luciferian doctrine pdf

Consider upgrading to a modern browser for an improved experience. describes Illuminati thread (our situation, causality etc.). Part One and Part Two. Jesus was a practicing Jew and never instructed his followers to depart from Judaism and found a new religion worshiping him as a partner with God in a trinity (which historically wasn’t formulated until 325 AD) since the trinity violates the first commandment given to Moses “many Christians when they think of God, think of Jesus and to help them out in this idol worship many churches and Bibles contain images of Jesus on the Cross within them. endstream endobj 91 0 obj <>stream Tricia Mason from The English Midlands on May 04, 2011: "That which is above is the same as that which is below” = "On Earth as it is in Heaven". That is it ~ unless we allow our imaginations to run riot. I think that Solar activity may increase, too. It is time to turn to the Bible verse that is at the heart of this whole discussion, Isaiah 14: 3-27. Reading through the comments, I have a few things to add. Thank you for writing and look forward to reading more. REALLY? (Acts 17:28, KJV). It was Satan who appeared to Paul in the form of Jesus and taught Paul his gospel of the gentiles that all Christians follow. It is hard for us to get on the same page for I believe in the spirit realm and you do not! Fourth Ms. Ward, every Christian sect I have came across take what they want from the Bible and incorporate it into their doctrine and discard the rest that they don’t like. @DESIRE | You #Enslave or are-Enslaved. Fifth, Jarn, the myth of Jesus taught by Christianity is a compilation of many pagan stories similar to Robin Hood, King Arthur and other mythical stories but this does not mean there was not a historical Jesus as well part of which may or may not be used as a basis for the Biblical stories. As such, it is extremely difficult to give credence to this article and those that follow, what with the extremely shaky foundations and the tendency to veer off in directions which have little to no historical basis. He is not called the great Deciever for nothing. h�D�� If you ask me, it is all a buch of Bull Snot! The next one will be very controversial and looks like it will end up being quite large will lead to even more hubs, for the subject is massive. The fact that the earliest of the four gospels was written about 30 years after the date of Christ’s supposed death and the latest was written almost 200 years later, even had Christ been real there was a significant likelihood that the New Testament was heavily embellished, which might be in part an explanation for how a relatively benign creature such as “the adversary” became a fallen angel and the source of all evil. (Can I call you Mag)? Take a couple instances for example, The Book of Acts details Paul’s coming to Jerusalem and teaching in Judea after his conversion on the way to Antioch yet Paul himself, in what amounts to a sworn confession in Galatians says that after his conversion he did NOT go up into Jerusalem or teach in any of the churches of Judea but rather when south to Arabia for three years. Then you must consider the different levels for each one is different…So who is to say what the mind set of the founding fathers were? These characters are just that ~ imaginary characters from folk stories. If asked me. Third, Angel Ward, the Necronomican is a fictional book written by H.P. Yes, Trish...increased solar activity is what NASA predicts and this was also predicted in the Book of Revelation! A: Maybe an Iranian Luciferian is a Luciferian from Iran? Eventually, I chose to perceive myself as a Luciferian, for it just did not sound as ominous or negative as being a Satanist. endstream endobj 96 0 obj <>stream This is a book that was “translated” by Samuel Liddel MacGregor Mathers to English from German. #1+ /// @ [find book on Google; it's under an alias: 'The Luciferian DOctrine']. )�Ic0i As such, it is extremely difficult to give credence to this article and those that follow, what with the extremely shaky foundations and the tendency to veer off in directions which have little to no historical basis. However, it will be Aleister who leads us back to the Sumerian culture, the very “cradle of civilization.” For as he looked back on his life and his views about this alleged spirit that was said to contact him in Egypt, he maid the following statement: "I am now inclined to believe that Aiwass is not only the god once held holy in Sumer (or Sumeria), and my own Guardian Angel, but also a man as I am, in so far as He uses a human body to make His magical link with Mankind, whom He loves!” Okay, so let us take peek at these so-called gods and how they showed their love