brand support build

However, if you are a new Brand player we highly recommend reading through some of the guides above to learn why these runes are strong on Brand! This gives Brand a general vision advantage. Pyroclasm has higher range than Conflagration. Brand is the one to be aggressive here. Very vulnerable when trying to catch axes. Rakan's will often go in, knock someone up and then retreat.. with a Pyroclasm. Lulu can protect from anything but a full combo, but late game Brand is usually stronger as her spells are mostly single target. Place control wards as if they are an statement (unless baiting). Place the ward. Relentless Hunter provides a lot of easy out-of-combat ms which is very important for roaming and backing up the whole team. Don't be timid. Recommended Builds: 26.92% 14: 57.14%: 13.46% 7: 57.14%: 11.54% 6: 83.33%: 7.69% 4: 75%: 5.77% 3: 33.33%: Boots: 86.01% 375: 49.07%: 10.55% 46: 54.35%: 0.92% 4: 25%: Runes ; Domination + Sorcery. counter data is provided by Targets that already exploded can't have more than 1 stack for 4 seconds. Exhaust is great for managing late-game carries and some assassins with strong burst such as, Having threatening spells is essential for a vulnerable champion like. Build: Once you have a basic plan in place, dive into those brand-building steps. LoL Statistics, Guides, Builds, Runes, Masteries, Skill Orders, Counters and Matchups for Brand when played Support. Later on with [[Morellonomicon]] Soraka simply can't do anything but run. Brand's Will often roam for the better part of mid-game. Pick Rate 38.37% Win Rate 49.85%. This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. Create your brand identity, including your logo, color palette, and other visuals. For a list of the current branch versions, see Version details. Fire>plant. By himself Shen is on the easier side. Brand can't. Season 11 Brand Support [Riftmaker Build] | League of Legends (Season 11) Watch later. Brand has to somehow close the gap which is very hard in lane. [11.10] Bizzleberry's Season 11 Brand Support. Pick Rate 12.59% 1,002 Win Rate 50%: Pick Rate 3.36% 267 Win Rate 50.94%: Pick Rate … Be careful when seeing his support alone as Twitch is usually nearby. With enough damage Brand can often just burst him before his ult activates or leave his team low enough that they will flee. Be careful during his early game. Both are very popular right now. It's important to have at least an even mid-game or otherwise Taric's ult will soak all damage. Avoid the stun, especially flash+stun. Did this guide help you? For instance, you should use the Greater Glyph of Magic Resist if you are facing an AP support such as Nami or Sona. Mordekaiser is just too slow. Ignite increases Brand threat for the whole game and during early fights also gives vision and grievous wounds. +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) Like a dog pissing at a tree. Faster scouting, tier lists, and counter tips during drafting and in game. You have one ward in the close enemy jungle so not much threat from there. Such ease in controlling the side-objective can be made into a strong advantage against a traditional Tank or Enchanter dps that simply don't have damage. Steam login has been removed. Janna, try dodging that. As long as your team isn't full AP and Brand isn't totally behind in gold they can't affort to tank full combos. Can [[Relentless pursuit]] to dodge abilities. Share. Combo Daisy if needed. Brand Building is generating awareness, establishing and promoting company using strategies and tactics. Watch videos and experience navigated tours walking you through setup to mastering all Build-A-Brand features. Use the Brand guide on ProGuides to find Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, and Play Rate. 20% slow is not enough to get distance after that. Morgana is often thought as a counter, but I consider a skill match. Rakan has a lot of mobility which makes him dangerous. Brand wins most duels against tanks. Predict this and you can win a few trades. Use control wards to bait fights. Her shield can be annoying in lane if her she has a enchanter or mage support. It's. You always have vision of your base. It will mostly be decided by ganks, roaming or blunders. Our authors will teach you which items to build, runes to select, tips and tricks for how to how to play Brand, and of course, win the game! One of my favorite is dueling someone down by bouncing into. If you are far ahead then it's fine to continue to stack damage as Brand's damage itself is more than enough of a deterrent against these. Top builds, runes, skill orders for Brand based on the millions of matches we analyze daily. Shove people under tower and use up those stacks before returning base. She will later stay behind her adc shielding him which makes it unlikely to get a kill. Goal of brand building is creating a unique image about the company. It's one of the sweetest baits ever. You can also find other League of Legends Champion Guides. Good