how was rhapsody on a windy night influenced by events in the 20th century

The logic of this follows the poetic techniques of Imagism, a movement founded by Eliot’s friend Ezra Pound. Her dress, meant to be attractive, is “torn and stained with sand.” This sand indicates that the woman has been outside of the city, active enough to tear her dress on the beach. For example, in David Copperfield by Charles Dickens, David is born at 12 and has a “veil” or sac over his face, which historically has been read as a sign the child born has prophetic or supernatural gifts. The hour is thought by some to be the best time for pagan or witchcraft rituals to be performed. This, along with the term “automatic” to describe the child’s hand, suggests that the child is an automaton, a soulless collection of impulses. The memory of the woman with the sand-stained dress and twisted mouth in the last four lines of the second stanza causes the speaker to recall memories of other “twisted things” in the third stanza: a branch on the beach and a broken spring. He has no will. “Rhapsody on a Windy Night” twists the romantic expectation of poetry to create a despairing view of life in the modern city. The street, a metaphor for the world, is “held” together by moonlight, whose magic spells synthesize the speaker’s perceptions and memory into an imprecise, undivided, irrational whole. This stanza is a meditation on memory, which, like the sea, “throws up high and dry” sense impressions, after consuming and breaking them. Midnight is the beginning of the “witching hour,” a time of night associated with supernatural events in folklore. His relationship with the world has intensified, as his imagination moves beyond the “as if” of similes, to the realm of personification. For example, they understand the dark imagery and fragmented structure to represent a futile existence, where society is fragmented and individuals are isolated and doomed to a meaningless existence. The image of the eye is also interlinked with the vacancy of the child's eye, the eyes in the street trying to peep through lighted shutters, and the feeble eye of the moon. The paper rose is another hollowing out of a romantic symbol. The cat could represent the bad luck associated with a pessimistic view of reality. The simile comparing the door opening to a “grin” is grotesque and sexual, suggesting an inappropriately garish open mouth. This poem is another version of the dirt and filth of the urban rubbish observed by the speaker while walking down a street in the midnight and reaching his residence at four a.m. The man taking the walk also sees a woman standing in a doorway: Who hesitates towards you in the light of the door, (The entire section contains 2374 words.). Prompted by his encounter with the woman, the speaker associates memories of other “twisted things” in the third stanza: a branch on the beach and a broken spring in a factory yard. She is kindly, but lost, as she “smiles into corners” and “smooths the hair of the grass.” The craters of the moon are figured as pox marks. My presentation "A Mending Wall" by Robert Frost Topic 1 "Mending wall" by Robert Frost, was influenced used some of the new writing techniques that were used in the 20th century, such as blank verse. You'll get access to all of the It’s a fake rose, being twisted as the poem twists old tropes. The quotation is in French, a nod to the French symbolist poets Eliot admired, and translates to: “The moon bears no grudge.” The moon is personified as an old, weak, sick woman who has “lost her memory.” In losing her memory, she has lost her history, meaning, and identity too, as the romantic symbol of innocence and love. The image of the moon reminds the speaker of the geraniums, shook by the madman in the first stanza. Log in here. In the fifth stanza, the poem returns to the speaker walking down the street, an hour later. Contact Us The theme is the passage of time, and the street- lamp at various times of the night releases the memory from its routine organization. The term 'rhapsody' was originally used for a portion of an epic poem, such as a book of the Iliad, adapted for recitation. In relating his memory to a dead flower, he implies that it had lost its life before it was reconfigured by his imagination. Others used the images to paint their psychological landscapes for the reader, exposing the connotative meaning behind the visuals. “Rhapsody on a Windy Night” by T. S. Eliot includes a lot more witchcraft symbolism than most readers realize. The moon here represents the connection between human culture and the natural world, which has decayed. It involves two rural neighbors who one spring day meet to walk along the wall Not affiliated with Harvard College. Is this a poignant moment, in contrast to the lack of connection with the child, or a terribly sad one, in that he can connect with an old crab at the beach better than any human he encounters in the city? "Rhapsody on a Windy Night" describes a town scene and is based on a musical idea. This struggle is expressed through two images, that of the street lamp and that of memory. The speaker tries to connect with the child, but encounters only emptiness. The fact that Cologne is capitalized makes it refer not only to an odor (i.e., an eau de cologne, a perfume), but to the city in Germany, which may be a historical reference. Rhapsody on a Windy Night study