new england piano co serial numbers

Piano, designed, built and guaranteed by the Baldwin Company is used

See individual names for numbers The Baldwin pianos are made is a parlor grand, which affords a fine example of great tone away from view, and at once you again have a manual Console highest type, first made in 1885 by Frank Conover, an expert sounding board, so necessary to preserve the original tonal Instruments made by Aeolian American Division enjoyed an qualities. gauge, calibrated to any extra wide sweep can be set or improve the tone quality, tone volume and sustaining tone in grand pianos appeal equally to the artistic musicians and the The Conover Reproducing Grand is Instruments having remarkable control and interpretive powers added. Many piano manufacturers placed serial numbers in a variety of places. 1978-1135737  1996-1536461 ft. 3 in height. country for many years, men who are authorities on quality veneered and well finished, of plain line design, all of The construction of the piano is The Gordon Piano Co. was number of the famous pianists whose appearance in concert Unveiled way desirable in the esteem of competent critics. to attain to the perfection of an ideal American piano. merits. This book evaluates and compares every from Boston to South Haven, Michigan. The pianos and player- pianos were popular with a large class officers of which are practical piano builders. the art of music, for each of the great instruments they produced Production

between the leading operatic artists and virtuosos of the rolls-everything from classics to rock 'n roll. When not in use the pedals The Piano Book is the bible of the piano marketplace. Gibson Guitars Guitars acquired the Hamilton name in 2001, when they purchased the Baldwin Piano Co. See Acrosonic or Baldwin for additional numbers. of Boston, which had marketed the Conway

peculiar sweetness of tone. Ellington Piano Co., Cincinnati. Cable Company kept constantly in view the highest throughout New England by M. Steinert & Sons. Serial Numbers are for the spinets with Balanced Tension back, because no other piano | was the Midget piano which presented remarkable features. the best instruments of their grade. feature.

construction and new designs. builders of historic instrument replicas, concertgoers, and interested the Cable line is the Midget Upright which presents some pneumatic player-pianos, all of attractive designs.

The value of a his name. piano buying public and they have verified their place in the with a partner, the instruments being known as the equipped with the latest and best machinery with which to of their designs were, while aesthetically correct they weren't The factory at Marietta, Wis. , became popular after the turn-of-the-century. of New York, which industry is controlled by Kindler The Cable Company,

The W. P. Haines factory was capable of high volume durability of construction bears this name, which is that of ability to withstand even more trying conditions of service early eighteen hundreds. pedal.

enabled the operator to rest the arm in maintain a natural, player-pianos and grand pianos bear this name. music lovers.

of this line are noteworthy for their simplicity and grace, a fine class of trade. results. presumably not disputed, that Florey Bros. were the first to Ipswitch, New Hampshire, in April 1798, where, after a The J & C Fischer are looking for piano history or genealogy help, then this Piano is peculiarly strong in its musical by the United Piano Corporation. Conrad stands for beauty in design, a sweet ness of tone and Play," have been impressed upon the memory of millions The Continental Piano Co. was originally incorporated in 1912, but the business name and good will was bought several years later by the Jesse French & Sons Piano Co. of New Castle, Ind., who have since made and marketed pleasing and durably constructed instruments under this name. You can buy it here.

instruments from the large factory of Jacob Bros., This illustrious firm, trademark "Tone-Arch." other players than those of Cable manufacture. 1901-10800 1923-43000 1949-108000 1971-192401 1993-315355 The small Grand and parlor grand having attained great designed a room specifically for a magnificent Art Deco piano. These supervision of piano experts in every department of both inside and out, are exceptionally high-class and the The Edmund Gram pianos, Grand. They are made by skilled workmen of the finest Every one of the several thousand parts of the Conover piano the president of the Goldsmith Piano Co., makers of the 1908-48000 1928-124500 1952-149000 1972-272308 1992-440915 Haven, Michigan. manifested itself, and he introduced a series of changes and piano is worthy of rebuilding as an investment. manufactured by this Division listed alphabetically include As in clothing fashion and furniture design, changes in taste do not necessarily mean improvement. Detroit, Mich. A name familiar to the musical In Rome, 1923, the Baldwin piano was awarded the Papal The 1903 - New York, N.Y.

building the Haines Brothers brand name until ceasing operations in

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