thesis statement on why cell phones should be allowed in school

Should Students Be Allowed To Use Cell Phones In School Cell phones have undeniably become a fundamental part of everyday life. Moreover, with cell phones, parents can call their children at all times to find out how they are and learn their plans even after school to avoid worrying. The first and foremost reason why cell phones should be prohibited from use at schools is that they pose a significant disruption in the educational process (School Security). Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! Remember. Free essay sample on the given topic "History Of Newspaper". Get Your Custom Essay Free essay sample on the given topic "Advantages Of Studying Locally". Personally, I think cell phones should be allowed in the classrooms as they can benefit students in many ways. Free essay sample on the given topic "Why Do You Want To Become A Pharmacist?". Once again, the level of technology allows clever smartphone owners to regularly check their social networks profiles and browse Internet content. Student’s listen to music on them, do research on them, and they benefit students with individual education plans. Thesis statement on cell phones A topic sentence is the main idea of a paragraph. Cell phones facilitate instilling responsibility. Since the students are on the path to becoming adulthood where minimal restrictions exist in using cell phones, teachers can allow their use as a way of instilling cell phone etiquette such as not using it in class, or for cheating purposes. Scholars Furthermore, classes can download a school program onto their phones and the teachers can use it in the classroom. Every person from toddlers to the elderly own and operate them for different reasons such as games, communicating, entertainment, and learning. Personally, I think cell phones should be allowed in the classrooms as they can benefit students in many ways. Free essay sample on the given topic "Role Of Technology In Economic Development". Cell phones have been banned in twenty-four percent of K-12 schools and the other sixty-two percent allow them on school grounds, but ban them in the classroom. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy, Your Deadline is Too Short? Also, listening to music helps student’s deal with emotional problems, stress, etc. Today, almost any parent can use a cell phone to ask their children about their whereabouts, occupation, or health. Hi there, would you like to get such a paper? Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Don't use plagiarized sources. Retrieved October 8, 2020, from, Save Time On Research and Writing. Thus, it encourages students to complete their assignments and do extra reading. Cell phone cameras are being used more and more often to record and spread inappropriate images, such as photographs of students in restrooms; images of the insides of students’ lockers; videos of real and staged fghts between students, as well as the recordings of umiliation of unpopular students, and so on (District Administration). This is just a sample. Student’s listen to music on them, do research on them, and they benefit students with individual education plans. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! Free essay sample on the given topic "American Psycho". (2017, Jun 02). Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! With the increasing challenges and hurdles in today’s 21st century. In all multicultural classrooms there are concerns of social Justice for all students. One of the strange phenomenons of using cell phones at schools is so-called cyberbullying. I believe that cell phones today pose a great distraction for students – especially advanced smartphones that provide numerous opportunities for entertainment – and thus should be prohibited from use in schools; ut, at the same time, I stand for not prohibiting cell phones from students’ possession entirely, since they allow parents monitor their children for safety. Phone rings, incoming message signals, or games interfere with the educational process by distracting teachers and students from classes. At the same time, most parents can remember the days when cell phones simply did not exist, and children were factually left on their own for at least half of the day. Retrieved from Applications such as stopwatches and timers are efficient in science classes for conducting experiments and in sporting activities where timekeeping is necessary. For instance, cell phones can help benefit student’s with I. E. P’s because they have cameras on them which student’s can use to take pictures of their assignments who cannot write, student’s can also type up their work and print it, and lastly if they have a hard time when it comes to reading something they can use applications like Kurzweil or dragon and have it audio read to them. PhDessay is an educational resource where over 1,000,000 free essays are collected. (Essay Sample), Role Of Technology In Economic Development (Essay Sample), American Psycho (An Analysis Essay Sample), Teamwork And Collaboration In Nursing (Essay Sample), Magical Realism In Literature (Essay Sample). Though cell phones are necessary for high school students in terms of their safety, they should still be prohibited from use during classes. Therefore, to my mind, school policies should allow the possession of cell phones, but their in-class use should be prohibited. The most obvious manifestation of such disruption is cheating during exams or other testing methods; access to the Internet, electronic books, and consulting with peers through mobile Skype right from the classroom. Their increased use has extended to schools where numerous efforts have been implemented to fight their use. on. Every person from toddlers to the elderly own and operate them for different reasons such as games, communicating, entertainment, and learning. Cell phones are helpful to students when it comes to doing research, as they can save what they researched on their phone and come back to it later. Educators have always had a role of finding ways to improve