for mankind. "c�C*R��S��� ��, Now then, if we explore just a bit farther into this, we should take peek at Daniel and what is said about the "spirit prince" of the king of Persia in Daniel 10:12. Erin LeFey from Maryland on April 16, 2011: Interesting article, great research. Similar to the book of Daniel, Isaiah deals with prophecies that help illuminate God’s plan of salvation and God’s judgment of the wicked. If this is true, then Lucifer has become the most powerful “type error” of all time! Any respect for you, your education, or your arguments was lost the moment you chose to insult me. 1, Page vii]] PREFACE. h�2�P0P���wJ,Nu��+����u��vN��L*��w�K�O��K���s�+΄��2��K�3����A:]R���2J�́���$"T�&�T��������y�@�R,����`�g��dG���� �>5^ They are separate works. How does that work? For those who are not familiar with Aleister Crowley, he has been considered to be the most authoritative influence of modern occultism. I have decided to only include part of that poem at the end of part one, for I do want to give Crowley any more print that is needed to convey my point about his belief in Lucifer as an actual presence. I'll tell you: It's because societies of people decieved by Lucifer destroy themtselves from within! It was also “year one” for the “Age of Satan" or “Anno Satanas” if you prefer Latin. I know scientists could never buy it, and the more research I did into UFOs the more I believe they are of the spirit world. This hub is quite frightening, but it is not because of Satan or Lucifer, it is about the power of the human imagination and subconscious mind. Then, if you are worthy, the Master will appear. William Benner (author) from Savannah GA. on April 14, 2011: Hay James, I glad you learned some things for I have also! ", I was once a Satanic Priest that started out belonging to “The Church of Satan” and then branched out into a more collective belief system that included several forms of witchcraft and shamanism. I write about this in my "conclusion" of this series. I will start with Ephesians then move into Aleister’s view of Lucifer. We ~ our imaginations ~ control them and control our reactions to them. Looking at the two belief systems, there’s not a whole lot of room for compromise here, suggesting either one or both are wrong. [H�r�Tc^)���}�_���S��L)Ō1̄�3�{��2� @�xr�'��i��8�/$���K����>�� #THE-LUCIFERIAN-DOCTRINE%^ACHIEVE.!EVERYTHING.THAT.YOU.TRULY. Sometimes I am more aware and involved than others, I raised my children, to understand that it is fear of the unknown that stops one from the experience of your time here and that is this restriction of self that stops you from Life/Evil.. and you must see both sides to maintain a middle ground or middle pillar.. taking sides has never worked, they are both in error as they must see the compliment in becoming free from the left or right..this has taken me to have an understanding and acceptance for myself and my choices as well as broadened my perspectives as to have understanding for others and their path takes its turns.I am a hypnotherapist and have come to believe perspective is everything. Before I continue with this “doctrine” that some claim to be the philosophy of the Freemasons and other “secret” organizations, I will like to share two quotes that sum up what I have been attempting to portray in this commentary. This framework has a particular form and sequence which may be interpreted and activated per each individual's consideration. Christianity was tacked onto certain Judaic texts in order to show how the new kid on the block tied in with the established religion. :) Anyhow my final hub has taken awhile to finnish but I am going to publih it soon. William Benner (author) from Savannah GA. on April 16, 2011: Hang on tight for Part Two will deliver many more insights that MAY be alttle up seting to some one from your back ground...All I can say is DON'T SHOOT THE MESSAGER!:). When people stop over thinking things, everything makes more sense. Why do you think Babylon has been such a big deal within the context of the Bible? h�T��j�0�W�-ke��LM/i����ekM�4ٲ�)~��@H�mX�o'���V��߉��x�E��U�':�����h��Kg. It's unbelievable, I've never seen anything LIKE IT. The Luciferian Paradox Part 1 WHEN EVIL COMES DISGUISED AS LOVE TABLE OF CONTENTS WHEN EVIL COMES DISGUISED AS LOVE . Freemasonry teaches its members tolerance, even of its assailants. I am always in awe of how much you know and how you can make a very difficult subject like the occult easy to understand. Jarn from Sebastian, Fl on September 06, 2011: Funny how much of what modern Christianity and Satanism takes as fact was originally fiction or based on a misunderstanding. I will also be reading your stuff in the near futuer!

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