general dialogue prompts

The note we’d found had said that the mystery person would be here at five, and it was half past four. Let that inspire your story. Please note that this post contains affiliate links to find out more information, read my disclosure policy for more information. … or share your own dialogue prompts with us in the comments. “Remember that time when…”, “Okay, okay, I’m here,” I said, rolling my eyes for effect. Dialogue writing prompts can be a great way of kicking off your dialogue – but they can also be helpful if you’re stuck for an idea or looking for an opening to a scene or a short story. It was a treat, a very special one, and she only ever brought it out if... We sat around the campfire in eerie silence, nobody wanting to bring up our predicament. What if you were in a museum and discovered a stack of letters describing the location of a buried treasure in your hometown? “All you have to do is…”, “It’s for you!” she called, after answering the phone. You're not distracted by furniture or waiters or sunsets. “You’re quite the interesting one, are you interested in coming with me to the other side?”, 36. What if you invented a new tool that could clean your whole house in fifteen minutes and you became a millionaire overnight? I was never getting back on there again, not with him at least. With the Genius Gift Giving System you will learn how to make creative, affordable, meaningful gifts for everyone on your list from the comfort of your own home in as little as a weekend. “Him? Welcome! “Requirements for my boyfriend? Pick up the book that's nearest to you. “You’ve messed with the wrong guy…. Another one followed closely behind. And if there is a genre you’d love to see me do next, comment e’m down below <3, Your email address will not be published. I’ve been warning them for years. “Well?! Using only dialogue, write a short story about an argument that gets heated. “Oh wow, that’s a great thing to say to someone! When you’re working on dialogue exercises, you’re not worrying about plot or where the scene’s headed. I would love to see them! We make every effort to protect your privacy. If you find it tricky to imagine a scenario from a starting prompt, try picking one of these prompts that might come slightly further along in a conversation. 62 Inspiring Dialogue Story Writing Prompts #138-199, 32 Terrifying Horror Story Writing Prompts, 20 Polaroid Inspired Bujo Spread to Try Out, 35 Interesting Sci-Fi Story Writing Prompts #103-137, 36 Magical Fantasy Story Writing Prompts #33-68, 38 Exciting October Story Writing Prompts #256-293. What if you could never leave high school, but instead had to keep coming back year after year to try and get perfect grades before you were allowed to move on? “The King is just a title I hold on other days, I also hold the title of… The Masked One on the others days.”, 47. Clean Writing Prompts If you use any of my prompts please let me know! Now that an evil robot is threatening to destroy the world, suddenly they come running back to me for help. Edward Cullen from Twilight? I've compiled a list of 100 writing prompts and story starters to get your creative juices flowing. “Someone came into my house, I can tell. No time to explain – gotta go.”, #28: “When did you last see him? I had to make a choice. Why can’t people just be happy?”, “In my next life, I want to come back as a butterfly.”, “I been thinking we should move to Alaska.”, “Why do you have that look on your face?”. “You’re the last person I would trust, but due to the circumstances right now, I don’t think we have a choice.”, 55. I’m killing them all.” / “Wait, but what about the plan?” / “Forget the plan! He wasn’t afraid of anything. “I might have. At some point in the story, have a character casually say something that hints at the ending. Ellen squeezed down the narrow aisle of the plane looking for row M. She stuffed her backpack under the seat in front of her with her feet and buckled up. But nobody listened to me. “It’s okay, you can come out, you don’t have to be afraid. Find the perfect editor for your next book. Maybe trouble has a way of finding me, but still, you need to be safe. I wasn't the stalker, after all. As you read this excerpt from Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants,” does the dialogue pull you along? You fix the mistake and continue moving through the stages of your life as you did before. I felt like I was going to throw up. Am I right?”, “Your mother wants us to come down for Christmas.”, “Finish what you’re doing. Yes, you. A flash of light flickered almost imperceptibly to my right, and instinctively I turned toward the stall that I’d just passed, but it was gone. Use only their stream of consciousness to tell the story. “After everything we’ve been through, I thought you were the one person