famous chinese poem about friendship

Only then will I cease to love you! The allegorical poem is now used to describe kinship and to warn against harming one’s own flesh and blood over trivial matters. 千里孤坟,无处话凄凉。 Forever may this be unchanging It can mean that their love is greater than those on earth (that is being day and night together) or that it is their joy in seeing each other. For pilgrimages as a monk I vie, 我生君未生,君生我已老。 He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs. Scottish Proverbs on Friendship (16 Proverbs) There is no friend, to a friend in mister. How do Chinese people view friendship? 3.需要之时方知友 Years and months suddenly go by. 7. That engages couples through life and death? I am from the other school of where the original meaning or intent is most important. 拟把疏狂图一醉, Surrounded by dewy grass at sunset, Not believing they’ll return to dust like orioles 像陰影一樣 The poem comes from Yuefu folk poems of Han Dynasty. 江水为竭, Not having played The poem was composed of two parts, but it is the second part that is more circulated today; Chinese parents tend to use it to educate their children to cherish food. huàn nàn jiàn zhēn qíng péng yǒu zhī jiān yě huì báo chí jù lí the game of chess I think I am reasonable good. 1. 自我的唇上飘落。你的手指 化蝶去寻花,夜夜栖芳草。. 尚未存在…… Even in today, nearly 30 years after his death, Chinese youths still worship his poems and look to his work for consolation when they feel disappointed in reality. When will the river no more flow? in most languages poetry loose the meaning In transalation, I’m drenched The poem has been included in the literature curriculum in mainland China and was found empathy with by generations of Chinese. Required fields are marked *. 在監獄裡 You regret that I was late born, This poem surrounds the Yangtze River to express men and women’s sentiment of lovesickness. We’re busy all about, Cao Zhi came up with the poem, moved his brother and was thus spared. 6.什么人交什么朋友。 The Tune of The Wild Geese’s Tomb 《雁邱词》 by Yuan Haowen, 问世间情是何物,直教生死相许。 8忍顾鹊桥归路。 On their return routes, unwillingly to look back at the Magpie Bridge. I do not mind that my clothes are getting looser. You were not when I was born, That’s the best scenery I have ever found. 山无陵, 5. 长命无绝衰。 If you do find one please be kind enough to let me know. 君生我未生,我生君已老。 9. at the age of seven. © 2020 Chinese4kids.net All rights reserved, Use Role Plays to Motivate Children to Learn Chinese, Mid Autumn Festival Chinese Vocabulary Learning, Summer Theme Chinese Learning Pack for Kids, Learn Chinese Vocabulary with 10 Famous Chinese Proverbs, Halloween Chinese Learning Ideas and Activities for Kids, What Kids Need to Know About Mid Autumn Festival Celebration, Chinese Visual Calendar for School or Home Use. Culture Trip stands with Black Lives Matter. On this road by Fen River, the old pipes and drums I no longer know the difference The Hu horse leans into the north wind, 君子之交淡如水。 “The friendship of a gentleman is insipid as water.”). Unlike the stream you are not in view, I need the Poet’s name please. And sleep on the fragrant grass every night. Vain to evoke the ancient ghosts. Above are the most known excerpts from the Ode of Mulan, a long poem said to be composed in the Northern Wei dynasty (386 – 543 C.E.) I was not when you were born, Its partner kept soaring, wailing above and finally killed itself by plunging on the ground. On And On, Going On And On《行行重行行》 (Eastern Han Dynasty). The five-character verse written by the great Tang dynasty poet Li Bai (701 – 762 C.E.) I was not when you were born, But drinking to escape offers no reprieve. Friendship never knows decay. I would rather drink to intoxication. Alas! Chinesetolearn ♫ learn Mandarin in a fun way ♫ Skip to content. I am struck by the beauty expressed by those I read here. A hedge between keeps friendship green. The language of the poem is plain but expressive and easy to recite by Chinese readers. The line “Insignificant waters become, when sailings to the oceans abound. Friendship is therefore an essential part a child needs to learn. 12. 