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Watch below and read article and watch two other Kaufman/Spiro interviews covering Reuters (Rothschild’s) fake fact checking and if masks should be worn. He deployed special forces death squads globally. See all the pictures Here, Bill Gates, Rockefeller Foundation, Neo-Eugenics, Vaccines and GMO for Population Reduction. Audrey Raimbault For those watching the nightly news, terrorism had come home. The film also looks at the role wireless technology plays in our privacy and freedom. His family’s opinion is that the US government murdered Dr. King to end his protests against unlawful US wars and his call to end poverty. Because if there’s one idea that needs to stay dead after the collapse, it’s the idea that We the People somehow need another group of people (government workers) to live off our hard work while hounding us with their false authority, directing every little detail of our lives. That’s the only reason chemotherapy is still used. The battlefields are our homes, the grocery stores, the pharmacies. Pronouncing guilt by accusation assures his conviction. Read article here and see the Icelandic President discuss choosing democracy and human rights over the banks here, The Genocide Of The American People | Food As A Weapon. Read article here, The Riots Of England Are Exactly What The Establishment Want = Don’t Play Into Their Hands = Riots Are Not The Solution. Read article here, George Bush Telling The Truth For A Change, This speech is created from clips of several speeches to tell us all what bush really thinks. Is WikiLeaks Going To Help The Government Kill The First Amendment and The Bill Of Rights? (Manning) broke the law.” No nation spurns inviolable laws more egregiously than America. Americans would be safer if the police forces were abolished. Read article and download document here. The typical EHS symptoms are headaches (tension along the sides of the head), heart palpitations/pressure in the chest, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), fatigue, skin rashes (particularly on the face), memory & concentration difficulties, irritability and sleep disturbance. Download document here, Microwave Weapons Designed To Kill Us We can expose the crimes and immorality of the corporate state through civil disobedience and conscientious objection. Read articles here and here and here. They are beyond redemption. Worked to prevent safety studies, Those are the same vaccines that are mandated to children in the US. Typhoon Haiyan | An Act Of Weather Warfare, The strongest typhoon ever to hit land, leaving destruction and death in its path, is conveniently attributed to climate change by the mainstream media but that is not the case. These posts have since become “the biggest ‘inside’ ‘approved’ [information] dump in American history,” giving we, the people unprecedented insight into a far-reaching shadow war between patriots (within and outside of the government and military) and an evil international cabal intent on destroying America and quashing its founding principles. Read Article Here. Watch it here, Pancake theory? He’s waging war on freedom. Click here for the video, William Patrick Corgan | The Smashing Pumpkins, If you follow some of the links I have been supplying as of late, you’ll notice many are focused on the propaganda build up to our day of reckoning with the Swine Flu virus. Nazification Of America Is Almost Complete. Please share this film freely. Read article here. This new film will serve as evidence to the fact that government is history’s greatest killer– with various regimes claiming more than 262,000,000 unnatural deaths in the 20th Century alone. The ex-CIA agent, who’s also an experienced commercial airline pilot, has blown the whistle on the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings, claiming that the three towers were actually brought down by controlled demolitions, and not by passenger planes that were flown by amateur pilots. It threatens to topple two more before the end of February: Yemen and Egypt. Claiming it’s not relevant or harmful to national security doesn’t wash. We have been tricked into fighting perpetual wars of mass genocide for pointless profit. Improvements in rice cultivation would stand to lift hundreds of millions from debt and poverty. Read Article Here. It persecutes its best. Expect Washington, rogue NATO allies, and regional partners to take full advantage. (and many others). Modern culture no longer accepts overt slavery, right? Hidden in plain sight, most don’t understand the dangers that are falling from the sky. Nazi police tactics, martial law, police in disguise and paid provocateurs = the black block; hijacking the peaceful protests, that were suspiciously left alone by police. Millions of people have been slaughtered over the fake war on terror. See movie here, The Pole Shift In Global Financial Power Is Almost Complete, The process of removing the cabal that has controlled most of the world for the past 300 years is almost complete, according to sources directly involved in the takedown. Welcome the True Global Revolution: UNITY = The rise of the 99%. We understand that this was planned and carried out by the US government as a false flag event to enable the police state and fake perpetual war on terror. The Big Picture When It Comes To Naked Body + Behavior Scanners, Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano admitted yesterday that body scanners would eventually find their way into U.S. public transportation, trains and boats, but Big Sis is already beta-testing technology that goes even further, by forcing Americans to undergo a behavioral interrogation before they are allowed to enter sports events, rock concerts and shopping malls. Article here. The purpose was a government experiment using mass protesting citizens to asses ease of arrest, reaction to rights removed, and inhumane treatment. Read Article Here, “[T]he occupier, by seeing this sign (V), always the same, infinitely repeated, [would] understand that he is surrounded, encircled by an immense crowd of citizens eagerly awaiting his first moment of weakness, watching for his first failure.”  Read Article Here. Corona Debunked By Biochemistry | Excellent Video | Must Watch and Share |THEY ARE LYING TO YOU | Take of that fucking mask and stop social distancing. Well there is nothing great about it. Charlie Sheen Instead pay for a billboard stating some truth that others should know. Read article here | Also read 11 Articles On RF Exposure here, Liberty Was Attacked In Boston By the Nazis In Control. He pronounced Bradley Manning guilty by accusation. Fat chance. Have faith in humanity!. Governments are going broke. QAnon are a very important group of people, globally fighting and standing up for humanity!. Main Core: 8 Million+ Americans On The List, Are you on the list? In America today, police murder with impunity. Article Here. April 1, 2011.” read article here, The Democrat in office has taken a position on unilateral murder so extreme as to be “profoundly troubling” in its legal reach and potential for future use. Hemp oil as a treatment for cancer and a host of other diseases and conditions was largely popularized by the efforts of Canadian Rick Simpson who cured his own cancer and tried to share the wonders of his discovery without seeking a patent or other compensation. Each picture says it all. Lots of information that has been released by whistle blowers, doctors, nurses, and people around the world. The name which struck terror into the German people who still believed in freedom and wanted their nation to remain a peaceful, respectable member within the international community.

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