range against most bot-lane match-ups, No sustain (mana on passive doesn't work as support). In teamfights still try and support your ADC, focus on stunning assassins or tanks coming in to take out your ADC. Recommended Builds: 17.22% 207: 50.72%: 8.99% 108: 56.48%: 7.07% 85: 49.41%: 6.66% 80: 46.25%: 5.91% 71: 70.42%: Boots: 84.27% 6,251: 51.02%: 10.49% 778: 48.71%: 2.66% 197: 41.62%: Runes Domination + Sorcery. Soraka main strength is being annoying. Manage to kill all end game content including maven. It's usually fine to roam and pressure them to be more active. I want to receive promotions from our partners. Dodging it usually wins the fight. Blaze's DOT ticks will make invisible enemies shimmer every second. A lot. Rylai's is ineffective against most Assassins and Diver type fighters because these just close the gap into Brand's melee range. Supports don't get enough gold to stack HP, Armor and Magic Resistance. Playstyle is so safe and smooth. Hey guys, I like playing armageddon brand and played a lot of times before but this build is definetly the best one. Her spells are easily telegraphed. Leona isn't very tanky when [[Eclipse]] is on CD. Don't get CCed in a bad spot. As usual for tanky match-ups. In other words brand building is enhancing brand equity using advertising campaigns and promotional strategies. If you are already familiar with how to play Brand this is a great resource to quickly get a good rune selection for Patch 11.10. Poke him down enough so he can't engage. Don't get baited. I'll give it that Rylai's quite gold effective for the stats as it provides 10 more AP for 400-500g less. Very vulnerable, but if properly protected can turn into a tough lane. If you want to cs, do it with full stacks or before returning base. Much longer range. Pick Rate 16.69% Win Rate 47.74%. The foundation for building your brand is to determine the … macIcon. Brand can barely fit an ER and follow up with Pyroclasm's slow. All other supported current branch versions are eligible to receive only security updates. Many think that picking a tank and going all-in against Brand is the right move. She will heal while poking with [[starcall]] and after a few levels [[astral infusion]] will quickly heal your harass. Up to 30 free AP, but requires a lot of stacking and doesn't give extra map vision. Turrets can bounce Pyroclasm. The enemy is doing baron and your jungler NEEDS that vision. It's often easy to shove him under tower. Don't be afraid to camp some brushes. If you're looking for the best rune build for Brand we've got you covered. Also includes as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, rankings for this champion Brand is the best 1v9 mage of the game , from lvl 6 to lvl 18 he can literally do alone enough dmg to kill all 5 enemie champions , but at the same time he is very fragile , so he needs to earn gold faster and safer possible to complete his core items to make that 1v9 thing become true ; the best place to do that is the midlane where you can farm minions safer thanks to the shortlane ,you can control … Weak in team-fights. He can be very vulnerable where Pyroclasm can be bounced. See all guides. Rylai's is the strongest against enemies with no mobility or only movement speed bonuses such as most, Rylai's is moderately effective against ranged casters and marksmen. Blue Kayn is very dangerous. Brand deals FAR more damage single and AOE. Careful if she's with an aggressive support. Example: If Brand can win most trades against the support, but the enemy ADC is generally too safe/mobile then it's also a favorable lane, but requires more caution. Brand has low mobility and is squishy, you will die. Brand must be careful when to use it. Only way to lose is to give free kills and letting the Tank snowball and roam. This algorithm is able to determine the best summoner spells, item build order, skill order, runes reforged, rune stats, counters, and team mates. Therefore, they do not need the extra Magic Resistance. In this video I cover the ins and outs of how to play Brand. Sona represents the classic poke lane. If he engages without full hp it's often best to focus him down. If Braum has isn't far ahead or stacked MR, it's fair to QWR him. Windows 10 release information. If that Janna can auto you, you can auto back. Safely poke him. Automatically. Example: If the enemy support is also a mage but with far superior range then the lane is bad. Brand has slightly less range. That is completely winning the trade. Rylai's might not offer enough slow to counter these, or they might even. For food companies, photography can be a make-or-break. So what? Difficulty depends largely on her adc. Many will pick Leona as a counter, but this match-up can be easy. Morgana is far better at engaging and disengaging but Brand has much more damage. Counters include who Brand Support is Strong or Weak Against. If your ADC is behind, by a lot, then it could be better to assist your next fed person, protecting them, ensuring