jacinda ardern marxist

Couldn’t agree more. If By the time they do see, it’s all ... Good bit of news on the short story front: my 1700 word fantasy piece, Fleeing to the Dawn, has been accepted for the Autumn 2020 edition of Shorts Magazine: This blog post is part 3 of a series of excerpts from, We knew that US Immigration and Customs Enforcement was a moral void: they run concentration camps, and forcibly separate children from their parents. Some consequences of Chloe Swarbrick’s win, NZ election 2020: Labour win is a watershed moment in the country’s history, This should have been the climate election, 25,000 more than when the government took office. Nothing to do with dairy farmers. Anyway I’ll wait to have a laugh when your thick utterings do get banned eventually creep. I recall National doing exactly the same. The evidence that our Prime Minister wants to socialise the means of production? “And you knew I was never going to answer that question in the first place, didn’t you?” he said before laughing. Rather than his smoking habit, this time the question was about Jacinda Ardern and it came from a man at a Grey Power meeting in Hamilton. I think Trump is doing a very good job and am taking bets that in 3 years he will get another term. The only reason I can see for making people apply is to give Robbo a chance to provide forms saying how kind the Labour Party…. It is no more a Communist (which is the intended inference) government than National was a Fascist government. Looks like you’re trying to bargain your way out of being a loser now. 3.5 % GDP growth,Unemployment at 17 year record lows,Petrol $2 .00 a gallon,isis wiped out in 12 months ,the place is booming. There seem to be only about 10,000 people in New Zealand who are not in the work force who have an income over about $98,000/year. However when you ask “Does Murdoch still own The Lancet?” you are certainly claiming that he did own the Lancet at some point in the past. The National Party spent approximately $167,000 more on Facebook than Labour or the Greens in the lead up to the recent general election but their strategy to use multiple messages across a broad range of topics – compared to Labour's one or ... It’s one of the loudest celebrations of the year, and SPCA is urging New Zealanders to consider all animals large and small this Guy Fawkes Night. Astarte? The Public Service Medal, established by the Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, is awarded annually. (I am calling you bloody ignorant, in case you had not noticed.). So who is confused? This implies the theoretical result is scientifically speaking, wrong. I'm not entirely sure. “I don’t think they have the first clue what to do about the business or exporting communities. No,” Peters said. A socialist government. All your fancy words mean jack shit to me mate. That was the most sensible part of the article. Categories: capitalism, class war, democracy under attack, jacinda ardern, labour, making shit up, Media, newspapers, Politics, socialism, the praiseworthy and the pitiful, you couldn't make this shit up - You’re just being silly there alwyn. Good one. Own it bunny.”. Lovely way of getting closer to the people from the exalted Presidential stance. Why would we really want to export more that we import? Got to go. Take another look in the mirror and ask yourself. Many of his comrades were killed in the battle. – Huge expansions in public housing spending. “The next three years will be very challenging for New Zealand. PPPs are a disaster because they always cost the taxpayer more in the long term than they do in the short term. Answer: how the fuck should I know? For the Dotcom team, and especially for Kim and his family, it is a mixed bag. Winston would have had nil power, and the majority votes would have been honoured. A Leap Of Faith – In Labour's Direction Of Travel. If capitalism’s befuddled, guilt-ridden apologists do not know it, two fully consistent representatives of altruism do know it: Catholicism and communism.”, via https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2015/6/21/1394420/-Pope-Francis-sounds-like-a-Marxist-and-so-did-Jesus, Have you even read the bits where Jesus talks about “love thy neighbour” and “it’s harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom on heaven than a camel to enter the eye of a needle” and “woe to those who do not help the poor, the sick, and the prisoner” etc etc etc. I am so proud to be standing here tonight, at the end of an ... On Election Night three years ago I stood up in front of you to say, “We are still here!” Well, tonight, not only are we still here, we are the first support party in MMP history to have started and finished a term in government above the 5% threshold. The less we can export, and the higher the price in foreign currency we can get for those exports the better off we will be. It’s just a baseless ad hominem attack, the #dirtypolitics machine is looking desperate. ... Today, just under 18 months after it heard the important Dotcom appeal, the Supreme Court has now delivered its reserved judgment. Damn shame, the banks are down $143 mill of money they didn’t have in the first place. indeed…I look forward to a Labour Leader who can call out the media like Corbyn.. “Jeremy Corbyn calls out Daily Mail editor: ‘Next time write twice as much about me’ No reira tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa. If we have a negative current account balance this implies we are ‘exporting’ NZ currency overseas. It’s just a baseless ad hominem attack, the #dirtypolitics machine is looking desperate. The left really need to step up with their own counternarratives. From 1969. Your imagination is running away with you. Good try mate. Fair enough but I am affronted – blackly affronted – that you pick me up on that slip while ignoring MS’s arse-over-tit tumble. We’re taking full advantage of the wealth of experience we have in our caucus, while also bringing ... A close preliminary result for Cannabis legalisation and control shows that we won’t know for sure what the result in until the specials come in, Green Party spokesperson on Drug Law Reform Chlöe Swarbrick said today. It is actually a Marxist term. And some people make sense as Deputy ... With our own election behind us, we now await another election – one whose result will matter greatly to us but which will not necessarily go as smoothly or be as democratic as ours was. You don’t climb ladders the way you used to. And now they're outright. I wish she was more of a socialist! I have read Das Kapital, and some other writings by Marx, but I cannot see how she is in any way Marxist. Height of arrogance, but petulant too. Comrades means something. If desiring a health system that rotates around an axis of compassion and care rather than money makes us red and under the bed, label away. +1 brilliant link. The last thing the Herald wants to print is anything about the real issues facing the country; Of course they don’t want to do that – that would highlight just how bad National is for the country and the world in general. Rather than his smoking habit, this time the question was about Jacinda Ardern and it came from a man at a Grey Power meeting in Hamilton. We can only dream about her being the person that destroyed capitalism and the selfish and dishonest society that it creates. The logic of the market is that your kids should be working for a pittance cleaning chimneys. You don’t have to spend it on electricity or anything. The only thing we will end up with is foreign currency in overseas accounts.

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