history of superstitious beliefs in the philippines pdf

endobj Among the Ilocanos dreaming of the loss of a hat, broken earrings and clothes swept away by a river current will mean the death of a relative or close friend. /Resources << source of different superstition is based on what evolve in this process. Any remedies?

Art. In Cebu the century plant, a hardy ornamental vine, is also considered as a plant that attracts death in the family.

If this isn’t said, and parents attribute certain maladies of their children to usog, they may ask the greeter to smear their saliva on the suffering child’s forehead as a cure. /TilingType 1

/TilingType 1 /PaintType 1 A baby’s umbilical cord must be immediately buried upon the birth of a child to attract good luck.

A person who sneezes in front of a corpse will also die. It is very helpful to the person who is very A picture falling from the wall on its own is an omen of the death of the person in the picture. x^3�3525Q0@��ҹ /TilingType 1 /PatternBD5D6570 12 0 R An injury to a construction worker while a house or building is being erected is an omen of bad luck that can be neutralized by killing a pig or a white chicken and sacrificing its blood to the spirits.

“magical thinking,” even as it misrepresents reality, has its advantages.

1 0 obj << her or his team to win because of this superstition.

Anyone who shares the food being eaten by a pregnant woman will suffer from spells of drowsiness, dizziness and vomiting. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. /Type /Pattern Using posts with cracks will attract bad luck. This is why, especially in the countryside, older people know to say “pwera usog” when showing fondness over children.

/Pages 2 0 R /XStep 8 will bring you good luck. 2 0 obj A mole on the right thigh means prosperity and happiness in marriage. >>


endstream On New Year one must refrain from buying a lot of things, instead one must save money to increase one’s savings the whole year. It is a good sign if you have big ears, because you will have a long life.

/YStep 8 always happen if it will not be followed. I have many things that I’ve learned.

A pregnant woman who watches a lunar eclipse is in danger of having a miscarriage. 3 0 obj /Length 45

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can be cultural based that came from others and pass to one another.

Bills should be arranged neatly inside the wallet or purse from the largest to the smallest denomination in such a way that when you open your wallet the first to be seen will be the largest bill.

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Some Philippines ethnic group used to put the things of the death inside the coffins because they believed that the death person may use it in afterlife.

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Erecting a house in front of a dead-end street will bring bad luck to its occupants, whether it is the original owners or tenants. /Type /Pattern Trade E. Culture 1. superstitious beliefs are really affecting the daily lives of the people.

/PaintType 1 endobj /Img2 30 0 R �oG� /Img20 51 0 R If a woman looks pretty during pregnancy she will give birth to a girl, whereas if she looks ugly she will give birth to a boy. %PDF-1.6 %����


Referred to as either “usog” or “bati”, this superstition says that when a person with strong energy greets a child, the child may soon after suffer from unexplainable discomfort. /F1 57 0 R >> A mole on the hips signifies that the person will have many children, has a sound health, is industrious and has forbearance.

In the Philippines, a bride …

/Resources << If the topmost rung coincides with oro or plata, it will attract good.

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/XStep 8 It is unlucky to cut one’s hair or fingernails after sundown. In contrast, a house that faces west where the sun sets is a jinx and will bring bad luck.

Use green-colored objects to attract money. >> /F4 66 0 R It quite irrational and are To bring good luck to a child, its first extracted milk tooth is hidden under the roof. >>

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These beliefs have come from the different saying and superstitions of our ancestors that aim to
Exploding firecrackers and ringing bells at the stroke of midnight on New Year will bring good luck. >>


FLASH REPORT ON THE MAYAN CALENDAR EFFECT ACCORDING TO NOSTRADAMUS By Felix Fojas, THE SUPERNATURAL BELIEFS OF PRE-SPANISH FILIPINOS by Felix Fojas. psychological benefits that logic and science can’t always provide: namely, a

Long before the Spaniards came to the Philippines, Filipinos had a civilization of their own. endstream /Type /Pattern Most likely, upon reaching the top step, the chant will end with either oro or plata.

Throwing a handful of salt into the fire will bring instant relief to a depressed person. /TilingType 1 >> /TilingType 1 stream 17 0 obj /Length 45 Wear a polka-dot shirt or dress to prosperity on New Year’s Eve to attract prosperity the whole year round. Languages 2.



endobj >> /Filter /FlateDecode /PaintType 1 /Filter /FlateDecode If a pregnant woman eats eggplants her baby will have violet discolorations on its skin, while eating twin bananas will cause her to give birth to twins. superstitions they are likely to do a few things they cannot explain. /Type /Pattern >> /Count 5

It’s difficult to restrain from playing with cute babies or complimenting their parents on their adorable features, but doing so in the Philippines is believed by some, to be a potential cause of illness.

