psalm 97 meaning

1:15; Matt. They may be major, such as a life-threatening disease, or they may be relatively minor, such as car trouble. The mountains melt like wax: “Men cannot move the hills, with difficulty do they climb them, with incredible toil do they pierce their way through their fastnesses, but it is not so with the Lord, his presence makes a clear pathway, obstacles disappear, a highway is made, and that not by his hand as though it cost him pains, but by his mere presence, for power goes forth from him with a word or a glance.” (Spurgeon), v. All the peoples see His glory: “This will be more eminently the case at the second advent, when the trumpet of the archangel shall proclaim his approach in the clouds of heaven, and all the tribes of the earth shall see him coming in the glory of his Father, with the holy angels.” (Horne). Christ. var _gaq = _gaq || []; across the sea. Praise God! These were all men and women who were God’s servants. that the Light of Jesus will light my path that He has chosen for me to walk. precious blood. for) him. present (verse 9), anticipates a new coming of the Lord to judge the earth. round Judah had their own gods. Zion, in (and still are) "nothings"! I’ve said that before, and I’ll say it again. We know that our God is a consuming fire. Indeed “the foundation” of God’s throne consists of righteousness and justice. Care is taken for their safety. Psalm 97:10 "Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his But when we see it, we will see The same phenomena occurred on another occasion when God spoke to Moses (Exod. What has happened in verse 1 that would cause rejoicing? Clouds and thick darkness are round about him; justice and judgement are the support of his throne! He will judge the world in righteousness and defeat all His enemies. Poetically speaking, even the gods of the heathen worship Him. AC 8813. i. Above all the inhabitants of the earth, as the Targum. own fault that it is so. Who is the Light in the church? The angels of heaven; so the Targum. “Let all those be ashamed who serve graven images, who boast themselves of idols; worship Him all you gods.” The reason for their shame is that they have put their trust in and served manmade objects that are nothings or nonentities. “In what we Christians profess is the ultimate demonstration of God’s sovereignty, Jesus arose. “Light dawns…is surely the right reading here, following one Hebrew manuscript and all the ancient versions.” (Kidner). 13. subordinates. Why? These cookies are strictly necessary to provide you with services available through our website and to use some of its features. Gratitude for such grace should motivate believers to holiness. false gods. In the Word throughout it is said, that when jehovah descends, the earth trembles, and the mountains melt, by which is signified the commotion of all at the presence of the divine being, for the divine being is such, that no one endures except he be in a sort of cloud, and be thus accommodated to reception, for it is as the fire which is in the sun, which, if it was to fall bare upon any one, would consume him in a moment; but reception is according to the quality belonging to any one; they who are in good tremble indeed at the presence of the divine being, but it is a holy tremor which precedes reception; whereas they who are in evil are terrified at the presence of the divine being, and on this account flee away, and are there involved in their own false principle, as in a dusky cloud, and are hid. Why? 10 Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked. Asahel Nettleton (1783-1843), an American evangelist, has an insightful sermon on Psalm 97:1 where he addresses these issues. You will know that these things did not happen by accident, but rather by the loving care of the God who will work these things together for your good to conform you to the image of His Son (Rom. Absolute power is safe in the hands of him who cannot err, or act unrighteously.” (Spurgeon), ii. The order of the entire 12:29). Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains.

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