I could trust. Good luck with the exercise you choose. Dialogue exercises are a great way to strengthen your ability to listen to your characters. :) these prompts can, however, be taken in any way as the point of a prompt is to inspire the writer. It was well past dark and I was the last person in the library. You jump in to save your friend without thinking and discover that in the sewer lives an entire species of... Leonard sat down on the park bench to tie his shoelace. They’d said they’d give me until sundown, and that was only a few hours away. “You’re crazy, but there’s a reason we broke you out from jail twice.”, 42. “What the hell is—-? “I told you to arrest him in the beginning, look at where he is now.”, 33. Write a story where the weather, atmosphere, or setting reflects the outcome of the story. We are going to be so rich!”, You have just five dollars to your name, and you decide to spend it on lunch at your favourite fast food joint. What if you travelled back in time to ancient Egypt and discovered that their world was even more modernized than ours and included more advanced technology but that they’d destroyed all evidence of these advances in an effort to protect future generations from making the same devastating decisions that they had? I was stuck in…, The shelves in the used bookstore climbed higher than I could see, I’d never seen so many books before in my life. That's when I realized that I'd been duped. Most of these are geared toward contemporary mainstream stories, but I’ve thrown in a few that go more in the direction of historical, mystery, thriller, romance, fantasy, and science fiction. “Are you coming or not?” he demanded as he took a few steps further into the... “Is there anyone in there?” I wondered aloud, staring up at the gothic castle. It never occurred to me that it would actually work. Let me see the wound.”, “The issue is that you won’t stop talking!”, “Do you ever just… wish, that someone would care?”, “There’s your problem. Close your eyes, turn to a page, and point to a sentence. Just then, a woman approached and held out a thick, red leather-bound tome. Copyright © 2020 Daily Writing Tips . What if you were reading a list of writing prompts, and you realized that every sentence that came out of your mouth was, in fact, a writing prompt and that you were compelled to write a story for each one? With that, I learned how to do it on my own, so I am the type of writer who really appreciates something like that. “You should’ve done your research before you decide to go after me.”, 39. “Oh my god. They have no one to blame but themselves.”, (from Dialogue Prompts & Writing things, theunamazingauthor), #6: “I made breakfast, but I didn’t know what you liked so I made enough to probably feed a small tribe.”, (from #100 Dialogue Prompts to Make a Reader Swoon… (Okay maybe not all of them), Yasmine), #7: “Hey! These prompts are for those who are looking for non-swearing, and just in general, clean prompts. I answered it with trepidation…, It was my seventeenth birthday, and I’d been planning the party for months. “Why are you here? Maybe they’ll actually listen this time. I have to find…. No, he’s a nobody in my life starting from now.”, 62. I’ll turn the clock right now to show you.”, 21. He was the bait, and I was the target. Without thinking, I took off after him and…. What do you think? Until now. “We’ve invented a cream that actually makes people more beautiful. “I’m the last person you want to face right now, otherwise known as the Final Boss in the modern world.”, 37. “Grandpa? It’s just something I’ve always been able to do. Something was in there. “This is one you seek,” she called out to me. You’re sitting in my seat.”, #15:  “Let’s hear your side of the story.”, #16: “I don’t know what happened, officer.”, #18: “Right, who’s drawn the short straw this time?”, #19: “I don’t even hate you. I feel so special!”, “N-no! A loud crash sent me thundering down the stairs to the kitchen. “What are you? the world's largest writing contest. What would it be? Sometimes I wish I could just get into a waterproof bubble and float away, forever, away from all of this. I did it. Please enjoy. Are you in the witness protection program, or what?”, “When was the last time we had a real conversation.”, “I’m so sick of all this gloom and doom. I couldn’t run the risk of anyone seeing the words I’d etched into the back of it, the ones that would save my life if anyone ever…, “Have you ever driven one of these before?” I asked James, trying not to let him see how nervous I was. In essence, you're closing your eyes and giving your complete attention to the subtext of… I'd been tracking him all day, and I almost had him, but I had to wait until he was under a tree before I could pounce.

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