rds connection broker not redirecting to session host

Same thing for farm2. When a user makes their initial connection they need to connect to one of the RDSH servers of the farm they are trying to connect to. Are Landlord's exclusion clauses of "any loss of life or loss, injury or damage to person or property" too onerous on Tenant? We also have a 2008 R2 TS farm and a connection broker on a separate server. Are you saying that all of your users are connecting to the same name? part of the collection will have a 3 hour idle timeout. But after some ideal time session broker tend to send the session to random servers. DNS RR -- FQDN that users connect to points to RDSH servers that are part of the same RDS Farm name (as configured in RD Session Host Configuration), NLB -- FQDN that users connect to points to NLB Cluster IP for RDSH servers that are part of the same RDS Farm name (as configured in RD Session Host Configuration). One thing I noticed in Eventviewer on the Connection Broker server is that it gives event 4105 for some of the users. The RDS Farm name is a When given these permissions the account will log onto the connection broker computer and NOT one of the session hosts. them to it. Therefore, you cannot select the correct IP addresses for reconnection. Whenever there is a brief power Broker's default load balancing characteristics: When broker is doing the load balancing, It randomly chooses the session host server and returns back the least loaded session host server back to client. My problem is I have a vendor that can remote into our server using a NAT they use, all is well except when the session broker redirects to them to the other server, they can't connect. I need to restart all the servers again & then the redirection works fine. Any suggestions? We have gotten to the point where we have a public SSL (not self-signed) certificate configured on our gateway. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. We tried it with installing this patch, but this didn't solve our problem. Now that I have that issue resolved I will test this further and see what happens. In these scenarios, the IP address list may be empty or incomplete. I will check that link out. Broker, If you have any feedback on our support, please contact When they try to reconnect they get a new session User's RDP file has invalid hint format. Why does a blocking 1/1 creature with double strike kill a 3/2 creature? RDS Farm of 2 servers (Windows Server 2008 R2) with RDS Connection Broker on a separate R2 server. A collection is simply a way to group RDSH servers for load balancing, RemoteApp publishing, and common settings purposes. I have few departments say as in IT,Finance,Sales all are in the local group of session broker. This means that the account can't log on without permissions. Okay...I don't know why this works but we somehow instantly found a solution. RDS Farm of 2 servers (Windows Server 2008 R2) with RDS Connection Broker on a separate R2 server. My Users don't connect to a farm they connect to a Failover Cluster Name, in which i have made session broker highly available. In RD Session Host Configuration you would join the RDSH servers to the proper farm name that you want them to belong to. My Indian flapshell turtle fell from 3rd floor. If redirected, the RDP client opens a port on a different server in a farm and initializes an RDP connection to the alternate server. Please check the following KB's workaround to see if it resolves the issue. How to say "You can't get there from here" in Latin. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. When we connect locally or from a public address through the gateway we are getting the issue that the broker is unable to redirect our users to the correct session host. We had to unjoin it from the domain, remove it from AD, and rejoin it. In your configuration, how does the RD Connection Broker know which RDS Farm name a user is attempting to connect to so that it knows which group (RDS Farm) of RDSH servers is the target? You are not redirected to the previously-disconnected terminal server session through the TS Session Broker service in a Windows Server 2008-based farm in TS Session I will say I figured out the issue with the event 4105. For starters, take off the script in question and see if that user account can reconnect without that enabled. Continue the installation. Is there a setting I can change? We have even copied ALL the settings to our own RDP connection file and this does NOT work. Select Add to group. I had to open a case with Microsoft, this is the patch for TS 2008 R2: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2536840?wa=wsignin1.0. Suppose 1st Remote Desktop Host is a sales server & i have added Sales group in its local remote desktop group & when i RDP to the session broker Cluster it directs me to another server. I thought that Connection Broker was suppose to see that they already had a session going, and redirect Why does this Excel RIGHT function not work? You could also use NLB or hardware load balancer instead of DNS RR. to connect to. But here is the issue: When reconnecting to the rds farm, the user will get assigned on the other Session Host server and leave their other session in a disconnected state. Detailed explanation: what is "dayspring"? For testing purposes, we have the gateway set-up to allow all users to connect to all ports on all computers. I need to restart all the servers again & then the redirection works fine. For each farm they need to use a different name, for example, farm1.domain.com and farm2.domain.com. On the Select role services page, select the Remote Desktop Licensing and Remote Desktop Session Host role services. Our RDP file is setup with all defaults with the only changes being: When connecting the client shows the following error: The connection was denied because the user account is not authorized for remote login. http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/425c2ef0-9361-4be6-8d00-bfcc14796f1f/is-it-possible-to-redirect-users-to-different-terminal-servers-based-on-group-membership?forum=winserverTS, Connection Broker not redirecting sessions to the particular host, Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services). How to