how to introduce a spiritual speaker

“Would you please welcome to the stage, Timothy Hyde, the founder of”, “Would you please welcome to the stage, the founder of,  Timothy Hyde”. Many people get asked to introduce a speaker at an event and have no idea how to do it. You will also enjoy Lincoln Speaks To Leaders by Gene Griessman and Pat Williams. “Intriguing surprises and stories. Though it should be short and sweet, your introduction requires preparation and practice. You’re in a goldmine. Give yourself credibility. If it’s a professional speaker, the answer will almost certainly be yes. The information you see on is designed to help you become a better MC and/or grow an MC business. There’s another element that you can add into any introduction and that is a more personal touch. It’s usually better to end with the persons Name as the last thing you say. But  do your personal remarks PRIOR to reading the prepared introduction. Ask yourself, Will what I say really help the speaker be a success? Don’t fall into the trap of just reading out a long Biography that you are given.
Understanding these is an important part of the process of crafting a great introduction. Meet with the speaker prior to the event to get a feel for her personality and what types of things she'd like to highlight. Your introduction should be clear, concise, and focused. The Client has probably recieved this from the Speaker or copied it from their website and it was useful to them in selecting the Speaker for the engagement. They want to essentially know just three things. There’s a free sample at…. His was based on a framework taught in the Toastmasters Training. This allows you to start with a bang – to pose a question, state an alarming fact, interesting insight or staggering statistic. Make them smile, feel good. I love Toastmasters. Combining these 4 Parts together has a nice flow to it and it builds up to a strong finish. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. Read every word of your introduction aloud. He has performed at Ford’s Theatre, at the Lincoln Memorial, aboard the aircraft carrier the Abraham Lincoln, and before 25,000 at the Georgia Dome. The speaker or the speaker's publicist usually has a press packet you can obtain. Dr. Gene Griessman has interviewed some of the most famous people of our time, including David Rockefeller, Ray Charles, Mary Kay, Julie Andrews, Aaron Copland, Ronald Reagan, and Tennessee Williams. Your email address will not be published. Fun introductions for guest speakers, linking material and touching Thank You’s. He has been published in some of the world’s leading papers, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, and USA Today. Introducing The Expert MC - Inner Circle Your Shortcut to Success Timothy HydeFounder Join our Expert MC... A New Free Report from ExpertMC Publicity is a way for others to sing your praises for you. You really do. “This is a book to cherish and share.”—Bill Marriott, CEO, Marriott International, Inc. “Not only does Griessman give us Lincoln quotes, but he also weaves each one into a little jewel of an essay on that particular subject.” Wayne C. Temple, renowned Lincoln scholar, Illinois State Archives. We will show you later in the article how to quickly craft a strong Speaker Introduction. In the case of large international events this may even be a year or so prior! For over a decade, he was host of “Up Close” on TBS, the SuperStation founded by Ted Turner. Dr. Griessman has taught at the College of William and Mary, North Carolina State University, Auburn University, and Georgia Tech. Getting the media to write about you can be far more effective than the content you create... "Hi, I'm Timothy Hyde. Lincoln Speaks To Leaders by Gene Griessman and Pat Williams. Three. Once they are onstage and moving to the centre, everyone will be looking at them. Introduce the topic of the speech. Imagine that individuals in the audience are asking, “Why should I listen to this speaker?”  Your introduction should answer that question. The way you introduce a Christian speaker at your event will set the tone for the speech and help the audience understand why she's particularly qualified to be speaking with them. Learn 21 fascinating parallels between Lincoln and Obama. Follow Us on Instagram for Inspiration, Information and Fun! Ensure that your introduction is read properly. Choose the most significant ones and importantly, the ones that relate most to the topic and theme. It’s  hazardous to leave your introductions to chance. If you know the speaker really well, and feel that it will help if you tell something complimentary, go ahead and do it–briefly. This should alert you to the fact of a change early on. We will show you later in the article how to convert a Bio into an Introduction. Two. It can link the content or the message of the speaker to the theme of the event. It gives a chance for the Production crew to correct the sound levels, lights and be ready with any audio/visual cues. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to these and other companies. The answers to these questions should provide you with a fairly solid base to work from, especially if you are going to follow the Introducing a Speaker Sample Script outlined below. Hobbies and Sports Teams they follow are great ones, and I quite often ask … “what’s the essential album you like to listen to on a long car trip?”