why is goddamn so bad

Don't bite my head off, I'm just curious. Almost as if the misinterpretation was forced in by Christians. If these people had continued to live and spread out and be established, the world wouldn’t be what it is today, it would be so much worse. The answer to this question might seem self-evident, especially to those of us who grew up in a western Judeo-Christian society. Kinda messed up. In this case, to say, “God damn it!” in our colloquial tongue is not the same as seriously calling upon God to damn something or someone. Edmond OK 73013. All are under the curse. It does us no good to anachronistically impose our understanding upon an ancient text. The American Heritage Dictionary defines the verb “to damn” as “the act of pronouncing an adverse judgement upon.”, To call upon God to damn something is neither sinful nor unbiblical. I guess I'm one of those weirdo Christians who avoids it. Furthermore, the Third Commandment, I learned later, could better have been translated to “Thou shalt not CARRY God’s name in vain.” The intent in the original context was that no Hebrew should commit any evil act in the name of God, such as a man abusing his wife and children because he was the man of the house because it was God’s will that he be man and lord of his house. It’s four letters, which is a sign that it’s a bad word, and it means that you’re cursing somebody or something to Hell. He can be contacted at [email protected]. That’s why we have so many politicians who like to quote the word, but quick to bash or deny the truth. I'm american and I say god damn, all the time no one I know has a probelm with it. The third commandment has nothing to do with what we commonly call cursing. We don’t get to put God on trial. God commands that we shall not murder/kill/cause death by negligence. To deny that Jesus is the God of the Old Testament is to deny the Trinity. ?, Since it is not His name. Remember… judge not lest ye be judged. After reading the daily bread which captioned “mention his name” led me to google, what is meant by taking God’s name in vain….. I explained all this to say that I don’t think their was any kind of hidden agenda in this article and this person is definitely not an idiot! No one should violate their conscience. His name is Yahweh. When used as an expletive- Very offensive to religious (Christian) people. I suppose it's probably similar to the reason that state schools aren't allowed to talk about religion in order to protect the minorities. Shouldn’t Christians Avoid Every Form (Appearance) of Evil? Kudos to Urban Dictionary. I suppose it has something to do with the United States not passing any law respecting the establishment of religion. It should actually be “Why does Bing suck so badly?” and the answer is that it’s not terrible, it’s just not intuitive for people who grew up using a computer. Am I being to harsh? They do this, because they believe that writing "God" on something that could be destroyed is gonna earn them an eternity in hell, so the censor it. Why not use His name that is almighty and all powerful rather than His title? They take religion christianity more seriously than most here do, it's silly though. Use of the F-word, S-word, etc. Why would calling on God to damn something be so bad? The grand prize winner will take home the console and game. I think the author might be a Jesuit!!!! You are only fooling everyone else… And that is probably in vain, too. You will be judged on how you affected others irrelevant of what you believed at that given point in time. Our actions make a false claim on who He is and what His character is like. I hope you find someone to help educate you beyond this. I’m only making you aware of the offense taken. Just saying “I blaspheme the holy spirit” ain’t gonna get you a one-way ticket to hell any more than if I yell “JESUS CHRIST!” when I almost get into an accident. Just out of curiosity you say that when someone is talking to the Lord or of the Lord they must be as respectful as possible as if God is fragile or easily tempered. God instructed them not to use His name like the nations around them used the names of their gods. ; as adults we should understand that we can not belong to both God and the world. No one gets to judge God. in vain You are LIARS and a bunch of CHEATS! Joel For most, the ultimate violation of the third commandment is to say “God damn it.” You can use just about every other word or phrase, no matter how bad, but when your vulgarity includes the utilization of this phrase, many believe you’ve crossed the line. But, most importantly, husband to a beautiful wife and father to four awesome children. If you don’t find his name in your copy of the Bible, it would be good to ask yourself ‘Why not?’ His Word at Rev 22:18 specifically condemns making any changes to His Word. Lacking substance or worth: vain talk. It isn't language I'd use in a job interview, but it's also not the most profane word I can think of. Don’t get me wrong. I would be one of those people. Meanwhile they often claim to have “a word from the Lord” and directly violate the third commandment while thinking that their sin is super spiritual. Everyone says it, even the few people I know who claim to be Catholic say it. This is a subject that people tend to shy away from and mostly Christians. If your brother fails because of you, then you have failed. We know from Isaiah that His ways and His thoughts are not our ways and our thoughts; His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. How much more important is it for God to protect His character? Yeah, what is saying, generally people in more conservative areas take this stuff pretty seriously, though I disagree wholeheartedly as I tend to view it as an infringement on my freedom of speech. Most of them put there by you and by me. before writing the name of God. I feel dragging yourself out of bed earlier than you would like, whining the whole time you put on your best, crispest uncomfortable clothes, sharing disgruntled awkward smiles and handshakes, spending the whole service thinking of yourself or the game or the lawn, etc. I would suggest that the meaning would cover the taking the identity of Christian while not really living a truly Christian life, just for appearances–vanity–rather than to love God and serve To advance His Kingdom and be an example for others in need of the Grace of salvation. The question is this: What does it mean to use God’s name in an empty or vain way? It’s true that scriptures have been used to excuse the pet sins of many people. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. >>>There is only one who knows why you are there. I hear that all the time here. In fact, you can find people throughout Scripture, especially in the Psalms, who call upon God to bring judgment on their enemies. Christians use it as a guide, but whether someone uses it as a guide or just light reading doesn’t change the fact it is the Word of God. I think we don’t realise how much God holds back evil. It’s not the worst of the profane words, but most people wouldn’t want to say it in public. What does the third commandment really mean? Thank you for the explanation. Using this phrase in a colloquial way is offensive in many (if not most) contexts. Exodus 20:7, Deuteronomy 5:11 – You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain. It always seemed strange to me too, but Christianity in America seems to be taken more seriously than here in the UK. Without passion in your heart and dedication in your mind you are taking the lord’s name in vain and you are only worshipping the routine, the obligation for certain people to see your face at a certain place at a certain time. I'm american and I say god damn, all the time no one I know has a probelm with it. With all the talk about cursing pastors, the evolution of swearing in the blogosphere, and the general confusion around this issue (even in Christian circles), I thought I’d take a stab at explaining what it really means to take the Lord’s name in vain. Isn’t it more safe to just ask God to help us just not do it. A generic classification can’t be considered a formal name. This makes sense. Wonderful things in the Bible I see. Its called taking the Lord's name in vain. Posted by CalDawg on 11/6/19 at 9:57 am to Slippy You’d think college football fans would be interested in watching the national champion play but based on tv viewership week to week, no one gives a shite about Clemson & its creampuff schedule. None of the phrases mentioned by you or the gentleman who mentioned those you left out should ever be used. I hear preachers, especially emotionally inclined preachers, pray enthusiastically but it seems that every other word or phrase begins and concludes with forms of God’s name, ie: Father God, Lord Jesus, Holy Father, etc. I think it’s offensive, misguided, and sometimes downright blasphemous to think this way. Picked it up from my dad. So apparently, the only way to change the goddamn network settings for my HP AIO printer is download and run the installer again. So let’s take a look at Christianity. Don't bite my head off, I'm just curious. There is only one who knows why you are there. Who would deny that we must do what we think is right? While during the childhood of God’s elect, we were given concrete commands not to become like the Egyptians, Caanites, etc. I could say fuck, shit, etc. The peoples God instructed to be wiped out in the Old Testament were so disgusting, vile, evil and repulsive, they made the Nazis look like the Sunnybrook Farm welcome wagon, and, Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot look like Mary Poppins, Winnie the Pooh, and Charlie Brown. Why is your service so bad? Jeff, I’d like to use your post to raise the bar — please don’t take it personally. Th.M. Like we must tread lightly in our approach. I am new at being a Christian. We can ask Him questions when we don’t understand something, especially when it comes to passages in the Bible that are difficult to reconcile, but we absolutely do not get to put Him on trial. Lord forgive me. Why would calling on God to damn something be so bad? Would you have the same offense if someone were to stub their toe and say “Yahweh damn it!” I doubt it. This made me SICK because I saw myself in the article. I first wanted to see if any site would first mention that the word God is a title and not a name and only one broke it down the way you did. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! If this is the case, why is saying, “God bless you” not just as much a violation of the third commandment as saying “God damn you?”. I search the internet from time to time trying to find out if anyone has a clue about what our creator expects from us, and, sadly, your seemingly no brainer comment is profound wisdom compared to everything I have EVER read on the internet. Not particularly. It's the end of the year, and we're looking back at some of the biggest news stories of 2019 and why they matter. We must be consistent. I was going to say God bless, but in the light of this blog, I better not. The third commandment is simply saying not to use God’s name by frivolously attaching his name to empty commands, uncertain promises or unfounded threats that mean nothing. you forgot the famous: Saying “I think God is telling you to…” rather than “God is telling you to…” may not be as authoritative, but it will keep God’s reputation safe and keep you from breaking the third commandment. Ephesians 4:29 – Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. This was a bad habit the Hebrews got into while in Egypt. I dont get the point of that, Is it offensive to The God to even write the word god or is less sinful to us GD or gd, etc? I have noticed how a lot of music videos on MTV have "God" bleeped out but not "Damn" (e.g. The failure to believe. We’ve all experienced this. but people in positions of religious power who do this all the time I am sure over the years would try and change this meaning.

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