stop a toddler (seventeen months old) from hitting and pushing the TV? Challenge here for me is 10 users should always connect 10 different host servers. For each farm you would have a FQDN to connect to it with, like farm1.domain.com and farm2.domain.com. We have 2 RD session hosts and 1 server running the RD gateway, RD broker, RD licensing, RD web access, AD and DNS. The thing we are currently stuck on is the connection broker. instructions. Also my schema in AD is Server 2008 still if that helps. All 400 users will share all these 10 session host servers. DC step: Open Remote Desktop Licensing Manager, right-click the server, and then select Review Configuration. We have the same problem with our TS-farm. Each RDSH server that is joined to the same collection is supposed to have the same applications installed, and when a user connects they will automatically be directed to the RDSH server with the least load unless they already have an existing session. In the first three examples, the user makes their initial connection to a RDSH server that is joined to a specific RDS Farm name, the RDSH notifies the RDCB of the attempt (and passes on the RDS Farm name), and the RDCB tells the RDSH if the user should You may have to come up with a different type of script to get the same results if it works without it. There are many different ways to accomplish this, but so far I do not know which way you are using. Error: The format of the connection hint in the RDP file is incorrect. Please note you do not have to publish RemoteApp if you do not want to. Being that it was for an issue in the original TS of Server 2008 you would think that this issue would have since been resolved in R2. Because the user initially connected to a RDSH server that is joined to a specific RDS Farm name (as configured in tsconfig), this is how the system knows what RDS farm they are attempting for example, user1 should connect to RDS01. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. The old session remains. Hardware balancer -- FQDN that users connect to points to the ip address of the hardware balancer, and it decides which RDSH server that is part of the same RDS Farm name (as configured in tsconfig) it sends the initial connection to. I have two Windows 2008 R2 servers that are linked by a TS Broker. 0. Is "releases mutexes in reverse order" required to make this deadlock-prevention method work? For the regular ad users it works fine and they get reconnected with the correct session after being disconnected. I have 4 Remote Desktop Session Host server which are configured on according with the Department. For example, for Server 2008 R2 you would have 2 separate farms with two RDSH servers in each. Sounds like that is the culrpit. records, one for each RDSH server that is joined to farm1. The target RD Session Host server can redirect the RDP client connection attempt using a Connection Broker if the load on the server does not permit this new connection. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. What happens to the Stone-Cech compactification if you change "compact Hausdorff" to "compact"? tngfb@microsoft.com. For example, all users, regardless of department, are opening up Remote Desktop Connection and entering the same FQDN? The error says the following, which I have double checked and my licesing the client the Connection Broker fails to reconnect them to their existing session. Hey Spicers, I have a weird situation. Later we will, of course, change this for security. For example, you could have a sales collection with 1 or more RDSH servers part of the collection, and the Sales group set in the collection properties User Groups Thanks for the reply can you briefly explain me how does the collection work & how to configure it & yeah i have 2 RDSH servers for each department. How to do a simple calculation with the VASP code? 2 Session Brokers which are in failover Cluster & uses a name as rdscluster which client uses as FQDN. The thin clients on our users’ desk are not connected to UPS backups. critical piece of information that the RD Connection Broker uses when deciding which RDSH server it should redirect a user to. And im not using DNS RR. After correcting the permissions issue involving Event ID 4105, the issue still remains. In Server Manager -- RDS -- Collections you would create the two collections and add RDSH servers to them. After reading the KB article it is not for Server 2008 R2. can select Tasks--Edit Properties to modify the user groups, redirection settings, etc. My case matches something as said in below URL. the IP address does not actually resolve to anything other than the NAT Policy but is the one we give to users sicne we don't control their DNS) to a group of IP address relating to the RDS Session Host servers. For farm1.domain.com you would have 2 DNS A From what you have said so far it seems you need to have 2 collections, each with 2 RDSH servers. Have you solved this problem, I am having the same problem and  I can't find any solution for it. I do have a GPO: (Restrict Terminal Services users to a single remote session) that is enabled. For testing purposes, we have the gateway set-up to allow all users to connect to all ports on all computers. We have been trying to set up an RDP server farm for the past 2 weeks now and we are right at the end but just cannot solve this last issue. So check your event viewer on your session hosts and see if there are any issues with it authenticating to your domain controllers. Did you use the GPO option to limit each user to only have one session?? My users redirect to the specific department servers if i restart all the servers and connect them. All servers are running 2008 R2. Do you have separate collections for each department configured in your RDS deployment? for the users that were getting the event 4105. Over at my organization we have the same issue. I discovered this problem when I tried to implement the tunnel on Session Host A, and wound up disconnecting our remote users. Error: NULL. server. According to your description, I understand that you got an issue that the user can not reconnect to their disconnected sessions on Windows 2008 R2 RDS farm.

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