ants in chicken nest box

This afternoon there is another nest almost as complete as the one I removed. As far as them being ready, have you ever seen how fast they can build a new nest when they are ready to lay eggs? what do you think? Main index » KEEPING, RAISING & BREEDING POULTRY » Housing, Feeding and Husbandry, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 21 guests. You can shape it and put it back easy! This was on our local news today about ant invasions, worse this year because of weather: Here is a link that might be useful:, Anita55,I hope you don't mean remove the Blues nest and see if they(the blues rebuild)or do you mean see if the ants rebuild. I would not remove the nest,she maybe ready to lay any day now,She may not have enough time to rebuild before laying.If she lays without a nest chances of it being a successfull netsing are slim,besides it is not legal to remove a active nest.I would relax they are not Fire ants,I am sure Bluebirds and other birds have had black ants in their nest plenty of times.However I would grease the pole,You could use vasoline,I used it a year ago,And it is still there. I've had to POUR ant killer in different locations around the house and refill it twice a day. Nest pads; Of all of these options I recommend aspen shaving nest pads! Janie, where do I buy axle grease? ;). I would think you could find it at any automotive retail store (Pep Boys, etc.

Is your pole greased? Just put enough of a ring around the pole to stop the traffic, maybe 1/2″ or so. Little black ants. I've been around long enough to know that this may not be the one they use. Will black ants harm eggs or babies if I don't get them all? Ok Janie so you know Anita is out running around trying to find axle grease in the rain right! You must be logged in to reply to this topic. It’s likely going to be the case. I will keep checking for ants - I didn't see any yesterday when I got home from work. It depends on the sort of ant I guess. I did remove the nest and cleaned the box yesterday. I just went to check the container to see exactly what it's called but realized I've loaned it out to a neighbor. Not fun.

Will the birds clean them out themselves?

The Nesting Box ; Ants in my wormery Recent Posts. Anita, I bought it at my local Ace Hardware in the automotive section. LOL Thanks for the reminder, I forgot my new box does not have the Duct Tape on the top of the pole...nobody in there yet but first dry day Im out there tapeing! They're in the nesting box area where I have a whole bunch of straw laid down. This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  David in Stafford,VA 4 years, 5 months ago. Have a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend. For awhile I had cut pieces of carpet in the bottom of each nesting box. I grease from the ground to as far as I can reach up under the baffle. One tub will last about 10 years! Put three tote nesting boxes on a 2 x 8 x 8 board and space them out evenly. Anita, fire ants are a MAJOR problem and can destroy eggs and nestlings.

If you follow them, you’ll connect three nesting boxes together so you can move three at a time very easily. When competitors toss eggs or young from a nest, it is often those little black ants who do the cleanup, leaving behind a clean eggshell or little bones.Once when cleaning out nestboxes for the winter, I've seen ants actually nesting in an abandoned HOWR nest. can you put "ant rid": where the chooks can't get to it. I looked under the nest and found the floor covered with these tiny ants and eggs. Fortunately, fire ants are not a huge problem here, thank heavens! But since they are something I order online on Amazon, if I run run out I use pine shavings or hay. As far as the current box, I would believe you need to either do a nest change or put something under the nest, which is safe for the birds but kills the ants.

And they will definitely bite! Gin, Tammy . Hmmm. If you do remove the start of the nest, she will rebuild. Browse Gardening and Landscaping Stories on Houzz, Attract these beautiful songbirds with nesting habitat and food sources, including berry-producing trees and shrubs, Inspiration for dinner time under the stars, Inspiration for making that best pizza ever,, How to Bring the Joy of Bluebirds to Your Garden, Fully feathered bluebird baby dead in the nest box, Eggs overdue in hatching, female still attending. You should plan on one box per 4-6 hens. Hey Lisa, as I said in this box I could never remove the nest in one piece and the bird has been checking out the other box as well so i'm not even sure that they are going to use this one. David, I believe the method used here is to grease your pole underneath the box with axel grease or petroleum jelly (axel grease will last all season), thus preventing the ants from getting into the box. They have been dawdling around for quite awhile now over this one. These are just ordinary black ants. Blind chicken Advice please! In this box it may be difficult to remove the nest in one piece. But if you only have a few hens you should still provide them with a few boxes. Both birds have been in and out of the box all day. Not sure if it's because of the ants or because they are still considering the other box. ... What you want to do is find where the actual nest is and then remove it. I think Matt is right , she may have done the swishey thing and needs a nest! Home › Forums › Bluebird Chatter › Ants in the nestbox. Yes, ideally the need to be your coop. Thanks Donna and all. Maybe they aren't harmful?????? How Many Nesting Boxes Per Chicken. I would also lift the nest and wipe the ants and their eggs out of there. My BBs have built their second nest and as I looked in the box while mowing the lawn this afternoon I noticed tiny ants climbing the pole and going into the box.

