side effects are a major cause of hospital deaths. While misconceptions in physical, earth, and space science have gotten a fair amount of attention and research, misconceptions about life science are less understood. Notify me of new posts via email. Conclusion. It’s not true that vultures stalk living animals … This provides great insight into the daily life of an animal researcher. All animals, including humans, naturally produce hormones. The animal rooms are adjusted to light cycles so they get the appropriate amount each day. For example in rodents there is the pedal withdrawal reflex – pinching the animal between the toes and not seeing the foot being pulled away indicates they are adequately under aneasthetic. Click here to find everything you need to know about animal research. One problem is that researcher’s need to repeat experiments to ensure their results are accurate, performing one test on a single animal isn’t going to satisfy other scientists that you have found the cure for AIDS. Public health measures such as clean water and good sanitation are the solution to the problem of infectious disease. It would be a lie to say that animals for research do not spend most of their time in cages, however the comfort and well-being of the animals both before and after procedures is vital for the accuracy of results. Animals are likely to suffer more because they do not know what is going on and rely more on their senses, thus it is the researchers aim to decrease the unpleasantness of the experience. perpetuate the misconceptions among pupils. Research has shown that misconceptions among pupils are resistant to change, and that they persist even with formal science instruction. In some cases, the structure of science units can cause confusion and misconceptions. The animal rooms are adjusted to light cycles so they get the appropriate amount each day. All animals used for scientific research are ordered in from specific suppliers such as Charles River or The Jackson Lab and records are kept for every single one. Any procedure that would cause pain or distress in humans should also be considered to cause this in animals. The minimum floor area for mice is 330cm2 and rats 800cm2 with the cage being drought and escape proof, with all dietary requirements and water provided frequently. Like other areas of science, in order for research to be carried out the team requires sufficient funding. However, deeper study on the children’s concepts about mammals has never been conducted. Most research animals are cats, dogs or monkeys. Rodents as ‘prey species’ do not readily show signs of pain as this would be a disadvantage in nature. Alternatively they can provide animals that have genetic diseases important for a particular area of research. Medicines that work in animals are unlikely to work in humans This is because when choosing animals for research many considerations need to be taken into account – species, strain, immunodeficiency, genetic alterations ect. Misconceptions and alternative conceptions refer to students' "conceptions that are different from those held by the scientific community" (Sungur, Tekkaya, & Geban, 2001, p. 91). Common Alternative Conceptions about Insects Page 3 Intertidal rove beetles are true beach bums that live along the shores of our oceans. This can be assessed by a change in the pattern of respiration, altered eye reflexes, changes in the colour of mucous membranes and pain withdrawal reflexes. In this post I hope to address some of the most common misconceptions and… Teachers should be careful to relate such units (insects, birds, mammals) back to a larger discussion of animals. Many pointless and unnecessary experiments are carried out Foundation of Biomedical Research(Washington D.C.). A misconception about animals has been reported in various research reports on the pupils of all age groups. In addition, the teachers identified 130 misconceptions (such as 'Stones grow' or 'Taller people are older than shorter people') which children bring to the science class. Pain can be hard to define in animals as we cannot ask them if something is wrong, thus their responses and learned avoidance are assessed. • Where do medicines come from?• Development of new treatments, • Penicillin protects mice against infection• Regulation, • Development of new treatments• Safety testing, • Medical advances timeline• Expert and independent opinion, • Replacement• Numbers of animals• Three Rs, • The need for research on non-human primates in cognitive neuroscience• Alternatives and replacements, • The research process - microdosing• Alternatives, • Meningitis vaccine• Polio vaccine• HIV and AIDS, • Regulation• Animal welfare and the three Rs, • Types of animals• Medical advances timeline. This therefore ensures it is not toxic before trials move on to human volunteers. Notify me of new comments via email. Many pointless and unnecessary experiments are carried out, Medicines that work in animals are unlikely to work in humans. Nonetheless, who would look after these animals if that were the case? There are no laws or regulations protecting laboratory animals. Teachers should recognize that elementary students will not develop an understanding of adaptations from merely working with and observing animals in their habitats. Interested in other ethical research topics? The side-effects and subsequent withdrawal of the arthritis treatment Vioxx were due to animal tests. But both of those animals are surprisingly poetic when it comes to love-making: they even sing a … Animals undergo excruciating pain & stress during procedures Misconceptions. However, deeper study on the children’s concepts about … In order for an animal to remain stress-free it must be confortable in its environment. Re-using animals in experimental procedures to reduce the number used can only be done if the animal does not exhibit any further adverse effects. Vaccines and antibiotics have achieved nothing. A plastic and a metal spoon of same size and shape Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Researchers need to know the full genetic background of an animal before procedures can take place otherwise results may be compromised. Research shows that misconceptions about processes of respiration, photosynthesis, circulation persist across grade levels. Animals are taken from their natural environments Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. For example, chimpanzees share more that 99% of DNA with humans, and mice share more than 98%! ( Log Out /  All equipment is sterilized after use in an autoclave, which is a device that uses steam at high temperature and pressure. 