只愿君心似我心, Unlike Chinese tongue twisters, which are just for fun, these poems have great cultural significance, passed down from generation to generation. 听你说,你仍爱我,听你说 你立在风中,裙也翩翩,发也翩翩, 覆你的耳朵于我的胸膛 水 here means rivers like in English “waters” When will my grief no more grow? 纵使相逢应不识,尘满面,鬓如霜。 望极春愁, Only lines of tears coursing down. 除去巫山不是云.over there the focus is not that the Wu’s clouds is the best scenery i see, but the focus is all the others are not in my eyes then. 6柔情似水, Tender is their love like flowing water, What do you mean by “official”, you mean an English book about Chinese poems? Just stumbled onto this site as I was searching for something else. dōng xī shì xīn de hǎo, péng yǒu shì lǎo de qīn The poem is full of a woman’s deep concern over her husband in the foreign land. 嗯,我听见了,我一定去. 知道區別 Literally, turning back his head for a second look at the flowers (women) Cold thoughts, where can I talk them out? can anyone However, this destroys the local flavor and not the original meaning intended. 定不负相思意。. to tell the fictional story of Mulan, a girl who takes her aged father’s place in the army in disguise as a man. Lonely grave a thousand miles off, Chinese proverbs can be taken from literary works, social expressions, as well as sayings from both famous people and common folk. Abraham Lincoln says, “The better part of one’s life consists of his friendship.” Friends are so important to all of us. 银汉迢迢暗度。 上邪! You were so distant from me. O where can it be found? The clouds at Mt. Describes how they feel in the meeting. 再上次,在洛水之滨 When it thunders in winter, the battlefield 江水为竭, As I look into the distance, 草色烟光残照里, (Scottish Proverb) If ye wanted me, and your meat, you would want ane good friend. The traveler does not look to return. Among the earthly mortals, I ask: what is Love Great compilation! You were old when I was born. Ten thousand miles of grey clouds 和 横汾路,寂寞当年箫鼓,荒烟依旧平楚。 形象與現實之間 5便胜却人间无数。Greater than those countless in the mortal world. And mountains of night snow? The stubby pines. 山无陵 Snow falls during the summer 1. Jade dew, another poetic expression for fleetingness – gone by late morning. Clouds float like works of art, Wu. Day by day our parting grows more distant, I was old when you were born. A post shared by Alice_hu (@alice_1220) on Jul 25, 2017 at 11:27pm PDT. 你立的地方喷一株水仙 The allegorical poem is attributed to Cao Zhi (192 – 232 C.E. Autumns, awaiting the poets of later generations The falling stars represent the fairy lovers as they crossed the Milky Way Misty clouds circle mount Wu around, that’s the best scenery I have ever found.” expresses that the poet will ever fall in love with other woman except for Yingying. Abstinence from sex, desires etc is a no-no when trying to seek enlightenment in Tao. which has yet to come Golden wind, poetic synonym for autumn. Abandoned, I will say no more, 10. Can be fulfilled no more. The first verse of the poem Crying Ospreys that expresses a man’s loving feelings toward a woman is so widely known in China that the phrase “窈窕淑女 Yao Tiao Shu Nv” has become a proper term for fair ladies. When it snows in summer Powered by  - Designed with the Hueman theme. ‘Til the mountains crumble Stars shoot with grief at heart, He loved his wife so much and composed this poem to express his feelings. 象棋遊戲 The poem borrows this traditional love story to express human‘s joys and sorrows. Just for a view of the wild geese’s tomb. 忍顾鹊桥归路。 The earliest existing collection of Chinese poetry, Shi Jing (Book of Songs), dates back to as early as the 11. 天南地北双飞客,老翅几回寒暑。 Misty clouds circle mount Wu around, 君应有语,渺万里层云,千山暮雪,只影向谁去。 And I am English before someone harps on about being racist. Famous Chinese Quotes, Proverbs About Love, Life & Success 2 Comments Chinese quotes, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, quotes. 金风玉露一相逢, You turned and looked, not speaking, 我住长江头, The verse “Give me your hand I’ll hold, And live with me till old!” has become the best love oath for later generation lovers. I was so far away from you, 再好的朋友也有分手的时候。 乃敢与君绝!. The breeze gently blows. There are 12 Chinese proverbs on friendship I would like to share with you and your child. These poems are often writing in an archaic style of Chinese writing. 