they … Does it accomplish anything? Countered by Morellonomicon. When you're starting a game of League of Legends you should always keep in mind if you'll be at an advantage or disadvantage against your opponent, so you can know whether to bully them or play safe. Brand developmentis the process of maintaining the quality, distinctive marketing assets, and consumer trust of a brand. Rune data is provided by, Brand's It's possible to win this lane by controlling bush and landing a combo. While leveling buy an anima stone, get +1 to maximum number of summoned golems (Golem Commander) from skill … In team-fights isn't so much of an advantage. Easy to shove under tower. Find an opening and be aggressive. According to lolskill I've been top5 Brand in my region for those years, but I'm not sure about it's ranking method. Everything you need for Brand Support. However, if you are a new Brand player we highly recommend reading through some of the guides above to learn why these runes are strong on Brand! Annoying. Pyroclasm provides very high kill potential when facing 2 enemies.. or better, 1 enemy champion and some other fodder. Conflagration is relatively silent.. and deadly. Poke/shove him and get a Morellonomicon. Winning requires careful movement and coordination with your adc. That’s why Nusr-Et included product photography in their brand… Is there any enemy going there early on? Early trading spell vs spell against another support can often lead into a stalemate. This is a very critical step … It's very easy to poke him and quite hard for him to land an engage, but if he does it's deadly. You are beating bot-lane. You can find detailed breakdowns of each matchup on CounterStats, and you can also check out some Brand guides to see how to build and play against other champions you may find yourself up against! Moderately because unlike Juggernaut's, these actually are likely to hit Brand back when they get slowed and it might not be fun if they hit harder. brings a massive amount of healing, unique stat auras via Perfect Inscriptions, Pressure the lane but don't get greedy. Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote. Brand has much more range. windowsIcon. Waste time and money with control wards on places you can't control. Auto-attacking is fairly obvious, but many Brand players seem uneasy doing so. Determine your brand’s target audience. During team-fights Brand is much stronger. NEVER stay too close to your adc. The key here is to NOT be hit by [[starcall]]. Vel'koz has too much range. Can't be CCed, can't be bursted, very fast, very strong. Generally easy, but a very good MF paired with an aggressive support can lead into an oppressive lane. Great roamer. Real-time LoL Stats! She can initiate. Blaze's detonation also stack Blaze. Please keep this in mind while reading. Negates a lot of MR which massively boosts Brand's high %hp damage. Can farm from far away, but before [[tear of the goddess]] it's possible to land a few spells and get a small cs advantage. Just don't get stunned. The key is to lead well a Sear into her jump. Early game Brand only wins trades if landing a stun. Brand build guides - provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s11, s10 - … Join the leading League of Legends community. They CAN be immediately stunned with, Blaze works on big monsters and is very good at taking the. In that case it's likely best to gank or ask for one. Control important brushes and chokepoints to reduce gank threat or to escape. Find Brand builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds, and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, and support in S10. I want to receive promotions from our partners. After lane she doesn't have much except her ultimate. Brand is stronger at pushing lane than every Enchanter so it's often a good tactic to do so. Ward, control vision, shove if allowed, control river. Xerath has much more range and an easier combo. Thresh is very dangerous if his jungler is nearby. It's ok to be aggressive, but mind not cornering yourself to avoid stuns. Getting Started. Otherwise it's about dodging skillshots. Enchanters are terrible alone and grabbing one trying to ward is an easy kill. Easiest adc. Provide vision of contested objectives. It's not hard to hit her just as she comes from her Hookshot, but do it just as she lands or otherwise she will usually Ult. Usually target the support as he's likely in a worse position. You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page. Zilean doesn't have much early game. You must be logged in to comment. Very powerful rune that provides extra map visibility. Find Brand's relative advantage in their most common matchups! Lane difficulty will be defined by his support. We've used our extensive database of League of Legends stats along with proprietary algorithms to calculate the most optimal Support build for Brand. By 20 minutes (I don't know the official stance, but I consider this transitioning from mid to late-game) Brand