war thunder german tanks guide

It also has access to shrapnel ammo that one-shots pretty much all tanks of similar and lower BR thanks to good enough penetration and massive after effect damage. I can't tell how much is about general bugs and how much is about individual tank models bugged... - Take good consideration to jump in green team. Area "1" is where gunner (and loader from second side) and gun traverse mechanisms are located. The Ferdinand is hit especially hard, as it doesn't retain any of its advantages, unfortunately. For some reason this tank has no armor at all and any shot at the front just kills half of the moduls/crew. Panthers make even most stonehearted men wet. you expect people to know where those locations are? Rank 2.... Panzer IV F2.... again not bad for german vehicles, but look at the average range in our current maps. (NB: we’ve chosen from the selection of free tanks for now, theorising that beginners might not immediately want to drop coin.) It will have enough penetration for almost every target you encounter on the battlefiled, while also having great lethal effects after penetration with its explosive filler. Most, almost all of the time, soviets were superior to similar German tanks. Their gun is not than much worse at such ranges and their better armour pays off. I was too busy with the mediums to actually play with the III M. I looked at the stats and thought it'd be horrible due to the 50mm cannon, which is basically outclassed by every other gun on the field at that point. That's pretty good considering its an autocannon. But it's near useless now after the damage nerf that hit German tanks hard. Most likely due to historical dates.... (until late rank 3 and rank 4 +5)  :facepalm: and many russian fan play the historical date card, although the vast majority of later russian tanks and the ENTIRE russian aircraft tree completely ignores them. will there be an Ultimate Russian Tanker Guide? I'm not sure is there more monkey business on the air, at the moment. APCR is useful as a backup to penetrate those tanks you otherwise can’t pen. Tank combat in War Thunder is a perilous and daunting prospect from the off, a slow and deliberate engagement that can be over in seconds if you make a poor choice. Here you'll find usefull weakspots of these russian cans and many tips about how to deal with them. Pictures are working fine for me... try now. Drinking, History, Motorbikes, Video games, firefly, game of thrones, Judge Dredd, fallout, tattoos. Guides editor. The PzIII M isn't particularly lacking in armor, either, considering that German mediums have a tendency to get oneshotted anyway. There can be no tier 1 vehicle more suited for those who like being creative out on the battlefield; the M3 halftrack is a tank destroyer like no other. Welcome freshly registered tankers! By Fell free to add your own tips&tricks too! It’s a difficult start for the Germans. Thanks, good work. I'm French-Brit. Light, agile and well armoured, the T-50 is used even in tier 2 battles thanks to its proficiency as a scout tank. Effective at long range and downright terrifying in one on one battles, this Soviet tank is death-on-tracks to all but the most heavily armoured of enemies. The StuG has the same gun, but it can actually take a hit without dying. Hence why ze germans moved from Pz IIIs to Pz IVs :       Because of the T-34s that PzIIIs were incapable fighting of,they moved on to the PzIV which solved that exact problem. There is for sure a "bug" at this gun who is overwhelmingly overpowered. The Tiger is a very good tank in its current form and there is no reason why you shouldn't drive it. - Try IV F2 before it gets nerf (and snipe). -Please inform me about language mistakes (english isn't my native). Rank 1 for example you highlighted the Pz Kpfw 38t A.... it's not bad for a german tank but it has a inferior gun and armour than most russian tanks at that Rank..... and even then it lacks sloped armour meaning it's only really useful against the Russian Reserve vehicles and AA vehicles. Make sure to still research it though. But I must wholeheartedly disagree with you on the PzIII Ausf M being a bad tank. Hell even the Panzer IV F2 and Stug III F still have to kiss their xxx goodbye if they come across a KV at whatever range. Not a bad tank to drive though. Whether the enemy spots you or not, this tank will be able to get around all bar the best of War Thunder players and wreak havoc from behind enemy lines. It's essentially a StuG A with traverse. At least the Germans have some decent tanks at tier III - its not a Russian push over. In an RB match, I once shot at an enemy tank on Kuban, from the B objective, who was at the hill on the C objective, and took out his gun. And befor anyone says I'm a German fanboy: No I'm not. can the first tanks you list down be the panzer III's and StuG's? :facepalm:  Most of those games were 5vs5 games. @Baconism You're right! Prev; 1; 2; 3; Next; Page 1 of 3 . Rank 1 for example you highlighted the Pz Kpfw 38t A.... it's not bad for a german tank but it has a inferior gun and armour than most russian tanks at that Rank..... and even then it lacks sloped armour meaning it's only really useful against the Russian Reserve vehicles and AA vehicles. Alternatively, this versatile light tank can be used on the move owing to the stability its low profile gives to its turret. The 75mm gun is able to obliterate almost any tier 1 tank with a single shot, even at distances of half a kilometer, making this a sniper’s best friend. If you see turret only, always try to hit area "4", armor plate in that place isn't angled. It has great armour (on the front) and an alright gun. Oxynium, May 17, 2014 in General & Upcoming. Well..you still can do well in T4 but you'll need a strong stomach! © 2020 by Gaijin Games Kft. Would help more if the pictures were visible. Used to one-shot Kv-1's and 2's on a regular basis with the F2. However strategic you are, only one or two shots separates you from a swift and unceremonious death – never more so than when engaged in ground combat. For example it took me until Rank III to play kursk, the range of most matches mean you have very little advantage over Russian tanks. what do u mean by that all i see is a smoke pile cos my ammo rack went off :crazy: . And if you point that out, you get called 'inadequate' or something, and flamed to hell by people who think they know better. Also buffing its defensive capabilities is an impressive rate of acceleration and a small engine, which makes disabling it a mission most won’t pursue for too long once you’re out of sight.

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