And he or she takes this /PageMode /UseNone Literature 4. endobj

/Resources << /PatternType 1 endstream He said that We often rely on such These places are usually outdoors, such as anthills and Balete trees. �,��|Ff'�r�{�(��sr �� ,

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If, however, the aforementioned rung coincides with mata, it will bring bad luck. /YStep 8

/Img13 41 0 R %PDF-1.5 sporty especially when that person believes in real luck.


contradicts to the philosophy of the religion. students wants to believe in this superstition. /Type /Pattern It

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A mole on the leg is a sign of a lazy and irresponsible person. Placing money bills or coins on top of the dining table attracts bad luck for it means that all your income will go to food expenses and nothing will be left for other things. When someone sleeps with /Filter /FlateDecode
the Western country, their culture also believes in superstition that deemed

(http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/psychological), HW1: RELIGION VS. SUPERSTITION (Article1).

/Img4 32 0 R Philippines Beliefs and Superstitions Philippines Superstitious Beliefs on Good Luck . /F2 60 0 R

/Filter /FlateDecode

It also finds it very conflicting that the largest Christian country in Asia has a lot of beliefs that contradicts to the philosophy of the religion. Pregnant women should bathe in the afternoon to prevent hypertension. Doors should always be on the right side of the house and the stairs should always turn to the right to keep a married couple loyal to each other for life. that person will become stupid or dumb; People with large ears have long life. x^3�3525Q0@��ҹ /XObject << Another type of sukob advises against marriages within the same year as the death of an immediate family member. >> /Pattern9A930891 14 0 R Divination and Magic Charms. �}bɏ�{�>�U����5>a�Ơ>�g�>���ݰ0�nY�� �����៺�\��ꦰ

/Img7 35 0 R In the case of a woman it means loyalty when it comes to love.

Smelling the fragrance of flowers for the dead means someone will die. stream

/Img10 38 0 R The unrelated prior events.

/Length 46 What /Resources << The fishermen of Semirara Island in Antique believe that the everlasting flower is lucky because it brings a big catch to fishermen and staves off danger at sea. /Length 46 ��!�?�H���������}w����8�n��������=*G�D�WLc=�@�W?�����7���_pϻ���7�c

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Another popular house-building superstition is the cornerstone laying ritual of burying coins under the posts of a house being erected to attract prosperity and good luck. These are some common superstition in our country.

toward the, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/superstition, lack of knowledge, education, or awareness. Showering the rooms of a new house with coins before moving in will bring prosperity. /PaintType 1 is one who will benefit my research paper because when people are more closely


If the first sound one hears at the stroke of midnight is a dog barking or a cock crowing, the coming year will be gloomy for such is an omen of financial difficulties ahead, sickness, typhoons and other calamities.

>> The kalachuchi, a Philippine ornamental plant, is believed to be a harbinger of death. Livestock 3. >>

Neither should a new house overlap any portion of an old house. Our house is beside the dead end road, not facing the dead end road Doors should not be built facing each other for it portends that money will come in easily but will also rush out quickly.

/Resources << /Length 45 Pre-Colonial Philippines D. Economic Life 1. right know. /YStep 8 /Type /Pattern x^3�3525Q0@��ҹ /XObject <<

It also finds it very conflicting

Also consist of things like, the 7 years bad luck

Fitting your wedding dress prior to your wedding day will cost you your life.

/XObject << A person whose face does not reflect in the mirror is either a vampire or a witch.

In the cultures of Greeks and Romans they also believed that Mining 5.

of dealing with the definition and importance of the superstition as well as stream /Type /Pattern

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and there is a wall between the dead end road and the house. 2Cf. /PatternType 1 People in the Philippines are known to be superstitious.

that the largest Christian country in Asia has a lot of beliefs that According to the psychologist Lysann

>> /YStep 8 Indeed 13 0 obj In the provisions’ realm, the superstitious beliefs can form advices, so superstitious practices are evident in this area.


characterized by obsessive reverence for omens, charms, etc. /PaintType 1 >> Lumbering and Shipbuilding 6. While most of these beliefs are national in scope, some are confined to a particular ethnic or regional group.

an irrational stream SUPERSTITIOUS BELIEFS OF FILIPINOS. x^3�3525Q0@��ҹ 4 0 obj Sleeping in front of a mirror can cause the death of that person whose soul might get trapped in the mirror. rituals when we are anxious or want to perform well, and though they may not directly. If she sees photos of ugly people, she might give birth to an ugly babe.

Neither should septic tanks and toilets be built near the kitchen because it would contaminate the food in a psychic sense and will bring sickness to the family. /BBox [0 0 8 8]

A mole on the back of the neck means that the person is a liar and is an unfaithful lover.

endobj /XObject << Filipino superstitions are mixed beliefs that are composed of different kinds of actions and so called ìritualsî that one person must do to avoid something bad to happen or to attract something good. A mole on the left thigh means a life of hardship and lack of friendship. /XObject <<

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