wows worcester build

+10% to continuous damage from AA guns. Given their likely rate of fire I'd go SI and then BFT myself; the sheer number of hits will guarantee fires better than DE will, and the usefulness of DE falls off at higher tiers when enemies have a 50% reduction in chance of fires anyway. What have we done to deserve this, Wargaming? Alternately, a three point skill like BFT to buff AA/Atlanta ROF, or maybe DE for extra napalm, then add the last two points however you like - maybe PM + EL. -10% continuous damage. It's actually easier to score with Worsauce than with DM thanks to the longer base range. What captain skills are you guys running? Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Unfortunately, I don't think going t10 CL without IFHE is a good idea. Especially if you kite and make smart use of cover. Alternatively, I could use my Des Moines build which doesn't have IFHE, but instead BFT and JoaT for irrational AA ability. This page has been accessed 137,245 times. Hello clan wars has started need A members to form a team play if you can please Cao_de_Aqua, June 28, 2018 in Cruisers, 1000 natical miles from my computer, any first impressions on Worcester so far after the update? I don't get Wargaming. There are other ways to extend AA range and AA DPS matters a ton at tier 9/10 when you have Midway/Hakuryu dropping you. I only hit it when there is enough support near or in the cap (provided if the map is in domination mode). It sure depends on positioning just as much as a radar area-denial build, but it is useful in another way. Captains have a choice between Defensive AA Fire for a massive increase in her AA performance, or Hydroacoustic Search for hunting destroyers, something the speed-demon Henri IV excels at. After that is some decision making. Combined with the Sierra Mike () signal flag, she is capable of reaching 43.9 knots... which is patently absurd for a cruiser. I think the only reason why it had merely average stats is simply because the massive amount of games played, and because let's be fair in order to unlock OP Cleveland you need map knowledge and awarness. -50% to base chance of fire caused by HE shells. My problem with radar is that most people don't know how to use it properly. Also, that's not exactly true for the engine. AFT would help AA on both Worcester and Atlanta, as well as help main battery range on Atlanta. All rights reserved. Sharing with the Atlanta would make it harder. Cleveland was objectively OP at her tier, so a big difference in effectiveness is to be expected. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. You melt a BB far quicker than with any other CA. This vessel is definitely not OP, it is very situational. Juliet Yankee Bissotwo-20% to flooding duration. Optimally, I'd probably do PT, AR, SI, CE, AFT, IFHE, PM. Since I have adopted more or less that tactic my average damage is much higher. ; Slot 2: Damage Control System Modification 1 is the best option, as Henri IV is a large target to planes, torpedoes, and HE shells. It's actually easier to score with Worsauce than with DM thanks to the longer base range. We'll see.. How did you guys grind the Seattle? With how much fun CV's have against DFAA at the best of times, the old Cleveland would only act to cull an already small playerbase, I imagine. Also TTK is very high. --'. . Just be more careful with positioning when you have her as she is quite a long ship compared to atlanta and ofc as been said, no torps. 2 things that this playerbase lacks in drowes. And Worcester is a high DPM damage dealer. By what objective measure was she OP? Its like Mino without smoke, but better AA and HE. You could do PT → AR → DE → CE → IFHE → AFT or MAA → PM. Too early to tell, but IFHE and CE will be essential picks. Mounts the biggest guns of the Tech Tree Tier X cruisers (240mm), Goliath is second place (234mm) and Petropavlovsk takes third (220mm). No it doesnt. Incoming Fire Alert Indicator of long-range enemy artillery fire. India X-Ray+1% chance of causing a fire for bombs and shells with a caliber above 160mm.+0.5% chance of causing a fire for bombs and shells with a caliber below 160mm.