guide contains a biography of T.S. The lamp points out details of the man’s perception of the woman, all with negative connotations. | Many writers find their inspiration at night, or in the hours spent wandering along physical and psychological landscapes. Eliot • One event that happened in the twentieth century, that I believe influenced T.S. The street lamp continues to speak to him, up until he reaches his front door, and then directs him to the next lamp on the stair, and finally tells him exactly how to conduct his evening routine. Between 12am and 4am, the veil between physical reality and the supernatural world is supposedly the most “thin” according to some pagan factions, and many authors have made use of this idea in their famous works. BachelorandMaster, 25 Nov. 2013, Time is undeniably associated with notions of present and past, and it plays a significant role in 'Rhapsody on a Windy Night', hereafter in this article referred to as 'Rhapsody'. Memory reduces an object to its essence, the “secret of its skeleton.” A “factory yard” is a place which was once productive. Rhapsody on a Windy Night study guide contains a biography of T.S. (Just think of the cat in Sabrina, the T.V. The street lamp directs the speaker to notice a cat in the gutter, who devours rancid butter, representing the debasement needed to survive in the modern city. He walks along the reaches of the streets, where the moonlight has reduced all things to uniformity (silver color) and which seem to be whispering into his ears their stories of the night, their sordid experiences of men and their actions to which the streets have borne silent witnesses. This also brings the poem back to the motif in the first stanza, and the context for this night of lunacy. His imagination has left the street to linger on the beach and then in a factory yard. The lines “Her hand twists a paper rose,/That smells of dust and old Cologne,” brings back the word “twist” from stanzas 2 and 3. Some used the images without trying to attach deeper meaning to them, attempting capture the moment (the Imagists). The speaker continues to narrate in the past tense, the realm of memory, while the personified street lamp speaks in the present tense. Curiously, time has also slipped backward from the present into the past tense, becoming a memory related by the speaker in some unknown future. In a simile, the speaker associates the street lamps with drums beating, which means that they have a rhythm; they are either flickering or simply creating an alternation of light and dark as he passes. The lamp, both detached and omniscient, narrates what the man sees. The adjective “fatalistic” relates to the belief that all events are predetermined and therefore inevitable. And How They Were Influenced By the Events of Their Time Periods By: Hadlee Munday 2. Privacy and Cookie Policy So the title is ironic–it sets the reader up for a romantic revery and delivers the opposite, using a romantic form to express the decline of the modern age. In the poem "Rhapsody on a Windy Night," the "I" of the poem experiences, as he walks, a mental struggle between two views of the world, one active, focused on the moving present, and one passive, focused on the inert past. Details in this poem- including the sight of the street- lamps, the woman in the doorway, the smells, the memories- are derived from the novel Babu de Montparnasse (1898) by Charles- Louis Philippe. So you can imagine Eliot reading this out loud in one rush. 505 JS english 3.pdf - Rhapsody on a windy night Author T.S Eliot explain the ways in which the literary works were influenced by the events of the 20th It stimulates him to the remembrance of unlikely, confused, and mainly ugly things. Journey of the Magi: Summary and Analysis, Morning at the Window: Summary and Analysis, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock: Summary, About Us The street lamp directs him to notice a cat in the gutter. “Rhapsody on a Windy Night” by T. S. Eliot includes a lot more witchcraft symbolism than most readers realize. This location represents the debasement of living beings in modern urban life. In this final stanza the speaker arrives at home, finally, at 4 AM. Copyright © 1999 - 2020 GradeSaver LLC. This branch, which was once living, is now dead, “stiff and white,” consumed and collected by memory. Each of these can be read as metaphors for the woman, or as entirely fanciful associations. The speaker offered the crab a stick, in hope of connection, and the crab “gripped” it. Her eye “twists like a crooked pin” suggesting that she is not what she appears, and is also sharp, and able to cause pain. english 5.05.pdf - english 5.05 literary works influenced by 20th century events by desmond brown\"rhapsody on a windy night by t.s eliot\"rhapsody on a The first image it reveals is of a woman. The verb “Eaten” sounds predatory, while “polished” sounds like something a collector would do. “High and dry” can also mean abandoned in a difficult position. The absurd image of a lunatic shaking a dead flower enacts how far the speaker’s imagination has gone into fanciful associations. Shrestha, Roma. There is a complex tracery of closely interconnected images in the poem. This appears to be the vestiges of a romance that has passed, something that the moon holds onto after she has lost her memory of it.

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