their ability to provide education and learning among students. You can get your Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Let a Professional Writer Help You, © New York Essays 2020. At the same time, children are safer when their parents or any other help are in the reach of one phone call. The first and foremost reason why cell phones should be prohibited from use at schools is that they pose a significant disruption in the educational process (School Security). Cell phones in these scenarios are important as students can utilize them to report the various emergencies to first respondents, contact their parents and even help the law enforcement agencies catch the criminal perpetrators through revealing their location., The Special Education for the Visually Impaired, The Definitions of Multi-Cultural Education, Critical Analysis on the Philosophy of Education. should mobiles be banned in school By hananhamada, Are You on a Short Deadline? There were cases when cheap prepaid “throwaway’ phones were used by students for bomb threats. Fill out the order form step-by-step. Let Professional Writer Help You, 6000 Fairview Road, SouthPark Towers, Suite 1200, Charlotte, NC 28210, USA. Special education has come a long way since the room down the hall with the crayon books and easy work. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! Moreover, since use cell phones are rampant in the job market for communication with clients, check email, carry out work, research, and utilization of their applications, their use in school can facilitate acquiring of experience crucial in such a scenario. To wrap it up, students should be able to bring their mobile devices to class, as they can benefit students in so many ways. Finally, cell phones should be allowed in the classroom, as they can benefit students with individual education plans. This concept is founded on several reasons, such as disrupting the educational process and facilitating students’ cheating; distracting students by the possibility to access the Internet, social media, or communicate with friends; finally, cell phones contribute to the spreading of the social phenomenon known as cyberbullying. Free essay sample on the given topic "Magical Realism In Literature". Free essay sample on the given topic "Effects Of The Russian Revolution". Students are aware of the several ways they should not use their cell phones in school such as playing games, cheating in exams, texting or calling others. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! Next, I think students should be able to bring their cell phones to class considering it is helpful when it comes to them having to do research on something. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! One of them is a severe cell phone addiction that teenagers can develop if they overuse their devices. For instance, the calculator application found in every cell phone is vital for counting and completing assignments. In terms of your introduction and thesis statement: Indicate your topic . Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Early Intervention In North Carolina "Early intervention is a term that often is used to describe specific agencies, programs, services, and resources. One of the concerns is that all students get a high quality education no matter what their. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Don’t miss a chance to chat with experts. Recently, schools across the United States have become grounds for various criminal acts such as mass shootings, kidnappings, and gang-related fights. There are numerous reasons why high school students should not be allowed to use their cell phones, tablets, and other gadgets at school, not to mention during classes. In North Carolina, early Intervention has been described. The first and foremost reason why cellphones should be prohibited from use in schools is that they pose a significant disruption in the educational process (School Security). I hope that we can make a decision by 10 reasons why cell phones should be allowed in school. Therefore, students should be allowed to bring their cell phones to class. A philosophy of education, as a requirement for admission to any sort of education program, has within it the inherent fault that it may not be a truthful reflection of. The purpose of this research paper is to discuss the increasing need for multi-cultural education incorporation into the classroom. To conclude, students should have the privilege of bringing their cell phones to class, as they can help benefit students in their learning in several ways. Moreover, other emergencies such as natural disasters and illnesses also occur in schools. It is usually the first sentence of the paragraph and makes a statement about some topic. To start, cell phones should be allowed in … However, in Hire EssayBasics to Write Your Assignment, 5963 Corson Ave S 176, Seattle, WA 98108 USA, Advantages Of Studying Locally (Essay Sample), Sweet Memories Of My Childhood (Essay Sample), Effects Of The Russian Revolution (Essay Sample), Why Do You Want To Become A Pharmacist? Their increased use has extended to schools where numerous efforts have been implemented to fight their use. A Flair for the Dramatic/Selfish Machines by Pierce the Veil. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! Free essay sample on the given topic "Teamwork And Collaboration In Nursing". Free essay sample on the given topic "Dream Family". Cell phones are important emergency tools. There was a time that special education students were placed. Students can also utilize the devices to communicate with fellow classmates through texts, calls and social media platforms. The most obvious manifestation of such disruption is cheating during exams or other testing methods; access to the Internet, electronic books, and consulting with peers through mobile Skype right from the classroom. To start, cell phones should be allowed in the classroom, as student’s use them to listen to music. Hire a Professional to Get Your 100% Plagiarism Free Paper.

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