君恨我生迟,我恨君生早。 I don’t try to remember, You were old when I was born. Though it’s been over a millennium since the poem was created, it’s never out of date. 7.东西是新的好,朋友是老的亲 When sailings to the oceans abound. All the love scenes on earth, however many, fade. 尚未到來 料得年年肠断处,明月夜,短松冈。. (Chinese Proverb) With true friends (Chinese Proverb) A man should choose a friend who is better than himself (Chinese Proverb) Better to drink the weak tea of a friend than the sweet wine of an enemy. Ten years, dead and living dim and draw apart. 3. When hearing this touching thing, the poet buried the pair of geese beside the Fen River and named it “The Wild Geese’s Tomb”, he then composed this poem to praise their loyal love. xǖ yào zhī shí fāng zhī yǒu beì hòu shuō hǎo huà, cái shì zhēn péng yǒu 凤凰死后还有凤凰 For ‘mid old friends, tried and true, Once more we our youth renew. (Scottish Proverb) Friendship stands not in One side. Chinese Proverbs on Friendship (25 Proverbs) It takes a year to make a friend, but you can lose one in an hour. I’m already wounded and slain Heaven and Earth come together You were not when I was born, 强乐还无味。 Omar, It’s tough to find good translators for poetry. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); China Whisper © 2010–2020. However, I will not apologise as too many do, for current Western liberal ideals (despite some recent bizarre transgressions) Many thanks to all contributors. 君住长江尾。 3. Thinking of you makes one old, And I wished to have been born together, 冬雷震震 How about simply translating character for character. Good luck to you. 5. Year after year will it break my heart? The poem is found easy to remember even by kids thanks to its plain and childlike language; it describes a vivid picture of geese playing in the water. 对酒当歌, What an amazing just wondering where you get the eng sub did you translate them your self any way it so beautiful. Cherish friendship in your breast – New is good, but old is best; Make new friends, but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold. – Joseph Parry 听我的心说,它倦了,倦了 But forgetting is hard. Insignificant waters become, Wu are magnificient. Did you translate the poems yourself? Many a flower I pass by, I am not, 我濕透了 NOT have someone else decide for you as is the patronising English manner. 当我死时,你的名字,如最后一瓣花 Also wails in vain. We really should be humbled by these lines, many written when “The West” quite so uncivilised. 握在我手中,让我开启 The funny thing about these Chinese poems is that they may not make sense to the average Chinese learner. This is one of the poems the great Chinese poet from Song dynasty, Su Shi (1037 – 1101 C.E. 4. He’s believed to be a literary talent and a representative of modern lyrical poets. Your email address will not be published. 天也妒,未信与,莺儿燕子俱黄土。 你踩过的地方绽几朵红莲 But once you understand their true meaning, they can convey plenty of truth and wisdom. 春天死后还有春天,但至少 (Scottish Proverb) Giff, gaff, makes good friends. Second looks I bother not to try, To fight with Chen and Song. Here I compiled a number of well-known love poems from China’s long literary history, though some of them were written by unknown author, all these poems remain alive and on people s lips since they were written. Staying paired is happy, méi yǒu shí quán shí měi de péng yǒu 无言谁会凭栏意。 3银汉迢迢暗度。Long is the Milky Way as they cross in silence. 是一串串钥匙,玲玲珑珑 b. alluding to the story of Mt. Double meaning. I am an Engineer/Scientist but very interested in Poetry translation. 两情若是久长时, Who are coming, rhapsodizing and quaffing Shortly after the poet Haizi wrote this poem in 1989, he committed suicide by lying on the railway track. Heaven envies the geese, The five-character verse was written by Tang dynasty poet Meng Haoran (689 – 740 C.E.) Building walls high and low. The poem was said to be written by Tang dynasty poet Luo Binwang (about 619 – 687 C.E.) 8. While I lean against the banister of a tall tower, As an admirer but non-Chinese speaker, although accepting poetry is not easy to translate to another language (I even struggle with my schoolboy French!)

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