ed shaughnessy kdka radio

God Bless you! May the family find comfort in the love of famly wnd friends during this difficult time. Always the consummate professional, he was absolutely dazzling on stage. He left KDKA for a job offer in Florida, and hosted talk shows at stations in Miami and West Palm Beach. Ed was of course our super star drummer. Even Letterman and Leno admit that Carson was King. Thank you, Ed! RIP. May God bless the family at this difficult time and bring you comfort as you recall the many happy memories that you shared. Amen.-Roman 15:33. It was a simple time, for sure. Please accept my condolences and may the peace of God that excels all thought comfort the family members during this time of sorrow. His drumming talents added alot of comedy when Carson's jokes failed!! One thing that I never tired of after all these years was playing with the crystal radio. Morning personality radio on KDKA has a 50-year history that dates to "Uncle" Ed Schaughency, followed by the late Rege Cordic and the legendary "Cordic & Co." (1954-1965); Art Pallan and the late Bob Trow (1965-1968); Jack Bogut, now the morning host on WJAS-AM (1968-1983); and Cigna, starting in 1983. "1020" folks remembering them? Both shows would use materials from the Kecksburg event on many an autumn night show for years, Especially the Kings on their Halloween night broadcast. May the God of all comfort be with the family and friends of Ed Shaughnessy. I would be dressed for sledding before she got the word of the closing, I was getting my reports via a crystal radio with speaker that was to soft to be heard downstairs. Also, a moot point but exceptionally special memory of the mellow voice of Edwin Lester Schaughnessey, a. k. a., "Uncle Ed" & wife Gertrude, a special part of KDKA radio & TV going back many years. The media pursued his story since there were numerous accounts from others, that an aerial object was seen over a large area including many reports from the greater Pittsburgh area. I was at a jazz concert in Heckscher Park Long Island in 1969. And drumming away with greats like Krupa. Ed you are an inspiration to all musicians. I always had a leg up on my mom when the schools were closed. Psaumed 65:2. Offering my deepest condolences during this difficult time, I'm so very sorry for your loss, death is something we are never prepared for, but please find comfort in knowing sickness, pain and death will one day be no more. My sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Ed Shaughnessy. Rob Weisner I was sent from the room while they discussed it some more and it was time to leave. ES was one of them. ( Log Out /  They showed him what I did and he looked at the principle and the teacher and said “the kid is smart” and “If you were smart, you would realize that”. I know this is an old post but if you still see comments thanks for your memories – the Burgh was a great place back then! 1 Peter 5:6, 7, Sadden Hearts & Prayers To Eds Family & Friends, He is a Great Drummer, I watched Ed and Buddy Rich Have a Drum Battle, Great Show, R. I.P. Thanks for one’s marvelous posting! ...you remember the following media personalities: Paul Long (WTAE-TV); Ed & Wendy King and Ed Shaughnessy (KDKA radio); Bill Burns (KDKA-TV); Pie Traynor (Studio Wrestling, WIIC-TV) and, of course, "the Gunner" Bob Prince. KDKA newscaster Ed Shaughnessy confirmed what had seemed too horrible to be true. Eddy. Plant a tree to honor the memory of your loved one. We had a cool conversation. For several years Shaughnessy was a member of the house band at Birdland and other New York clubs. I knew something important was on, but I had no clue. Dear Shaughnessy family I am sorry for your loss.May the God of all comfort be with you. chipped ham, and skyscraper cones were western Pa staples. And Mr. Carson was saavy enough to have only the best around him. Remember, paddling was still allowed and a parent could still beat their kids…. I could get 5 stations out of a razor blade, if it were a good one. Please allow 24 hours for your entry to be reviewed for appropriate content. Sadly, radio of that kind was about done for by the time I came to be. pauly cohen. The modern Klondike bar is a pale imitation to the real thing. My condolences to the family of such a talented legend. May you find comfort from fond memories and our God of comfort. I'm sure You are up there laughing it up with Johnny and good ol' Ed. He was 84. I was privileged to have taken part in Skidmore's jazz camp when Ed was there. His other son James preceded him in death from a car accident in 1984. He was always so graceful and relaxed at his instrument. He will be missed as a world class player, educator and human being. job, have a nice afternoon! From the tumultuous 1960s to the late 1980s, he was one of the market’s most popular and listened-to talk hosts” “1963, he started hosting the news-oriented talk show “Contact” on KDKA. Rest in Peace. Remember him well from the Johnny Carson Show - sympathy to his family members. (Salmos 65:2) Oh Oidor de la oracion, aun a ti vendra gente de toda carne. Funny, School was a 1-1/4 mile walk away and I would be sledding behind the school house when it was closed. The news media focused on a young boy, who while playing outside, said he saw an object fall from the sky into some nearby woods. You were one of my idols..........a master percussionist. R.I.P. He told me to meet him at Rockefeler Center. My sincere condolences to the Shaughnessy family. I got out of bed and turned on the radio. (STAR THIS)*** When I was showed “how to build” one (Not) in school, I Damned near got expelled for correcting my teacher. As I recall everything got quiet and  radios were turned up all along the street. One of the great drummers of all time. Shaughnessy was born in Jersey City, New Jersey and grew up in the New York City area, working in the 1940s with George Shearing, Jack Teagarden, and Charlie Ventura. Let's see how well this works. After the Levin show, Coverage was taken over by Edd and Wendy King on their show party line. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Ed Shaughnessy, the jazz drummer who for nearly three decades anchored the rhythm section of Doc Severinsen's "Tonight Show" band, has died in Southern California. R.I.P. Thank you for sharing a part of your life with us. I went backstage afterward and told Mr. Shaughnessy that I had come all the way from Lake Charles, La. "isah.51:12..sorry for your loss...~nc.~. The Old Man had a smile on his face and turned, not to go home, but took me to Isaly’s for an ice cream. Mr. Shaugnsessy and some band members were coming out of the elevator, he grabbed me by the neck and told the guard to let me in. 1:3. RIP, man! Chicken on the hill as the “Gunner” Bob prince would announce after a Willy Stargell Home Run. One of my all time heroes of rhythm sections. Ed is resting peacefully. May your family find peace in knowing you are at peace and your life was an inspiration to many. I and thousands of others will miss him. The stories of Kecksburg will be with us for a log time to come. http://forums.steelersfever.com/showthread.php?t=26069, http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc1300.htm, Current Solar Activity and Heliospheric Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) Conditions, USGS 03081500 Youghiogheny River at Ohiopyle, PA.

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