yaupon holly lifespan

Cut selected stems down the base of the plant. Your best bet is to shop for a holly during the winter and purchase one that already has berries on it. Add wildlife interest and winter color to your yard with yaupon holly, one of the most durable and adaptable of the small-leaved evergreen hollies for Florida landscapes. Has the highest caffeine content. 'Nana'/'Compacta' – dwarf female clone usually remaining below 1 m in height. For more information on yaupon holly, contact your county Extension office. Youpon holly was historically used for a variety of teas by Native Americans and has recently been rediscovered by a contemporary market. Dig a hole that is at least one-and-a-half times as wide as the root ball but slightly shallower. Place the cutting in a mixture of perlite and coarse sand, and keep the cutting moist and warm until roots develop. As always, practice extreme cautions when picking and consuming wild plants and fungi. After planting, apply mulch at the base of the plant to keep the soil moist and cool. In the landscape, these evergreen beauties take about ten years to develop the distinctive vase shape they are known for. It is a hardy, small specimen tree that is … 'Will Fleming' – male clone featuring a columnar growth habit. On female trees, small red berries form on branches during winter months. The plant was traditionally used by Native Americans to make an infusion containing caffeine. After 8 to 10 weeks, you can transplant the cutting into a large pot filled with a loam/sand mix. (©UF/IFAS, Edward Gilman). Despite its Asian sounding common name, yaupon, I. vomitoria is a north American native. Water the root ball two or three times a week for the first year after planting, then weekly thereafter. Another common name, cassina, was borrowed from Timucua (despite this, it usually refers to Ilex cassine). & Putz, F.E. Palumbo, M.J., Talcott, S.T. Credit: UF/IFAS. The leaf arrangement is alternate, with leaves ovate to elliptical and a rounded apex with crenate or coarsely serrated margin, 1–4.5 cm long and 1–2 cm broad, glossy dark green above, slightly paler below. The native species is somewhat too fast-growing for landscape use, so most of the varieties planted are slower-growing cultivars, including: Like all hollies, the berries of youpon holly contain ilicin, a mildly toxic substance that is considered dangerous to children and animals if eaten in large quantities. Yaupon holly readily sprouts from the roots; these sprouts will need to be pruned to the ground two or three times a year to keep the base of your plant looking neat. Berries of a Dodds Cranberry yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria 'Dodds Cranberry'). The Latin name comes from an incorrect belief by Europeans that the plant caused vomiting in certain ceremonies. The berries work well to add winter interest and provide food for birds and other wildlife. [5][6][7][8][9], I. vomitoria occurs in the United States from the Eastern Shore of Virginia south to Florida and west to Oklahoma[8] and Texas. It has a good tolerance for salty soils, making it a good choice for planting near the ocean. [14] Recently, the process of drying the leaves for consumption has been "rediscovered" by modern Americans, and yaupon is now commercially available.[15][16][17]. Potential diseases include leaf spot, leaf rot, tar spot, and powdery mildew. You might end up drinking something else! Badly overgrown shrubs can be rejuvenated by cutting away up to one-third of the branches. The berries can be red, orange, or even yellow, and birds and other wildlife will feed on them through the winter months. Cut away suckers from the base of the plant as they appear, unless your goal is to encourage the shrub to grow into a thicket. This versatile plant can also be used as a hedge, screen, barrier, or even in Bonsai. The mature plant structure is low-growing, dense, and rounded. Micron Yaupon Holly is a dense multi-stemmed evergreen shrub with a mounded form. This shrub prefers sandy soil, but does quite well in other soil textures, as well. Once roots are well established, this is a good plant for drought conditions. They are both drought and salt tolerant, meaning this plant can find a home in a variety of landscapes. But you should take care when using holly branches as indoor holiday decorations, as the berries may fall off and be consumed by pets or children. According to a 2009 study by researchers from the University of Florida and Texan A&M, "yaupon is a viable caffeine alternative for North Americans living within its range on the southeastern coastal plain." Youpon holly is a rare shrub that transplants very easily and rarely succumbs to shock. Unfortunately for this delicious plant, the ritual was reported to interested botanists and their first impression of the drink stuck. The species may be distinguished from the similar Ilex cassine by its smaller leaves with a rounded, not acute apex. It may struggle to survive winters in the northern end of its hardiness range. The most common cultivars are slow-growing shrubs popular for their dense, evergreen foliage and their adaptability to pruning into hedges of various shapes. Several youpon teas (using the leaves, not the berries) are now available commercially. Yaupon holly occurs naturally from Texas east to Florida and north to the southern part of Virginia. Ilex vomitoria, commonly known as yaupon or yaupon holly, is a species of holly that is native to southeastern North America. Diseased or damaged branches should be cut away when they are spotted. Yaupon comes from the naturally caffeinated leaves of the Yaupon Holly tree, in the ilex family, found only in the Southeast United States from Texas to Florida, and north through Virginia.Yaupon is the only naturally caffeinated plant species that grows in the US and most of North America. A disjunct population occurs in the Mexican state of Chiapas. Youpon holly grows well in a full-sun to part-shade location. (Palumbo, 2009). Apply mulch starting at the edge of the root ball and extending outwards, and water the root ball two to three times each week for the first year. The active ingredients, like those of the related yerba mate and guayusa plants, are caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline;[10][11] the vomiting may have resulted from the great quantities in which they drank the beverage, coupled with fasting. Best suited for USDA hardiness zones 7a-9b, yaupon hollies should be planted in a spot where they'll receive full or partial sun. But due to yaupon's popularity historically as a Native American cultivated crop and currently as a hardy landscaping plant, yaupon can occur at higher elevations as far inland as the North Carolina mountai… See more photos on Trees & Powerlines. Youpon holly is free of many problems plaguing other hollies, with good resistance to most diseases and pests. It may look like something out of a Dr. Seuss book, but weeping yaupon holly is a great choice for real-life Florida yards. (Yaupon): A Native North American Source of a Caffeinated and Antioxidant-Rich Tea. Ilex vomitoria, commonly known as yaupon (/ˈjɔːpɒn/) or yaupon holly, is a species of holly that is native to southeastern North America. [2] The word yaupon was derived from the Catawban yą́pą, from yą- tree + pą leaf. Yaupon holly's fast growth rate and small leaves make it a perfect choice for topiary. If growing it as a small tree, keep lower side branches pruned away. The yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria) is an evergreen shrub or small tree with green leaves and red berries that will add color to your garden throughout the year.

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