will barely have the gold to finish, This type of lane usually allows Brand some aggressive poking with. Use her plants to your advantage and Pyroclasm. Would you like to add a comment to your vote? It makes Brand less of a target. Check your Summoner, Live Spectate and using powerful global League of Legends Statistics! Just don't throw everything at Leona's. Poke him safely so he can't engage. Brand can only endure into the mid-game, but preferably find an opportunity to roam. Brand easily wins trades spell per spell. Vault's away easily from most of spells but is very vulnerable to Pyroclasm. Build guides for Brand on ProGuides. A good Jhin will use his movement speed boost to avoid taking poke. The win percent shown is the enemy champion's win rate against Brand. Steam login has been removed. Going point blank often works. Brand has a lot of killing potential against Catchers so if they engage poorly (low health, your minions, no ss, etc) it's fairly easy to get a gank. Unless you hit both ADC and Support with the same Pillar. Every trade is favorable. Recommended Item Builds Pick Rate Win Rate; Starter Items: 67.06% 4,470: 49.46%: 19.22% 1,281: 54.49%: Recommended Builds: 25.32% 80: 55%: 11.39% 36: 72.22%: 9.18% 29: 62.07%: 5.06% 16: 62.5%: 5.06% 16: 62.5%: Boots: 82.49% 5,504: 51.02%: 7.57% 505: 52.08%: 4.72% 315: 55.87% +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) Even match but I personally dislike this. Feature updates for Windows 10 are released twice a year, around March and September, via the Semi-Annual Channel. 8 out of 10 times will jump on Brand. You have one extra ward, what you use it for? Controlling map vision is very important. If you are already familiar with how to play Brand this is a great resource to quickly get a good rune selection for Patch 11.10. Please email support if you cannot access your account. If the enemy is going to immediately fight for that spot and you can't fight, then just don't start it. There are many high IQ combinations possible. Thresh doesn't have any strong escape and his lantern can be used for a good Pyroclasm. His ult is a great cue as when it will be a good time to pyroclasm. Be careful when taking combo's. If Brand has an easy time poking the enemy ADC and an easy time poking/trading with the enemy support then it's a favorable lane. Elise can easily Rappel to dodge stuff, has an easy stun and strong burst. As usual, poke him so he can't engage. Janna will usually try poking you with Zephyr + AA for the early levels. Taric's often buddy with a person for a dive and this is prime time for a Pyroclasm before Taric's ult is complete. Black shield doesn't really counter Brand but care must be taken to use either[pillar of flame or pyroclasm to remove black shield before stunning. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continuecreating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Champion guides for the League of Legends champion Brand. Either focus her or the adc, which is worst positioned. Example: If Brand has a tough time winning trades against the support and can hardly poke the enemy ADC then the lane is even. Really? Stunning just as ult animation finishes is also easy. Towers are an especially easy way to spend stacks. With core items and Rabadon's Deathcap every flame will take a chunk of a carry's health. Besides the valuable AP and HP it also reduces Magic Resistance so that together with. Control wards main purpose is to deny regular wards not to save you money on the long run. Control important brushes and chokepoints that you need use to get a kill. By putting pressure, hitting few spells but taking none you Will eventually win. Careful that when dueling with a good Zyra she will often place a plant just in her front to block Brand's Sear. A possible play is to bait him into taking [[pyroclasm]] into his team. It's more dangerous than Ivern. Find the best Brand build guides for S11 Patch 11.10. Below you can find the most recommended rune build for Brand Support, as determined by LeagueSpy's calculations of thousands of Plat+ League of Legends games. The highest win rate Brand build, from rune set to skill order to item path, in Platinum +. This counter data is for Brand Support in Plat+ games. Annie can't play with that. Wardens have low roam potential and not much killing power 2v1 if your adc stays safe under tower (early ofc). In team-fights Xerath won't have much advantage. Using a Control Ward as a long-term way to save gold is totally stupid. Create and share Champion Guides and Builds. Brand build guides - provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s11, s10 - … Brand is not much threatening to her early-game. Her biggest threat is [[crescendo]] which although very obvious is often followed by a [[flash]]. Most Morgana's will fall to this technique because they tend to walk straight to you while ulting. Sometimes will Blunder and ult from near teammates or minions. Vanguards will usually try their play as