+5% to the risk of your ship's magazine detonating. Right now I have a captain on my Cleveland/Atlanta and I don't know if it will be good to put him eventually on the Worcester. There are some players who are going to rush forward because "muh radr" and will get deleted in 30 seconds, then there are people who are never going to go anywhere near close enough to use the radar and they will just spam at mid-high range. With engine mod, not only does Worcester reacts quite quickly, but even like that you still have better ruddershift than Minotaur by a large margin. Just looked back at my post and realised the second paragraph was talking about the new tier six, so ignore that as it wasnt relevant to the thread. Cookies help us deliver our Services. But maybe I should give it more time. Henri IV can equip the following consumables: Type 1, 2, or 5 camouflage can be equipped for credits; Types 2 or 5 are recommended at a minimum to reduce the accuracy of incoming shells. Overextending will be punished hard. Back in port, rigged her with full AA build, first game luckly with CV, 60 planes down, good start :-D. Honestly, not sure what I should think of this ship. References to specific designs, models, manufacturers, and/or modifications of ships and aircraft are used only for the purpose of historical consistency and do not assume any funding or other involvement in the project on the part of the holders of trademarks. X-Ray Papa Unaone+15% action time of Smoke Generator. 1 - Erie 2 - Chester 3 - St. Louis 4 - Phoenix 5 - Omaha 6 - Pensacola 6 - Dallas 7 - New Orleans 7 - Helena 8 - Baltimore 8 - Cleveland 9 - Buffalo 9 - Seattle 10 - Des Moines 10 - Worcester Destroyer How so? Armed with three torpedo tubes per broadside with decent range, speed, and reload time. So far, 2 battles, didn't fare well for me. Her 240mm main gun was an unbuilt theoretical heavy cruiser gun. Her main battery shells have some of the highest armor-piercing damage available to Tier X cruisers and tie with Zao for the 2nd highest high explosive damage (behind Goliath). Massive AA Fire +100% instantaneous damage.No boost to continuous damage in a reinforced sector.Shorter effective cooldown. Henri IV’s base AA performance is lackluster, and while it's suitable for self-defense it won’t truly be capable of defending friendly ships. AFT is superior to DE as well since the Atlanta can use the range, but if you're willing to (and able to) regularly get close then BFT will probably win out over either. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Again, Worcester is a tier 10 Atlanta. Survivability Expert +350 ship HP for each ship tier.+15 aircraft HP for each ship tier. Especially if you kite and make smart use of cover. Looking forward for this ship. Expert Marksman +2.5 deg/sec to traverse speed of guns with a caliber up to 139mm. Vigilance +25% to detection range of enemy torpedoes. It is undoubtedly a much more selfish build, but if you have twin spotters and an aircraft mod installed, you have a greater spotted area for longer AND there is some fairness in it for the DD as he can at least try to hide (although I know, we don't favour fair fights). Ouroboros+777% Free XP earned for the battle. DM is great for its heavy AP and good armor, but Worcester doesn't fill the same niche at all. +15% AA flak burst damage. Cleveland was objectively OP at her tier. I am using radar on the Des Moines. Still I can agree its unfair to write it off, but at least they could give US CA autobounce so it has at least some threat to rushing cruisers. It's a Kutuzov on steroid basically. Getting a ship with worse range, not a huge firepower leap and sacrificing gun angles in exchange for a heal and the 3 million module sounds scarily like the Ibuki (well, apart from the range but you get the general point), a ship I really did not like. I just bought it and find it horrible, even with the B hull. Just curious. (Non Aussie spelling included) Extended version of the IFHE changes: Reasons behind the changes: To simplify interactions between same-tier cruisers. Henri IV’s guns are her lifeline and this reduces the chances of them being knocked out. Honestly dismissing it as "useless besides random" is not fair for the ship. Proudly standing at the peak of the French cruisers tree, Henri IV takes her place alongside the Russian Petropavlovsk, and the British Goliath as one of the “Big Gun” cruisers of Tier X. Henri IV’s key upgrades from her predecessor Saint-Louis are her speed (she is now capable of 35 knots in a straight line) and her new 3x3 240mm cannons, which are the largest caliber guns found on all Tech Tree cruisers at Tier X. The whack a mole citadel version. Also bear in mind that the all time data includes battles before the BFT/AFT changes and other nerfs to her. November Echo Setteseven+5% continuous AA damage at all ranges.+5% damage from flak bursts. But that's just "ok" on the Atlanta and I wanted to share the same captain... CE is the most important of the 4pt skills. Hydra+50% XP earned for the battle.+150% Commander XP earned for the battle.+250% Free XP earned for the battle. Aircraft ArmorReduces continuous damage to aircraft in all AA defense zones. Poor shell velocity on both HE and AP shells; the arcs make it harder to land citadel hits at long range, even against broadside targets.

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