art laboe passed away

“So to have Art Laboe interested in me was extremely important. He’s always thinking about the next thing he can do.”. On the Plus Side, This Election Season May Have Been Good for My Prostate? He was the first to own his own record company. He invited the rock and doo-wop acts that he was spinning: Tony Allen, The Heartbeats, Marvin & Johnny. Johnson, Gaye Theresa. Spaces of Conflict, Sounds of Solidarity: Music, Race, and Spatial Entitlement in Los Angeles. that Laboe, who is of Armenian descent, is “more Chicano than some Chicanos,” adding that “everyone from the toughest vato to the wimpiest guy would say the same.” And it’s typical that this cultural embrace happened without Laboe planning it. People would often call in who had just gone through a breakup and would ask him to play love songs to help win back their significant others. Noel and Gracie, you belong together, and here’s Mariah Carey to sing about it.”, As I walk out of the studio and down the hall, I can still hear his voice, ringing out as clearly as it did 50 years ago. “I realized how big of an opportunity it was. People would get on the air on my show, and next thing, they’d have a hit record.”, What Laboe understates is the sheer amount of hustle it took to actually gain the respect of broadcasters as a young man and even just get the Scrivner’s show on air. A long line of fans has already formed, and Morones pulls out her iPhone and begins recording as she walks past them. I just enjoyed bringing people together.”, He’s still steadily pushing toward a finish line that remains undefined, even at age 93. What It’s Like to Pop Your Cherry on Reddit’s ‘Virginity Exchange’, Hasan Piker Can Bro Down and Demolish Capitalism at the Same Time. “Bringing Music to the People: Race, Urban Culture, and Municipal Politics in Postwar Los Angeles.” American Quarterly, vol. I’ll let you know. Art Laboe (born Arthur Egnoian on August 7, 1925)[1] is an American disc jockey, songwriter, record producer, and radio station owner, generally credited with coining the term "Oldies But Goodies". Laboe made his radio debut in 1943, during World War II, on KSAN in San Francisco, while stationed at Treasure Island. Holding onto special times through photographs, anecdotes and treasured items can make us all feel closer to lost loved ones, which in turn can bring a … “It wasn’t a super long sentence, just like a year, but every extra bit of communication helped so much,” Vargas says. Condolences to family, including dedicated wife Elsa, friends, colleagues, current and former members of #Malo, and fans whose love contributed to his longevity. SAD NEWS: we lost an entertainment legend... founder and bandleader MALO, Arcelio Malo Garcia, passed away on Monday 8/10. “The mother was crying, you know. In return, Laboe agreed to announce that he would meet his listeners at the drive-in after the radio show if they were in the area. Bradley, R. (2015). In typical Laboe fashion, the faces that showed up there came from all corners of the musical world. The longevity is fitting, considering Laboe invented the concept of reading listeners’ messages, and even letting them speak live on the radio, way back in the 1950s. “I could hear the joy Art has for music, and sharing it with people,” she says. I’ll redial for like, three hours sometimes to get on the line. He understood the power of radio and the power of marketing, attracting huge crowds to live remote broadcasts in the 1950s and later hosting more than 300 live dance shows at the El Monte Legion Stadium and others. His “Killer Oldies” show can now be heard on various West Coast stations.”. , 260 miles away from her home in San Diego. He only met Laboe in the 1990s, after Kelly’s career had already taken off, but he recalls the immediacy with which the elder broadcaster praised Kelly’s work and offered an open ear. The radio program is a thread to normalcy, perhaps because they get to share their relationship publicly, if only for a moment. “Radio as we know it doesn’t exist without what Art accomplished.”, He has accomplished much, but the most impressive thing may be the quiet, unquestioning way in which Laboe helped integrate the music industry, championed black and brown artists and gave air time to the underprivileged. Laboe is famous for hosting concerts around Southern California, and the Valentine’s Day show has pulled in a big crowd with a lineup of R&B legends like The Whispers, The Delphonics and Peaches & Herb. “I listened to this vinyl he gave me, of Barrett Strong’s ‘Money (That’s What I Want),’” Laboe recalls. That baby is a twentysomething woman now.”. Art Laboe’s been credited as the first on-air personality to play Rock n’ Roll on the West Coast and is one of the first to feature hits by different multi-cultural artists, within the compilation album entitled “Oldies But Goodies” . The cherry on top was that El Monte Legion Stadium had no dress code — a breath of fresh air compared to most social functions at the time. He also lent a hand to labels that had talent but needed more exposure, even helping Motown Records founder Berry Gordy with some early records, long before Motown became an industry titan. “I just always cared, certainly about my fans but just the people that I met along the way, people I knew had talent and a story to share,” he says. The ones from Corcoran State Prison are a little wider, with a red border around the front. Eddie Kim is a features writer based in Los Angeles, covering social and cultural issues for MEL. is brilliant.”, “sometimes I worry [MEL is] a psy-op meant just for me.”, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA. And I think most acts that you hear today on his show, they dreamed about Art playing their records.”, Eventually, Laboe funneled his programming skills into actual record production, putting together compilations of top songs and dubbing them, — a ubiquitous phrase on the radio that he invented. The other thing that sticks out is the fact that so much of the audience is Latino, and of multiple generations — there are young couples in streetwear, as well as old-timers in wool suits and trilby hats, walking arm-in-arm with their glammed-up dates. JSTOR, In this excerpt, Laboe begins by retelling an entertaining story about Ritchie Valens and his mother Connie! “We love you!” one woman yells back. Art was on at like, every family party!”, The radio show also helped her during low points, too. And in 2019, this legendary DJ — Art Laboe — will be honored by the Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters at their Feb. 1 luncheon, to be held at 12 noon at the Sportsman’s Lodge in Studio City. He admits he hardly understands why they’ve bonded to him; Laboe jokes sometimes he’s the “only white guy” in the room when a Latino organization honors him. He’s been a massive influence my whole life.”. The ‘Purge’ Siren Is the Only Logical Soundtrack to Gen Z’s First Election, Zoomers Are Posting Election Selfies for the (History) Books, Long Before QAnon, Britain Had Its Very Own — Very Different — ‘Pizzagate’, How Homophobic, Unconstitutional Sodomy Laws Still Shape America, Warren Beatty’s Film Career, Told Through His Onscreen Love Stories, The Best Internet Wormholes for a Perfect Election Distraction, Sean Connery Was the Best Bond. [6], In January 2006, Laboe debuted another syndicated request and dedication radio show, The Art Laboe Connection. . You wouldn’t expect that after seeing his shows. Art Laboe is a legendary DJ who came to prominence in the '50s in Los Angeles playing doo wop and R&B. “Can’t wait to see you, Uncle Art!” another man in an L.A. Rams jacket adds. Each week, the box overflows anew. double points for managing to pull off that project with style and charm, not self-seriousness.”, “MEL f--kin rules they’re so consistently knocking it out of the park and everyone on the staff The Art Laboe Connection and Art Laboe Sunday Special, as of 2018, could be heard in 14 different radio markets including Los Angeles, the Inland Empire, San Diego, Las Vegas, and Phoenix. “He always made me feel like a friend when we were together,” Laboe recalls. Laboe also was the first to host his own dance parties, despite L.A.’s law banning night dances for anyone under 18 years old. He became a promoter, club owner, and syndicated radio star, and his Killer Oldies show is still going strong. [7] The success of the post-show meetup led Laboe to host his radio show live from Scrivner's Drive-In on the corner of Sunset and Cahuenga in Los Angeles. Some things, though, haven’t changed: His immense eyes, blue-gray and globe-like, shine with crystalline intensity when you talk to him.

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