psa level over 500

Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. However, the fact that you are “a scientist” and “research cancer products” doesn’t give you any special credibility. May I ask did he have weight loss, and what his psa and prognosis was? Plus, the PSA blood test isn't precise. PSA levels can be confusing. Wein AJ, et al., eds. I suspect the difference between 100 and 200 is small. At age 74 and with PSA level of 200, what is the chance of survival.? Well obviously a PSA of 300 ng/ml is not good and it does strongly suggest a diagnosis of prostate cancer. I think you are missing the point of the article, which is that being diagnosed with a high PSA level of > 100 appears to have had little to no impact on risk for prostate cancer-specific mortality as compared to risk for overall mortality! By the way, I neglected to state that I am 70 years old. A bone scan and a CT scan yesterday revealed no metastatic spread other than a possible extension into my bladder. That said, for years about 30,000 men in the US have died annually from prostate cancer. I’ve been thinking about the issues here for several days now. Overall survival rates at 5 years from diagnosis were, 29.1 percent among men in Groups C, D, and E combined, Overall survival rates at 10 years from diagnosis were, 18.2 percent among men in Groups C, D, and E combined, For the men in  Groups C, D, and E combined. have reported on research into the outcomes of patients initially diagnosed with prostate cancer and with a PSA level of > 100 ng/ml at time of diagnosis. And the men whose PSA levels were undetectable (less than or equal to 0.2 ng/mL) lived for six years. I would be happy to receive news and updates from Cancer Chat, NICE suspected cancer referral guidelines, Cancer Research UK for Children & Young People. I drink no milk or take any sugar. Does anyone have any comments, suggestions or information on false positives? I’ve tried googling and it’s quite vague! I know of some guys at MDACC having 1200+ psa and getting better. 5,716 men were identified in the SA-PCCOC database for whom relevant data were available. But he was concerned about my high count so am off to do scan next Tuesday, then he will do a biopsy. (Regarding the “dominance” point you noted, what I was trying to emphasize was that men diagnosed with very high PSAs would also be very likely to have short PSA doubling times, which was not addressed in the study abstract.). I had just turned 49 and was pretty fit. He may call this your "PSA velocity." International prostate cancer registry initiated in Australasia, Early data on efficacy, safety of PSMA-linked lutetium-177, Long-term use of 5-ARIs in low-risk men on AS, Onvansertib in treatment of abiraterone-resistant mCRPC, SBRT vs. EBRT in treatment of painful spine metastases, Breakthrough Device Designation for miR Sentinel™ urine test, Real-world survival benefit of treatment with sipuleucel-T, The problems genital shrinkage causes, and the distress that results. What are they? You should see a urologist soon to get a check up, a repeat PSA test (to make sure that your PSA really is that high), and talk to him or her about what should come next — perhaps including certain types of imaging test. psa level of over 20,000 5 Oct 2018 20:04 in response to Caz19 had the meeting with the urologist who confirmed it was PSA > 20,000 and scan has shown multiple bone secondaries and retroperitoneal Lymphadenopathy Until now, there's been no reliable way to tell a patient which group he's in. I can see no need at present for any other form of whole body scan. Drink only fresh fruit or vegetable juices witch I make myself. Without any treatment, their pain will often become very severe. I had a PSA test done 11 years ago and it came in at 3.82 ng/ml. ( Log Out /  Of course this group was dominated by men who had a PSA that was > 100 at diagnosis. It would be valuable to know how many of your biopsy cores were positive for cancer and the Gleason scores of the positive cores. In other words, if you think you are only going to live for another 2 or 3 years anyway, then not getting treated (until you need treatment for pain and other related issues) would be a very reasonable thing to do. You will need to talk to your doctor and tybou could ask for a repeat PSA test to check the data, but you should also talk to him about having a biiopsy, and he or she is probably going to wanmt to talk to tyou about having a bone scan and a CT scan as well, because if your PSA is really 433 ng/ml the chances are high that you already have metastatic prostate cancet than has spread beyond the prostate. As a veteran member of this overall group (PSA 113.6 at diagnosis), I am quite familiar with this territory. Somehow I feel that my urologist is not telling me everything. Prostate cancer brachytherapy: Can I pass radiation to others? If I was wearing your shoes I would almost certainly be doing exactly the same thing unless there were specific symptoms of pain that needed to be addressed. It can be a sign of how extensive and aggressive your cancer is. My PSA has gone from negligible then to 28 to 202 and now to 400. On rethinking this, that is unlikely to hold true as most men diagnosed with such high PSAs would be highly motivated to start some kind of treatment to combat the cancer, and that treatment would likely reverse, halt, or at least slow the rise in PSA. My suggestion would be that, depending on where you live, you should go and get a second opinion from a medical oncologist who specializes in the treatment of prostate cancer at a specialist prostate cancer center.

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