james 1 expository

Check out what the preacher says with the Word of God. Olsson said, “We cannot understand a faith which is not nourished by the temporal hope that tomorrow things will be better.” Piper adds (ibid. Lack of confidence in God"s faithfulness or power manifests a lack of consistency in the believer"s life. "James outlined the source of temptation, the steps in temptation, and the solution for temptation." We are setting ourselves up as another’s judge. John 10:10). ", "The law of God is perfect, first, because it perfectly expresses his nature and, secondly, because it perfectly matches ours. do daily. Saul had been wounded, and rather than be captured by the Philistines, he told his armour bearer to finish him off. I find myself failing in lessons that I thought that I had already learned. "Like Jesus, James sees worship not in terms of external law but as an expression of inner active goodness." 171-172) relates the amazing story of Marie Durant (from Karl Olsson in Passion [Harper & Row]). 1 John 1:5). The best sermon samplers take what . If the trial is the loss of a job, it is right, in dependence on the Lord, to seek another job. They lived to do their masters’ will. As he sat in a Philippian jail cell, unjustly arrested and beaten, unable to sleep, he and Silas sang praises at midnight (Acts 16:25). People talk about an "Anger Driven Society". the letter . ], [Note: E.g, Zane C. Hodges, The Epistle of. Mere hearers are self-deceivers; and self-deceit will be found the worst deceit at last. anger. [Note: Ibid.]. ILLUS - During World War 2, there were many atrocities that took place. Regardless of the source of our difficulties-the world, our flesh, or the devil-we can and should be glad as we go through them. [Note: Hodges, p18. The attitude James advocated can take all the bitterness out of even very uncomfortable trials. Thus James" inspired advice is perennially relevant. Thus far James revealed the value of trials, how God uses them to perfect the Christian, and how to obtain God"s perspective on one"s trials when this is difficult to see. Presented here is a verse by verse exposition of the New Testament. . Is it sin to feel sorrow and grief in a trial? man’s anger. This title for the readers occurs15 times in this epistle (cf. ", ". Yet many who professed to love Him neglected it ( Psalm 68:5; Ecclesiastes 4:1; Mark 12:40). The writer pointed out the value of trials to encourage his readers to adopt a positive attitude toward these experiences, to endure them, and to view them as God"s tools. We can do so knowing that the effort will make us better this side of the grave, and it will yield a wonderful reward the other side of the grave. "Israel" can and does always refer to the physical descendants of Jacob whenever it occurs in the New Testament, just as it does in the Old Testament. In particular, it refers to the outward consequences of what one believes (i.e, piety, good works) rather than to what he believes or the fact that he believes deeply. [Note: See Buist M. Fanning, "A Theology of James ," in A Biblical Theology of the New Testament, p419.]

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