gerrymandering in squaretopia answers

The diamonds and dots represent voters. Suppose you need to make 7 districts of equal size. Featured on Meta Responding to the Lavender Letter and commitments moving forward. To keep politics and the potential for gerrymandering out of the process, state lawmakers and public officials are prohibited from serving on the commissions. By using ThoughtCo, you accept our, How the Votes Are Counted on Election Day, Why Puerto Rico Matters in the US Presidential Election, How Vacancies in the US Congress are Filled, How the US Electoral College System Works, All the Women Who Have Run for President of the US, Black Women Who Have Run for President of the United States, Shaw v. Reno: Supreme Court Case, Arguments, Impact, to favor a political party or one particular candidate for elected office, according to the Brennan Center for Justice, based on the decennial census every 10 years, North Dakota (Legislative districts only), South Dakota (Legislative districts only), Pennsylvania (Legislative districts only). Republican strategist Karl Rove wrote in The Wall Street Journal before the midterm elections in 2010: The Republican victories in statehouses across the country allowed the GOP in those states to then control the redistricting process taking effect in 2012 and shape congressional races, and ultimately policy, until the next census in 2020. What's the maximum number of districts that the dots can outnumber the diamonds and win. What's the maximum number of votes the South could have For such that a majority of all the voters combined together still voted Against? If the majority of the votes are For in two of the districts, the measure passes. Gerrymandering often leads to disproportionate politicians from one party being elected to office. the equal protection clause... legislative voting districts must be the same as the population size. The program began with successful efforts to regain majorities in key states including Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, Florida, and Wisconsin. And it creates districts of voters who are socioeconomically, racially or politically alike so that members of Congress are safe from potential challengers and, as a result, have little reason to compromise with their colleagues from the other party. "A state may take race into account as one of several factors when drawing district lines—but without a compelling reason, race cannot be the 'predominant' reason for a district’s shape," according to the Brennan Center for Justice. Here are answers to some common questions about rigged electoral maps, and the Revolutionary patriot for whom they are (perhaps unfairly) named. Divide each map into ten contiguous "compact" districts of equal size such that the Orange Party wins (A) 4 districts (B) 6 districts. How could gerrymandering improve the amount of minority representation in the house? The diamonds and dots represent voters. Gerrymandering reduces the number of competitive congressional races across the United States by segregating like-minded voters from each other. While these states take redistricting out of the hands of the entire legislature, the process is highly political, or partisan, and often results in gerrymandering districts. "The process is marked by secrecy, self-dealing and backroom logrolling among elected officials. Which piece of the constitution is against gerrymandering? using pencil, but you should make a final draft with clear, thick lines for me to grade. Suppose the dividing lines were drawn elsewhere. Quiz 3B, Math of Democracy Fall 2018, Dr. Adam Graham-Squire Name: 1. In the example above, the dots will win two out of the four districts in a vote. Here's an example: Note that in both parts, the oranges outnumber the apples. give voters real choice and ensure politicians are accountable. Explain/show your calculations. Cracking. partisan gerrymandering is potentially unconstitutional, but standards for measuring gerrymandering must established in the future. In the example above, the dots will win two out of the four districts in a vote. He continued: The most concerted effort to redraw political boundaries to benefit a political party in modern history happened after the 2010 census. Is there a way to divide the grid along the lines into 5 portions of equal area such that there are only two purple triangles in each portion? I, have made the diagram twice in case you need an extra copy. what are paths to prevent gerrymandering? Charles Ledyard Norton, writing in the 1890 book Political Americanisms, blamed Gerry for signing into a law a bill in 1811 "readjusting the representative districts so as to favor the Democrats and weaken the Federalists, although the last-named party polled nearly two-thirds of the votes cast.". The purpose of gerrymandering is to grant one party power over another by creating districts that hold dense concentrations of voters who are favorable to their policies. -proportional representation: multiple rep from each district, less districts. Redistricting is one of the most important processes in American politics. less incentives for moderation or bi-partisan cooperation, partisan gerrymandering is potentially