tomb of annihilation puzzle answers

Within the 5th tier of the obelisk, the walls are lined with Chultan inscriptions recording tithes collected from various tribes (including E’KAMA's family the Natombe & Blackscale lizardfolk tribes). The description does say that if you can open up the door that leads into the revolving drum, the trap will stop, which of course doesn’t matter because if you can open the door you can just leave. Magical light, except from the torches in the temple, is dim instead of bright. And, of course, each group of devils is more dangerous than the last group. If you roll something lower than 5, or that 00, fudge the roll and try for something else. Also, if that wasn’t enough, one of the crystal eyes of which you need to collect all ten is located in Tunnel B, which you have to lock someone in Tunnel A to even get access to. Also, because the life drain is high damage with a high save DC, and also does healing to the atropal, I think it’s a little overpowered for something that can be used every single round. Anyway, Artus wants to kill Ras Nsi for reasons of his own, and as long as the PC’s are willing to help out, Artus is happy to help them snatch up the puzzle cubes, and then they can all escape together. 201) 1 Skull of Acererak. The next fix is to make the actions needed to escape each cell either far less specific, or provide clues that indicate what to do. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. And, of course, there are generally four or five characters to deal with, and chain lightning and the Disrupt Life legendary action are the only ways to hit more than one of them at a time, at least for significant amounts of damage. On a 17 or better, the slaad would arrive and serve them obediently for 10 minutes, after which they would need to take a short or long rest before attempting to summon it again. Have a little happy ever after. This is kind of a counter-clue, because rewarding solving a puzzle with betrayal and death is kind of a cheap shot, and at least this lets the PC’s know that all might not be as it seems. No need to provide stone door cover, however. Probably that’s because staying out of a pitch black subterranean lake with a psychotic aboleth in it is a really good idea… but, staying out of this whole tomb would have been a good idea, and yet here we all are. Dungeons are supposed to be dangerous, even deadly. I didn’t say so, but I know we were probably all thinking of Christopher Walken’s monologue from Pulp Fiction. We’re talking back when I stole my mom’s backgammon dice, back when we didn’t have books or references except for a few photocopies here and there. Chimeras are also fun, and who doesn’t love a gelatinous cube? The general effect here is that by the end of a few rounds, the party is completely overwhelmed with devils, and more are arriving all the time. There were many moving parts in Omu, and I couldn’t force all of them on my players. The Soulmonger lies deep within the tomb, which is riddled with puzzles, traps, monsters, and magical wards. Let’s hit the high points, so to speak. Ras Nsi, in addition to being an exiled bara of Mezro, was a necromancer and a warlord who broke his oaths.

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