guinea fowl vs turkey taste

They were like guards, doing outside patrolling during the day and sentinels at night. My guineas roost up on the top of our garden fence (15ft high) they free range during the day, but rarely leave our property, but then we have 15 acres that is mostly hilltop, so probably like the view for predators. They are great! I’ve never had a tick problem in the city, but obviously, I do have need of an alarm system of some sort. I have four Guinness and they are in a coop with my chickens. Honestly I could probably come up with 10 reasons…ours decided the trees were not good enough and used the neighbor’s porch railing. The chickens were terrified and featherless in many places. I live in the country to enjoy nature. Our neighbor down the road once had guineas, 4 bullying males who paid us many an unwelcome, noisy visit and terrified our free ranging chickens…I was constantly trying to chase them back up the road with a broom, probably providing free entertainment as a screaming banshee (a human guinea?). The girls can go on forever making their 2-tone call and the boys can really let rip if they’re upset. Can they be raised entirely on range? He was raised from a keep with our chickens and roo and he did great. 1. They’re also happy feasting on seeds and weeds, so you get a great all-round death-to-pests service in the one bird. Same sith the Guineas. I am not sure if there is a common denominator- ours were raised together from babies, housed together- though the guineas often decided to roost in the trees instead. Watching to see if this is answered by someone experienced. 5. They were, by far, the dumbest animals we have EVER had on our homestead. Guineas are not for everyone, but neither are chickens, or ducks, or dogs, or cats. Guineas are supposed to roost up high at night. i’m now on my third generation of guineas , all home bred. I guess one of our neighbors had a flock and they would roam around our yard from time to time. You could be potentially looking at a nest of 40 or more eggs! Mine are a ways from my house and have been so loud as to wake us (with all the windows down). Of course, my wife certainly read these warnings before but I don’t think she believed them. I, however, love them. I’ll tell you now that they won’t eat many ticks in a covered run. As mentioned before, very good at alerting when predators are looking at our birds like they are food. I think the reasons why or why not depends on what you want them for. But during the day one by one they disappeared. I have been told that the birds are not good to their babies, also I want them to be my pets , they won,t come near me, what can I do thank you. The study claims that the Guinea Fowl had one tick in their belly and up to 300 on their feathers. Worked well for us. Our back yard was terrible but I haven’t had a tick from the back yard in almost a year. I raised them for several years with chickens and never really had a problem with bullying. They have only been out during the day for the last 3 days and we do have to help them in their pen at dusk….hoping they will learn to do this on their own. Boys have one call, females have two. Right now I have three hens sitting on about 25 Guinne eggs. Haha, I just got rid of my guineas yesterday. I have a neighbor who keeps guineas, and they do raise a ruckus but I like the sounds of animals around. Thanks for sharing your experience! I think if we had 80 acres for them to roam they wouldn’t be such a nuisance! Will guineas complete with and maybe run off local wildlife. They actually forget they can fly!! I love my Guineas. On occasion we’d lose one or two to owls, bobcats and neighbors’ dogs, but we’d replace them. They go in their house at night and we let them out each morning. They like a good dust bath, but they won’t dig up garden or lawn to create one, although they will take advantage of open soil. All of my guineas nest in same nest area as my chickens. . Finally all the hens died off now I only have two OLD-OLD males. Questions… 1. yes, they’re loud. But just like any other species some may not be smart, but most of mine are smarter than chickens and def more entertaining. They were pen raised and learned to be “wild” guineas from our first one. The first one .. In their own way, they’re extremely intelligent. The goats and donkeys are louder than my guineas! They definitely preferred chicken feed, and at some point, they all decided they wanted to take charge of the chickens and began spending their days INSIDE the fenced chicken area, hounding and tormenting my poor girls. I’ve never owned guinea fowl but have admired & adored them for years. Science has come in on this. Within a month, I wasn’t seeing ticks on my dogs AT ALL. While I was away for a week the guinea wandered up nearby fields to a neighbour who has various fowl. This genetic trait explains why the occasional raids into our barns by raccoons and a coyote (once) – the guinea hens were skipped! Stupid, stupid, stupid. However, he also loves chickens and cats, so who knows. They’ll fly up to a roost in a tree, often to a height of 5m, and can fly for over 100m. Laughing out loud! Additionally, my guardian dogs have learned to come running when the guineas go off — now they are a very effective team to keep all sorts of predators out of my flocks of sheep and ducks and chickens. Wild dogs killed most of them. First of all you separate them from your chickens, secondly you eat the mean ones, meaning you keep one male to breed. There are a lot of stories there shared by people either with similar experiences or contradictory experiences. I also raise guineas and have for many years. They’re all free range with high fencing. I have four guineas and I love watching them. Sweetness: Accompaniments with some sweetness go well with the meat’s slightly gamey character, for example chestnuts, sweet potatoes and other root crops with a little more sugar. They know that My German Shepherd is there to protect them and the hens. I couldn’t spray, because my sheep ate that grass, so I had to find another solution. Now we only get a few every now and then. We had a huge flock of guineas when I grew up. I would like to add that the 5 reasons I wrote about below are in line with MY experience with guineas. Hopefully not. Call the sheriff’s office and report a stolen bird. I left feed only in the pens for confined laying females, young, and sickies. And they were so cute as chicks! They are cute and get on very well with my Staffie who has never chased anything, including the guineas they are ‘big friends’. Some people just don’t understand them, and for that reason they aren’t for everyone. The male is so sad and clucking up a storm. We love are birds. I keep dog out when the birds are loose for protection. They do fabulous job of keeping the tick population under control. I am much happier now that they are a little more contained! I was having trouble training a new dog not to eat my chickens and that problem stopped after these guys arrived. Beatrice has also been seen eating frogs and mice… Wondering if anyone else had this? Horrible mothers, they will lead their babies into wet grass and boom, dead babies. They did not attract them. My biggest fascination with these birds is that they look like little dinosaurs running around the (very small) farm. Today one of our chickens who has been picked on by the giuneas was dead when my husband closed up the coops tonight. I would 100% get guinea fowl. They are loud. They are good watch dogs and very funny, if you have the space you should get some, I’m going to try to get some again this year, I hope everything goes well this time. […] you have more traditional tastes, here are some turkey facts you can bring to the dinner […]. Then some of them cross the road for their meals.) Then, I let only one out for about an hour and got him back in. Ducks can’t roost so I have a chicken that sleeps on the ground in the coop with them. our keets just hatched … or pipped(?) Other than a few feathers floating around I don’t believe he was harmed except for his bully pride. If you have a well-concealed nest of eggs you might wake up to find mama guinea with her newly hatched brood ready to join the rest of the flock. Definitely not for everyone. My older chickens hold their own and they will peck at all the littler ones, including the guineas. And they do tend to think they can take on cars…. They come to our glass door and peck on it so that I will give them a treat of wild bird seed. They drove my grandmother nuts with their noise and we kids always ended up having to chase them out of her gardens…..and she had 6 foot netting fences around them too. I have had 1 hit on the road. But I got lucky cups I locked him up in his owe pen for 3 weeks away from everyone and when I turned him lose again he was the best behaved little bird you could get. And. I would bring up concerns, but also I wouldn’t worry too much about the dog, as long as it is in your yard it will be the guinea that is trespassing.

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