The birds were swooping at me so I'm thinking they plan to use this nest. And it HURTS!As always, I refer to Bet's web page for solutions. I will post some photos of the new nest and the birds after the weekend. )Bluebars, Here is a link that might be useful: Someone else needs to chime in here, because I’m not sure what this product is. Also, if your pole is "open" at the top, no cap on it, put duct tape over that to keep ants from going up through the inside of the pole. I will check again tomorrow. You should grease the pole under the baffle where the birds can’t come into contact with it. They have just started the nest. Hey Lisa, as I said in this box I could never remove the nest in one piece and the bird has been checking out the other box as well so i'm not even sure that they are going to use this one.

I will keep an I on that to see if it works. If you do remove the start of the nest, she will rebuild. I should remove the nest and hopefully they will build another.

I use AXLE GREASE and nothing gets past that plus one application (wear disposal gloves) will last an entire year. Guess the question is, are there eggs/babies, or just a nest? Can the ants be cleared and the nest remain or should I remove the lest and have them start all over.

Laying away from the the chicken coop is normally enough of a problem if you have free range hens without putting the nesting boxes out and about as well. Watch the ants for a bit - they'll have a regular path and you can track it back to the real nest. Are ants a problem? I might even try to put one together from my pile of lawn clippings since I just mowed the lawn. Do not put fresh lawn clippings in the box, don’t put anything in the box. I also bought a tube of the white lithium grease and applied it to the pole under the baffle. ), hardware store or even in most grocery stores that carry automotive supplies. I would then put shavings or hay on top for extra padding. Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total), Take advantage of this time to listen to the sounds of nature in your own back yard! Hey Anita.......shake that nest out and then nuke it for a couple seconds. If the nest is infested, a qtip full of ant killer won't be enough, it will just attract ants to the box.. personal experience here... we've had a real bad ant/bug problem this year. Thanks Gin & Carol. Each container is covered so no bird will get to it. Do nesting boxes need to be in the coop? I have only ever seen them take their own sweet time, guess they have never been in the "urgent" situation, LOL no unplanned pregnancies here! i went to take a look at it and there were ants underneath the crawling around. .???? Just try to brush the ants out of the existing nest. I would not want them in a nestbox! The rest of the steps are optional. I expect she will start laying soon. Do I need to do anything? I know that woodpeckers will eat ants and maybe other species do to. Since the birds don't perch on the pole the grease won't come into contact with them. I will get some axle grease tomorrow and apply it. I swept the ants I saw out of there. Especially when you are disturbing THEIR nest. Fill the nest box with hay, but not so much that it blocks the door. The only nest box filling I would not use is shredded paper, It gets compacted into a solid mess in no time at all. I have been checking periodically since the fledging a couple weeks ago. TMB Studios is proud to offer the, This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by. Now, if these are "regular" ants, I don't know what to tell you but I sure would want to get rid of them. I use lithium garage door track grease because it lasts all year. Not sure if it's because of the ants or because they are still considering the other box. Some people use Vasaline and that works for short periods of time (rain will wash it's effectiveness away) but axle grease will, w/o question, do the trick. I'm going to remove the nest, wash out the box again and see if they rebuild. They may not use all of them but it gives them more than just one option for laying in. My BBs have built their second nest and as I looked in the box while mowing the lawn this afternoon I noticed tiny ants climbing the pole and going into the box. (At least not yet. I remember seeing a discussion somewhere about how to control ants from getting into the nestbox. Although don’t be surprised if all of your hens use the same box. No eggs yet. It is supposed to kill the nest. Just noticed there are ants invading my Chicken Coop! there is a new nest, no eggs. They are often attracted by things like broken eggs, deceased birds, leftover insects or food items, etc.

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