. It’s likely that the experienced public speaker has crafted that introduction word for word, sentence by sentence. You can use it as an Ice Breaker, to get Attention, to wake people up or as a quick filler. These are not Biographies! Full Details Here. Firstly, you should if at all possible talk to your speakers before you introduce them. My own introduction includes a brief paragraph for the person who makes the introduction that emphasizes the importance  of a good introduction. The first time I ever tried out a sample of my Lincoln one-person play was at a Toastmaster’s meeting. You want the audience to like you. A stirring, inspirational treasury of quotations from our greatest and most admired president, the book offers rich material for interpretation, reflection, and spiritual guidance. You will either see this when they are setting up on stage or you may be able t see it at the Audio Visual Desk if it is being controlled by the AV Team. We already have a specific  training that covers all the questions you should ask your client before an event, but here are a few that specifically relate to the introduction. The worst introductions I have ever received have come from individuals who thought of themselves as accomplished speakers, and who felt it beneath them to just read an introduction. Meet with the speaker prior to the event to get a feel for her personality and what types of things she'd like to highlight. In this quick guide, we give you several different frameworks that you can use, as well as plenty of sample scripts and explain the questions you must ask both your speaker and your client before you start. Advice for Individuals Who Introduce Speakers The speaker may in fact have a totally different theme or presentation to what’s printed in the Agenda or in the notes provided. This requires that you can contact the speaker before the event or at least have a few words with them on the day. Read the written introduction of the professional speaker word for word. As a parent and psychologist with a theological background, Ms. Firnhaber has some of the answers.". Depending on the circumstances you should really try and keep a Speakers introduction short and tight. Read about ExpertMC via the link below", A 120 page collection of Jokes, Lines, Quotes, Activities, Stories and Filler material that you can slot into any MC assignment. Often you will be provided with a Biography of the Speaker. Secondly, if the Speaker has a Powerpoint Presentation to accompanies the speech you can usually see the first slide. Check out the great power phrases and unusual quotations. Also take a peek at the speaker's website. Here is a very solid framework to start with that I have used for many years. I normally start timing a speaker after I leave the stage and they have started, but if they insist on a really long one or play a 5 minute video first, that should be part of their allocated time. Key Points of  a Great Speaker Introduction, There are many reasons why we have someone else introduce a speaker or an act rather than them just coming out on stage and beginning their presentation or performance. It involves everyone in the audience and gets a big laugh. I like to give the Speaker Introduction and gesture towards where they are coming from. In Sales terms.. you heard about the pain, now here is the solution! He has been listed in WHO’S WHO IN AMERICA and WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD. Offer details about the speaker that show the audience why the speaker is qualified to speak on the topic. An introduction is NOT a place to show off your own virtuosity. Don’t leave yet. It can be as short as just a sentence or perhaps two or three to frame the topic. Is the Speaker qualified to talk about the Topic? If you were introducing me for instance you could say …. I then move slightly to the side but wait for them. This book has helped thousands of MC’s around the world. And now for a few words about our speaker. “You guys are leaders in our community … “, “These changes to the legislation and going to impact you more than most …”. If it’s a professional speaker, the answer will almost certainly be yes. For example, Toastmasters are particularly guilty of this. Whether you’re studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. It really is part of the presentation.. Notice, I have been referring to provided Introductions. Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. Write your introduction for the ear, not the eye. He has served as a Fulbright professor at the National Graduate University of Pakistan. She received a B.A. Speakers sometimes are nervous, they might drop their notes, fumble with the control button for the slides etc. One. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. If you craft a wonderful Introduction, touching on the theme or the importance of the speech, it helps if it’s in alignment. Leave out details relating to where she grew up or how many children she has. There is a bit of a trend for having a video play before they actually come on. After saying her name, step away from the podium to watch her take the stage. It also allows a bit of humour. Full Details Click Here, BWC is a short piece of fun that I perform at most of my MC Assignments around the world. Tie this in with why the speaker is there. Your email address will not be published. When Dr. Griessman was a boy, his goal was to play ball in the major leagues. Continuously improve and revise your introduction. If you’ve ever watched a yacht’s sails catch a big burst of wind, that’s what a great introduction can do for you. What you will get in most situations is a Biography, which is not an Introduction and shouldn’t be read out “as is!” This is one mistake many people make. It might be a connection to the group, the venue or the cause. We Post  a few times a week and follow back all interesting MC’s! I'm the guy behind If you see there is an obvious change you can then find out more and alter accordingly. Test it before your mastermind group. And every time you witness a great speech, that you introduced well, you can think to yourself … “I helped make that a success!”. During this conversation you can check that the title and topic is much the same. For example, you might say, "We all want to know how raise our children to be better Christians. In reality however, not all professional speakers will provide you with a prepared introduction and most other non professional speakers will not provide one at all. Toastmasters International: Introducing a Speaker, Six Minutes: How to Introduce a Speaker, 16 Essential Tips for Success.

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