fish names in tamil with pictures

Thanks.. Magur, Shol, Tangra, Koi. plzzzzzzzzzz tell me,what is indian fish ---marral,found in hyderabad, called, in usa or in english? My wife is a vegetarian but she cooks fish for me and the kid especially. kudos to your effort !the information is a treat for fish lovers like me Thanks a ton !! Very useful and more type of fishes names given.. thank you, I agree there was a great deal of work and labour that you have put in, but there were a number of errors in bangali names, I am not sure about the others. I will now try different fish when i hop to the market, Great!!! Thank u for posting.Could u plz tell me what is the english name for sheri? சமையலறையில் உள்ள 3 பொருட்கள் போதும் உடல் முழுவதும் வெள்ளையாக..! A popular fish in middle east espc. )Thanks for this informative glossary. Very helpful especially Fish lover like me. i'm very much thankful to you, you deserve a great applause, good keep it up. compact with pictures....i dont have words to appreciate .....thanks a lot for helping thousands of people in this regard....thanks a lot. Bookmarked. Menu. This comment has been removed by the author. Thanks for visiting us. Dear Readers, you may leave your valuable feedback's , queries or criticisms regarding any of the posts and suggestions here. This is indeed helpful. Amazing!!. Check the picture of Murrel in this page, and see if its the same you are referring to. namesAra in Sinhalese (සිංහල)Augenfleck-Schlangenkopf in German (Deutsch)Avalu in Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ)Aviri in Tamil (தமிழ்)Aviu in Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ)Bhaura in Nepali (नेपाली)Bohr in Hindi (हिन्दी)Bral in Malayalam (മലയാളം)Bullseye snakehead in EnglishBullseye snakehead in Spanish (español)Chaeru veraal in Malayalam (മലയാളം)Channa marulius in French (français)Coaree veralavuree in Tamil (தமிழ்)Curuva in Malayalam (മലയാളം)Dowlah in PunjabiGajal in Bengali (বাংলা)Gajar in Bengali (বাংলা)Giant snake head in EnglishGiant snakehead in EnglishGozar in Bengali (বাংলা)Great snakehead in EnglishHaal in Assamese (অসমীয়া)Hoovina-mural in Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ)Intiankäärmeenpää in Finnish (suomen kieli)Iru viral in Tamil (தமிழ்)Kalamasa in Marathi (मराठी)Kæmpe-slangehovedfisk in Danish (dansk)Kubrah in PunjabiMadinji in Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ)Maral in Marathi (मराठी)Nga-yan-daing in Burmese (ဗမာစာ)Ngamuporom in ManipuriPa gooan in Lao (ພາສາລາວ)Pa gooan in LaotianPa kouan in Lao (ພາສາລາວ)Pa kouan in LaotianPba gooa in LaotianPhool-mural in Telugu (తెలుగు)Phoola-chapa in Telugu (తెలుగు)Pla tjon gnoo aow in Thai (ไทย)Pool-a-malle in Telugu (తెలుగు)Poomenu in Telugu (తెలుగు)Pumuri in Hindi (हिन्दी)Pumurl in Hindi (हिन्दी)Puveral in Tamil (தமிழ்)Saal in Oriya (ଓଡ଼ିଆ)Sal in Bengali (বাংলা)Saul in Nepali (नेपाली)Saura in Nepali (नेपाली)Sawal in PunjabiSawl in PunjabiTrey raws in Khmer (ភាសាខ្មែរ)Vral in Malayalam (മലയാളം)Zmeegolov-maruliy in Russian (русский язык)पुमुरी in Hindi (हिन्दी)सोरा in Nepali (नेपाली)सोल in Nepali (नेपाली)গজার in Bengali (বাংলা)ਸਾਵਲ in Punjabiਕੁਬਰਾ in Punjabiஅவிரி in Tamil (தமிழ்)அவீரீ in Tamil (தமிழ்)கோரி வராலவுரீ in Tamil (தமிழ்)பூவிரால் in Tamil (தமிழ்)పూల అ మల్లి in Telugu (తెలుగు)ಮದಿಂಜಿ in Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ)ചേറു മീന് in Malayalam (മലയാളം)ബ്രാല് in Malayalam (മലയാളം)巨鱧 in Mandarin Chinese巨鳢 in Mandarin Chinese眼鱧 in Mandarin Chinese眼鳢 in Mandarin Chinese西氏鱧 in Mandarin Chinese西氏鳢 in Mandarin Chinese. Amazing work !!. தமிழ்நாடு பொதுப்பணித்துறை வேலைவாய்ப்பு 2020..! Its a wonderful article. I also would like THANK YOU SO MUCH for this great job. Thanks for the post.I would like to add few Bangali names in the list.Ray Fish -'Shankar Machh' . Thanks alot .I was looking for a list like this for a long time ,finally found something helpful. Thanks, it was really helpful. Photos; Information; Home/ Tamil nadu fish Tamil nadu fish. Its good to be here, very nice post, the content is amazing, keep posting friend it will be very helpful for everyone, Thanks for sharing. Thank you. UAE,Oman. Thanks, Exelent post,very much useful information,hatsof to the author. சென்னை சிப்காட் வேலைவாய்ப்பு 2020..! appreciate the effort. thank you loads. All fish looked the same :) So here you find the local names and their english names along with pictures so that one can identify the fishes easily with no further confusion. Such a great site. Some confusion abt king fish and seer fish. the best blog i hav seen in my has been very very useful thanq u sooooo much. Good work. 100 Most popular Fish names with images - Sea fish , Freshwater fish, Broccoli, baby corn and Mushroom Tak-a-Tak. Stories of Shivaratri - சிவராத்திரி கதைகள். Hi,As per my knowledge "snakehead" is called "koramenu" in is not koramenu, but a substitute for koramenu in USA.Excellent work you have done. Butterfish is a market name for several different types of fish.Mostly for the oily or butter content in these fishes they are locally known so.Escolar is often sold under various names like "butterfish", "Hawaiian walu" or "super white tuna".Butter fish is also known as chinese pomfret or white pomfret fish or pompanoAmerican butterfish is also known as dollarfish, shiner, skipjack, sheepshead, or harvestfish.Black cod or sablefish is also sometimes confused as butterfish in some placesIn kerala King fish and Punnarameen / Poonara meen(Greater amberjack) are confused as butterfish. Thank you very much, A wonderful site.

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