unconstitutional, but standards for measuring gerrymandering must established in the future. What is the secondary goal of gerrymandering. sent back to lower courts. The picture above needs to be divided into two parts of equal area by cutting along the grid lines. For a limited time, find answers and explanations to over 1.2 million textbook exercises for FREE! Clearly the measure is going to fail, but it turns out a majority of voters combined might have voted For anyway! Some states also prohibit legislative staffers and lobbyists, as well. The project, orchestrated by Republicans using sophisticated software and about $30 million, was called REDMAP, for Redistricting Majority Project. The diamonds and dots represent voters. Learn more. Packing . Some redistricting commissions are expected to resist political influence and act independently from the parties and the elected officials in that state. It improves the amount of minority representatives, because minorities will vote for the representative that is like them. In states where they controlled the process of drawing congressional district boundaries, they captured seven out of 10 seats with only 56 percent of the popular vote. Wisconsin redistricting in 2011. in 2012 dem 53% vote but only have 39 of 99 congressional sears. What's the maximum number of districts that the dots can win? (a) What is the theoretical maximum number districts you could make for the Blue party? President Barack Obama, speaking in his final State of the Union address in 2016, called on both the Republican and Democratic parties to end the practice. This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 2 pages. For the Yellow party? Gerrymandering in Squaretopia This map consists of 100 squares, 40% of which are orange. It is recommended that you start. Gerrymandering has become common in American politics and is often blamed for the gridlock in Congress, polarization of the electorate and disenfranchisement among voters. Gerrymandering is the process of drawing political boundaries to favor one political party over others in an electoral system. But the political impact is much more significant. If democrats are only dominate in districts one and twelve will they ever win North Carolina? Veronica Ludwig. What is gerrymandering… No, because the democrats are outnumbered ten districts to two. designed to protect incumbents of both parties. Gerrymandering often leads to disproportionate politicians from one party being elected to office. The voters are divided into four districts of equal area, with lines drawn along the grid. Is gerrymandering fair in North Carolina? The four states that employ independent commissions are: Advisory commissions: Four states use and advisory commission consisting of a mix of legislators and non-legislators to draw up congressional maps that are then presented to the legislature for a vote. The voters are divided into four districts of equal area, with lines drawn along the grid. NOTE: Every part of the grid will be in one of the 5 portions. When the dominate political party spreads out the weak political party across a state. Consider the following Squaretopia, with blocks colored in for the Yellow and Blue parties. And it creates districts of voters who are socioeconomically, racially or politically alike so that members of Congress are safe from potential challengers and, as a result, have little reason to compromise with their colleagues from the other party. sent back to lower courts. take one parties voters and put them all together so they win, in one place.. wasted votes. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. (a) What is the theoretical maximum number districts you could make for the Blue party? Get step-by-step explanations, verified by experts. Is it possible to divide the picture into two parts of equal area in which the apples outnumber the oranges in one of the parts? asked Jul 28 '17 at 20:39. is unjust, if one person = one vote they should receive that level of representation under the equal protection law of the constitution. Some states impanel special commissions. When the dominate political party crams the weak political party into one or two districts in a state. The dominate political party redraws the district lines to gain an advantage for an election. Consider the following Squaretopia, with blocks colored in for the Yellow and Blue parties. The same was true for Democrats. I have made the diagram twice in case you need an extra copy. spread voting power... divided one parties voters and spread them up so none of them can win. How could gerrymandering improve the amount of minority representation in the house? Suppose the voters are divided into four districts of equal area, with lines drawn along the grid. When the dominate political party spreads out the weak political party across a state. In political systems where representatives are assigned based on geography, gerrymandering is an effective way to influence the outcome of elections. 39 3 3 bronze badges. Log in. The redistricting process begins soon after the U.S. Census Bureau completes its work and begins sending data back to the states.

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