guinea pig teething

Hold it from its back, and place it in your lap where you can find good light. Always monitor how much your guinea pig is eating so you know what’s normal for him. From day one, they are ready to go. Most commonly guinea pigs suffer from the teeth problems due to the inadequate diet, falls resulting in the chipped teeth, abscesses or other illnesses. © 2020 WILD SKY MEDIA. Knowing of specific conditions, including broken teeth or malocclusion, can help prevent or halt problems and allow for proper care of the guinea pig. If you answered yes to any of these questions, you pet might be suffering from dental problems. Two pairs of upper and lower incisors in the front are sharp and easy to see. Some tips include: Avoid generic “small animal” treats or toys. Guinea Pig Teeth and Their Anatomy. You must take care of dental issues immediately because improper tooth care can lead to death. is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. If your guinea pig's teeth become too long, they may need to be trimmed, which your vet should do to prevent injury. Timothy hay pretty much takes care of the job for you. When you eat it all day, your teeth begin to wear down. Is your pet unable to keep food in his mouth? If during the checkup you found that the tooth is chipped, you need to go the vet to trim or file piggy’s teeth, so these are even again. When their teeth wear down, they just keep on growing! The condition is known as elongated roots. They sit there and do their job well enough, but aside from that they are mostly unremarkable. Molar spurs can occur when the teeth do not wear down evenly or a guinea pig is in a poor diet. For example, elongated roots are caused by the continuous growth of teeth. Pay close attention to your guinea pig's eating habits. That is a material which is placed around the piggy’s jaw with Velcro straps. The cost to get a guinea pig’s teeth trimmed might depend upon your vet, but expect to pay anywhere between 80$-150$ on an average. A guinea pig’s teeth will grow their whole lives, which means you can end up with a piggy with pretty long teeth! Make sure there are no leaves and make sure the bark does not have any moss on it. Shape The World. “In a healthy guinea pig, the biting, chewing and grinding of food (especially hays, grasses and abrasive foods) will normally keep the teeth at the proper length — a length which varies somewhat from one guinea pig to another,” Guinea Lynx adds. However, you can feel the little bumps along the jaw line. Lastly, weigh your guinea pig on a regular basis. Your cute fellow will become used to it after a couple of times. I couldn't watch him do it, but he said it was like getting our fingernails clipped. Teeth chattering is often accompanied by the guinea pig showing its teeth, which looks like a yawn, and it means "back off" or "stay away." Besides, brushing your guinea pig’s teeth would only be a source of stress for them. Manufacturers make guinea pig toys and treats with their teeth in mind, so they should be safe. If you aren’t sure what you’re looking for, read on. Cheek teeth – premolars and molars are harder to see. With a little anesthesia, your guinea pig will comfortable have their teeth filed down to a safe size. Double check our guide to make sure you are on the right page. Check the gap of about 3/8 to 1/2 inch between the top of the teeth. Biting and gnawing helps to keep guinea pig teeth even and at a good level. Providing certain toys and food, doing frequent mouth checks and having a specialized vet are some ways to help keep the teeth in good shape. A vet’s advice is one of the best ways to ensure your guinea pigs stay healthy. In the wild, guinea pigs mostly eat grass the entire day, which has helped them survive thousands of years on this planet. What is the Best Way to Trim my Guinea Pig's Nails. Check them regularly and if you noticed that they grew past the lips, then the teeth are too long and you might need to get them trimmed. That’s where we come in, with this guinea pig tooth guide that will help you along the way. They are incredible little chompers, and you need to help your guinea pigs take care of their teeth. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; Copyright This enamel is only present on the front side of the incisors so that the back remains sharpened. Start to feel the gum line to the diastema gap and from the premolars to the molars. Anything with sugar should only be a rare treat (this includes fruit). One we will mention later. This is because pigs need a good diet for their well being, but they can only enjoy it if they have healthy teeth. Tooth and dental wellness are things that may be overlooked by new or inexperienced guinea pig parents, but they are vitally important to your guinea pig’s well-being. To identify if you pet is suffering from any dental related problems, answer the following questions: Have you noticed that the teeth are sticking out of your pet’s mouth more than normal? Guinea Pig Teeth Summary . This little known plugin reveals the answer. They might have some special restrictions for your guinea pig’s diet. You should also provide a diet high in vitamin C to keep the teeth healthy. Guinea pig teeth are strong but far from invincible. The animal wasn't in much pain at all. To treat maloccluded front and cheek teeth, these could be clipped, ground or filed. This plays a huge part in the guinea pig getting adequate nutrition and maintaining good health. If this happens, they can experience a lot of pain when chewing. Malocclusion, also known as poor bite, is caused by misaligned teeth. It's also advantageous to weigh the animal every week — changes in weight can signify a problem that requires a vet's attention. The procedure is straightforward and safe. Guinea pigs grind their teeth when stressed. guinea-pig1 image by Danil Kashirskj from Fortunately, keeping a guinea pig’s teeth healthy is not complicated at all! Instead, focus on making sure they have a healthy diet. This way, they stay a manageable size. If your guinea pig has overgrown teeth, we strongly advise a trip to the vet. Sugar is, as your dentist likely told you, a tooth’s biggest enemy. Most importantly, they must be kept at an appropriate length. Without proper tooth care, guinea pigs can develop cuts, sores, abscesses or overlong teeth that interfere with eating. Dental disease can make them suffer a lot and lead to difficulty eating, drooling, illness, and weight loss. Trust them! That’s what makes a guinea pig’s incisors so interesting. Having a good relation ship with your guinea pig who is not challenging to handle will help you to catch the dental problems easily. also participates in affiliate programs with Clickbank, ShareASale, and other sites. That is why we advise only buying toys or snacks that are explicitly for a guinea pig. Are you facing trouble with the odor from your piggy and its cage? Because a guinea pig's teeth are always growing, they need constant care to ensure that the teeth don't grow long enough to prevent eating. But this hay takes some serious effort to bite and chew. Moreover, their incisors are in a gap from the molars known as a diastema. What Are the Different Types of Guinea Pig Problems? So it is no wonder that many people ask: how many teeth do guinea pigs have? It’s also a good idea to call the vet if you notice your guinea pig has changed his eating habits or is losing weight — there may be an issue, such as elongated roots, that you can’t detect. Wikibuy Review: A Free Tool That Saves You Time and Money, 15 Creative Ways to Save Money That Actually Work. Josh has been raising guinea pigs for over a decade. Don’t give your guinea pigs wood to chew unless you know for sure it won’t be harmful to your pig. The upper incisors must fit snugly over the lower teeth. Now, if you were to go about eating timothy hay, it wouldn’t work out so well. Some dental diseases in these pigs also develop because of the lack of roughage that these little pets chew and wear down their own teeth, which grow continuously. Empower Her. A healthy tooth will be white with the faintest yellow tinge to it. Your guinea pig might not need biannual trips to the dentist, but you still need to help keep their teeth in good shape. However, you will notice that the rest of their teeth bear similar names to what we humans have in our own mouths.

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