soon as lvl2 or lvl3 (mind the possible early gank) while Wardens will usually wait for an opportunity after lvl4. Pick Rate 16.74% Win Rate 50.00%. Synergy with supports which constantly ward and remove wards. A fed LB is dangerous, but an even one is not. [3.14] Armageddon Brand Build | Elementalist | Ultimatum | Path of Exile 3.14. Late game Brand far outdamages anything she can use to shield or heal. She trades while healing and has significant kill potential on Brand. Brand build guides - provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s11, s10 - … Download Free for … Import Runes, Summoners, and Builds into League. Very hard in lane. Eventually she will try to engage, most often forcing her adc to move out of minion cover. Bait the shield with [[conflagration]] then unload the remaining combo. Diana can get Brand instagibbed while she's protected by her shield. Pillar of Flame has good synergy with adc's that have wave clearing abilities such as, Pillar of Flame is decent at checking brushes with, Unlike other Brand spells. It is easier to poke the enemy under tower and they will often lose cs. LoL Statistics, Guides, Builds, Runes, Masteries, Skill Orders, Counters and Matchups for Morgana when played Support. Below you can find the most recommended rune build for Brand Support, as determined by LeagueSpy's calculations of thousands of Plat+ League of Legends games. If Nautilus engages poorly he can't escape. Poke him safely. Weak in lane. Landing a full combo on her is usually lethal, but so is Brand if caught. All support ends after the 18-month lifecycle has expired for a current branch version. You might want to purchase a defensive item as 2nd or 3rd. Counters include who Morgana Support is Strong or Weak Against. Season 11 Brand Support [Riftmaker Build] | League of Legends (Season 11) - YouTube. Pick Rate 39.48% Win Rate 45.65%. Similar range poke and damage, but far easier to land stun. Easy to shove and either poke under tower or roam. Sorcery + Inspiration. Many people will toss it into Dragon. Brand is the embodiment of a living flame. MOBAFire shows the top rated guides per patch, but can also be sorted by other criteria such as all-time score, author rank, or newest guides. Survive/roam until mid-game. Please email support if you cannot access your account. Both types will eventually try going all-in, the difference is at timing. Brand wins late-game. Recommended Item Builds Pick Rate Win Rate; Starter Items: 87.2% 395: 47.09%: 7.95% 36: 52.78%: Recommended Builds: 26.92% 14: 57.14%: 13.46% 7: 57.14%: 11.54% 6: 83.33%: 7.69% 4: 75%: 5.77% 3: 33.33%: Boots: 86.01% 375: 49.07%: 10.55% 46: 54.35%: 0.92% 4: 25% Safely poke her. Please login or register. Branding is crucial aspect of company because it is the visual voice of the company. A good Braum will use [[unbreakable]] to block [[pyroclasm]]. He can easily burst Brand. The extra magic resistance is necessary over Ability Power runes in this instance because of the fact that both of those AP Supports have some form of healing abilities to sustain them. Welcome to the METAsrc Brand Support build guide. Create your website, social channels, and other media through which you’ll execute your brand strategy plan. View all Brand builds on Blitz. Define Your Brand. Enemies can easily kill their teams if you predict their patterns. Unwary enemies can be easily attacked if they get near a target affected with. Update your Configuration Manager environment to the latest version before support for your current version expires. However you will always be bringing someone down with you and if you get all four of your spells off, you have done your job. If the enemy goes in the defensive it's far easier to land. Example. A simple EW will often trigger her clone which can then be Pyroclasmed for an easy kill. Join the leading League of Legends community. Red Kayn can be dealt with, just don't get knocked. Don't blow everything on her Shield of Daybreak unless she's already low. If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. Shove and keep poking or roam. Sorcery + Inspiration. There's no threat from enemy bot (like Janna+Ezreal). Daisy might be used to bounce Pyroclasm. This is often what creates those chain explosions that everyone likes on to see on the other team. +8 Magic Resist. Statistics include Morgana's Win Rate, Play Rate and Ban Rate. Create and share Champion Guides and Builds. Both have similar build paths but Brand does much more damage. On … The first stage in brand building is defining your brand. Don't be afraid of starting with Pyroclasm for the slow or just for the first stack. It's usually better to leave the hard hitting spells for after it ends. Don't get stunned nor greedy. Execute: Marketing is the fuel for your brand engine. LoL Patch 11.10 With core items and Void Staff every tank will think twice before getting near. Statistics include Brand's Win Rate, Play Rate and Ban Rate.

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