3 Plastic animal float less dense than metal sink Metal lid sink more dense than plastic float 4 Plastic animal sink because plastic animal sank in Experiment 3 float Plastic animal sink because plastic animal sank in Experiment 3 sink Experiment 1: Heavy metal and light plastic. Fact: That may generally be true for human beings, but it is not so for many animals, e.g. I think its fair to say that in this economic climate where scientists are already struggling to get adequate funding, no-one is going to fund research on animals that is deemed to be pointless and unnecessary. Plus where would all the space and funding come from to do so? Animal Testing is Required by Law. The home office specifies the minimum standards for housing and husbandry and these are agreed with input from organisations such as the RSPCA. PUPILS’ MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT MAMMALS ISSN 1648–3898 (P. 5–14) for aboriginal children were lions, tigers and elephants. In fulfillment with the law, anaesthesia must be used in all procedures. With an increased number of genetically modified animals being used this may become more unlikely. For rodents the home office issues Individually Ventilated Cages (IVCs) which have a special filter system to control the flow of air and regulate both temperature and humidity (see picture below). Chen and Ku (1998) and Tema (1989) found that children had anthropocentric feelings. Additionally these suppliers provide scrutinous checks on the health status of the animals ensuring that no diseases enter an animal facility. Perception: Animals are not needed for medical research. It is not legally required for any cosmetic product to be … Author links open overlay panel Daniel S.J. Animal research is the process of using non-human animals to control variables that may affect biological systems or behaviors in experiments. Further research Laboratory animals suffer great pain and distress. Yet we know that students do hold incorrect ideas about animals, including birds. They just make me mad. humans share a lot of their DNA with animals and we can see dramatic similarities between the biological systems we possess. The need for research on non-human primates in cognitive neuroscience. Many pointless, unnecessary animal experiments are carried out. In fulfillment with the law, anaesthesia must be used in all procedures. Myth: The Animal Welfare Act provides broad protection to all animals in the U.S. We recommend news, comment, background and multimedia to help you. Myth: “Hormone-free” labeled chicken is safer and better for you. And that goes double for animals that really pump out the babies, like rabbits and mice. However, by evaluating their behaviour in their own cage environment can indicate that something is wrong. exclusively with reference to humans or animals. A New Edition of Developing World Bioethics Is Now Available, A New Edition of The New England Journal of Medicine Is Now Available, Doctors Now Must Provide Patients Their Health Data, Online and On Demand. In the meantime, we are working to raise both the quantity and quality of animal advocacy research. Animal testing is vital for progress in the drug industry, and with the entire process of drug development taking about 15 years, more and more of the benefits are being seen each year. The clinical trial tragedy (testing the medicine TGN1412) at Northwick Park shows that animal tests don't work. 25 years of primate research has failed to find vaccines, cures or treatments for AIDS. In guidance with the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, project licences are only issued when the Secretary of State is convinced that no other possible alternatives could be used and there has been significant application of the 3 R’s. "We were surprised at the clear misconceptions pet owners and veterinarians have with pet foods and many of the popular raw animal-product based pet treats currently on the market," said Freeman. • Penicillin protects mice against infection. Animals don’t need to be used in research because there are alternatives. Researchers do not care about the well-being of laboratory animals. Natural selection is a powerful process: it produces amazing adaptations (such as the "leaf-disguise" of the katydid shown below) and helps us understand much of what we observe in the natural world — but natural selection is often misunderstood. Tests need to be statistically significant otherwise there is no point performing them in the first place. Once delivered to the animal research facility records are kept for 5 years with full details of procedures noted, as well as any abnormal changes in behaviour. Animal sex is all just-the-business, ma’am; no pleasure. Animal activists should keep this in mind when they try to oppose the agriculture industry. Systematic reviews demonstrate that animal studies are meaningless for human health. Animals undergo excruciating pain & stress during procedures, Animals are taken from their natural environments, Animals are housed in cold, dark, small cages, both before and after procedures is vital for the accuracy of results. All students have misconceptions due to prior experiences they … Misconception: Only large animals are consumers. However, in these special cases the project licence must state why this is the case and have home office permission to do so. The children We hope that this post will help clear up some misconceptions about effective animal advocacy. Interested in any aspect of animal research policy? This study suggests the ideas about mammals put forward by the children aged from 10 to 15. It is very important to prevent the spread of diseases from both an animal welfare perspective and researcher perspective. They can be replaced with epidemiological studies, computer models and cell cultures. This is where to find it. As a direct result, today people are living longer, healthier lives," Nunamaker said. If you are a teacher or a student we provide resources just for you. The home office specifies the minimum st. . Reality: While the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) does grant animals some regulatory protections, these regulations are neither sufficiently specific nor adequately enforced.

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