giant gourami tank mates

The Tiger barb fish is a very playful fish that enjoys swimming. You could try adding more to diffuse the aggression or adding some dither fish. These fish are considerably smaller than the gouramis – only about 2 inches. Also, the fact that the common plecos are bottom feeding algae eaters and Gouramis enjoy the top of the tank should give them both enough space. But it’s cool how FW gives a ton of options! She bullies the male and is good with the other fish in the tank but gets snippy and chases them at times, but doesn’t nibble on them…. It thrives in the same water temperature and environment so these guys are best friends in the making. These fish are peaceful fish that often require other tank mates in order to fill a larger tank and make a community tank. I was just wondering if there was any other sort of fishy friend that I could add into my tank. Someplace around 75-80°F is greatest.pH: 6.5-8.0Hardness: 5-25°H. Max Size of fish: 24 inches Pineapple Swordtail 9. Not only that, but they would complement the dwarf gouramis well in terms of appearance. Size : to 27 inches (70 cm), common sizes are around 17 inches (45 cm) (ref:fishbase), Water Parameters : pH 6.5 - 8 | Temperature range 68°F - 86°F (20°C - 30°C), Origin / Habitat : Asia - lives in swamps, lakes, canals and river systems, Temperament / Behavior : May eat smaller fish and may bully other fish and may fight with other giant gourami. Making sure a quality food is fed is huge. But, the, When you’re looking for a few good fish, Gourami fish are often referred to as, Learn to EASILY Track Your Aquarium Maintenance. I have some celestial pearl danios in with my gold gouramis as well as some blue swordtails. Be careful when choosing tank mates. It’s really a matter of how peaceful your specific Gourami is. Mollies are omnivores, which means that they will eat just about anything you offer them and will not really demand too much in that respect. They live for about 5 years. Regardless of its massive dimension and colorful finnage, this species was solely scientifically described in 1992 and is reported solely from parts of Northern Borneo. While the juveniles may demonstrate aggression, adult are very calm and quiet fish and due to this they are very often used for displaying in large exhibition tanks. The fish is ok when it is alone in a tank or it can live as a couple (male and female). The Bristlenose plecos are often better for smaller tanks because they are the smaller variant of the common plecos. The biggest problem here is a tank capacity. I think grounds keeper could be kept too; perhaps a couple kuli leaches, a couple amano shrimp, or a few pygmy coridora. I've been keeping a Giant gourami for almost a year and a half. Required fields are marked *. Max Size of fish: 1.5 inches Temperature range: 64-74 degrees Fahrenheit As a rule this fish is kept together with large cichlids or catfishes. This is false because they can still suffer the same deadly consequences of not having their water changed regularly. Use large stones and snags as shelters for the fish. But they are also very peaceful fish and they will be grateful for your effort and will reward you massively. I didn’t think there was, but my boyfriend wanted him and the lady at the LFS said they were friendly. Kissing Gourami Tank Mates. Maybe some other Gourami species? They also like to hide just as the Gourami, so tanks with sandy bottoms, lots of plants, and crevices for hiding are also welcomed. The owner of this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon properties including, but not limited to or any third party affiliated with It won’t be a good combination for either fish involved. I currently have one male Opaline Gourami, four Cory's, and an Oto in my 15g tank. While they may not be the largest fish in the aquarium, they’re the type of fish you’d want to have around if you’re into beautiful fish that don’t require tons of maintenance. Discus 11. The guppies are primarily grey with other colors on their fins, while the gouramis are colorful. They can get up to around 27 inches as adults, with the more common sizes around 17 inches or so. Zebra Loach 4. Young species often fight with each other, but they become calmer as they grow, however, adult males still can demonstrate aggression towards their rivals. pH range: 7-8.3. Some great tank mates for Gourami fish include Guppies, Danios, and Cory Catfish. Your email address will not be published. Giant Gourami, common gourami, true gourami. Different members of the genus are recognized to enter flooded areas in the course of the wet season. In terms of appearance, these stunning little fish display some interesting patterns and colors. © Copyright 2020 - SmartAquariumGuide. True gourami initially used to dwell in Greater Sunda Islands (Sumatra, Java, Borneo etc. Add lots of them to your tank. The Osphronemus goramy is the largest fish from all gourami species that are kept in tanks. Other Gouramis for sure, I has pearls, blues and dwarf, look great together also clown loaches, love the clowns. If you want to keep your Gourami the happiest they can be, keep them in large shoals. Allegedly drunk driver kills 3 riders, injures 9 others But it has more going for it; it is a very peaceful fish that likes to swim in schools of 5 or 6. Most often, they are found in lakes and smaller streams. That’s just the way he breathes. Max Size of fish: 8 inches does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. In theory the breeding process is easy – the fish form a couple, build nests from bubbles where the juveniles grow etc., but the size of the proper tank becomes a problem, because it has to be a huge one. They have very similar specifications – both are peaceful in terms of character, and both are quite friendly towards other fish of similar proportions and specifications. Keeping giant gourami can be recommended for experienced aquarists who have very large tanks, powerful filters, since the fish is a gluttonous one and produces lots of organic waste correspondingly. There are also some fish species that would not really be the best companions for the dwarf gouramis. It will accept most tropical fish foods including larger pellet based foods as well as crickets, worms, small frogs, smaller fish, etc. Max Size of fish: 4 inches pH range: 5.5-6.8. The male has high forehead, sharpened dorsal and darker body coloring, that becomes almost black during spawning period. I have angels and a mix of different tetras with mine. I have 3 of them in my 36. Since there are several different types of Danios, be sure to stick with the Pearl danio and Rosy danios. Topic: What are some good tank mates for a Gourami fish? Eggs will hatch within a day or two.

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