uss south dakota (bb‑57)

1, War Damage Report No. Damage to port side of stack hood. Just above the second level above the housetop at frame 87 the starboard side of the structural longitudinal bulkhead was hit by an estimated 5-inch projectile. Repair parties then located the fault, isolated it and restored power to 5-inch mounts Nos. 1 and to secondary battery director No. Enemy fire had already ceased. Torpedo . 26. restricted bus were still short-circuited. 16, USS Liscome Bay CVE56 War Damage Report No. USS South Dakota (BB-57), 1942-1962. In spite of numerous hits, SOUTH DAKOTA received only superficial damage. 6 to trip. Displacement. 51. SOUTH DAKOTA was the second ship in column, astern of WASHINGTON. USS South Dakota (BB 57) Tags. 36. Some of the fragments continued on through C-204-L piercing the equipment in the crew's messing space and penetrating watertight door 2-136-1 in two places and bulkhead 136 in one place. Note mark on armor left by projectile, third deck blown down and torpedo bulkhead blown outboard. Be prepared to take some debilitating damage during this time, but if necessary, this is probably the best method. 4 and No. 40mm mount No. The US Navy wanted to hide sensitive operational information from Japanese ears and eyes so the vessel would not be identified by her real name in American newspapers or on radio broadcasts. 27. 26. Damage to port structural bulkhead in battle dressing room. 22. 7 ACB circuit breaker. 2. (f) U.S. These holes were reported to have been caused by an 8-inch and a 5-inch projectile. This projectile detonated upon impact at frame 30 starboard blowing a 5 by 4-foot hole in the sheer strake about four feet below the main deck. An area of the deck 9 feet wide between frames 72 and 76 was dished to a depth of 4 inches and the starboard longitudinal structural bulkhead of the senior staff officer's cabin on the second superstructure deck was blown in about three inches between frames 72 and 74. All equipment and instruments in radar plot were demolished and a fire was started. 10. The caliber of these hits was estimated from the damage produced and fragments recovered of one projectile. Length. It is estimated that this was an 8-inch AP projectile. When facing the South Dakota as a definitively weaker ship, try to head-on the ship. Firing on this target continued until 0024 when it disappeared from the radar screen. 19. On the navigation bridge fragments from this projectile penetrated the spray shield and the starboard longitudinal structural bulkhead in two places and the deck in three places near frame 75. No projectile penetrated the armored box. The circuit breaker opened properly. Hit No. Radio direction finder room B-0701-CT From reference (f), however, it appears that this was probably a Japanese 8-inch AP projectile. Japanese sources reported that the battleship KIRISHIMA and cruisers ATAGO and TAKAO were present during the action and it is possible that these ships were present during the first phase of the ensuing action as well as the third phase. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. South Dakota General Characteristics. Beam. A16-3/S62/(0179), of 8 December 1942. Note patch plates which were installed over smaller holes below sheer strake. Some fragments were deflected down and aft riddling the starboard side of bulkhead 129 in numerous places between the main and second decks including one hole 26 inches by 35 inches. The blast from the guns of Turret III set fire to the planes, but the next salvo blew two planes overboard and extinguished most of the fires. She shelled targets in the Japanese Home Islands in July and August, during the final acts of the Pacific War, and was present in Tokyo Bay on 2 September 1945 during the Formal Surrender of Japan. 2 through a bus transfer panel and a power distribution panel. (g) C.O. When discovered later, it was thrown overboard. There were no serious fires during or following the action. 39. Naval Technical Mission to Japan "JAPANESE PROJECTILES - GENERAL TYPES." One report of enemy vessels on the starboard bow at a range of 7000 yards had been overlooked in conn while directing fire on targets bearing 112° relative. 21. As the capacity of the Diesel generator was considerably smaller than the connected load on the I.C. In this case, however, the fact that electrical failure initiated by the shock of gunfire was a handicap to SOUTH DAKOTA while in action warrants some comment. From your flank, you can gain broadside access to about half the enemy team. This force was reported to be four ships in column on an opposite course. 58, Summary of War Damage to U. S. Battleships, Carriers, Cruisers and Destroyers 17 October, 1941 to 7 December, 1942, USS Birmingham CL62 War Damage Report No. USS South Dakota (BB-57) Edit. 5 and 6. Bureau of Ships Projectile entry hole at frame 46-1/2. When playing South Dakota, it is important to note that her accuracy has been somewhat nerfed. An estimated 8-inch AP projectile hit the radar antenna of 5-inch director No. The armored second deck defeated all fragments. It is probable that the first ship was the battleship KIRISHIMA and the second and third ships the cruisers TAKAO and ATAGO. The shock produced by Turret III firing astern caused the contactor for the alternate power supply in the automatic bus transfer switch to close, thereby paralleling generator and distribution switchboards No. 9. restricted bus, which was well within the capacity of the emergency generator, would remain on the board. Hit No. The epitome of battleship power in low-tier matches, South Dakota is a powerful battleship with decent damage output, great AA, maneuverability and HP. 10 in starboard longitudinal bulkhead. The circuit breaker for the normal feeder (FE0716) to the bus transfer panel was closed manually, causing the circuit breaker to generator No. Projectile holes through starboard splinter shield and into 5-inch secondary battery director foundation. This projectile probably landed short of SOUTH DAKOTA and was about to ricochet as the hit was below the waterline and the projectile was rising. Hit No. Hit No. 1 5-inch secondary battery director, severed the center column, and passed out through the port side of the director foundation and the port splinter shield at about frame 75 without detonating. 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By 0036 the short-circuit was isolated and power restored except on 5-inch mounts Nos. The 10-pound STS splinter shield around the starboard 40mm director was badly buckled and holed and the 40mm director was extensively damaged. Hit No. At this time, the circuit breakers on both normal feeder (FE0716) and alternate feeder (FE0420) to the bus transfer panel were opened. 2 (Photo 1). The following tanks were reported to have been flooded as a result of the hit: A-1-F, A-21-F, A-23-F, A-33-F and A-39-F. Some difficulty was experienced in training the turret after the hit but it was believed that the turret was still able to fire. Damage from these incidents was repaired locally, and she was heavily engaged, and damaged again, during the 14-15 November battleship night action off Guadalcanal, a battle that effectively ended Japan's plans to retake that strategic island. As the two power sources were not in phase the resulting synchronizing current surge welded the contacts on the automatic bus transfer switch closed and the normal feeder cable to the after 5-inch director (FE834) ruptured and short-circuited between phases on the No.

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