the basic or general principles of animal research

to Principle II: “Individuals working with animals have an obligation to demonstrate respect for animals, to be responsible and accountable for their decisions and actions pertaining to animal welfare, care, and use, and to ensure that the highest standards of scientific integrity prevail.” The 3Rs are now specifically mentioned in Principle III whereas previously they were only implied. (2008) Handbook of General Animal Nutrition.pdf. The strategy should first provide general coverage for all animal health service activities and then complement this coverage with specific solutions for selected problems. At that time, researchers had already been working for a number of years to improve the treatment and care of animals used in research, but nevertheless, public reports were circulating about the neglect of … She reiterated that a goal of regulatory balance might be to provide the public with confidence that animals will be appropriately protected and that science will not be inhibited from discovering solutions to many global health problems (see Chapter 2). Offering guidance for all aspects of the research experience, including the research and development of a thesis, model selection, experimental design, IACUC protocol preparation, and animal husbandry and technical … Understand the ethical issues surrounding killing or inflicting pain on animals for human benefit 2. The basic principles include ensuring that the dog's basic needs have been met before beginning a training session, finding out what motivates the dog and using it to elicit behaviours, interpreting the dog's body language to improve communication between dog and trainer, using positive reinforcement to encourage desired behavior, training incompatible behaviors to replace … Second, bureaucracy may become part of the evaluation of “marginal” projects. (European Union, 2010). (1990) justified animal research on the basis of a justifi-cation for basic research in general but devoted only one sentence to the topic (p. 258). The use of animals in research is a privilege and not a right. BIOL 3151: Principles of Animal Physiology ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY Dr. Tyler Evans Email: Phone: 510-885-3475 Office Hours: M,W 10:30-12:00 or … More recently, the International Council for Laboratory Animal Science (ICLAS) and CIOMS convened a working group to revise and update the International Guiding Principles. Alternatives to Animal Use in Biomedical Research 7. According to MacArthur Clark, three basic core systems are necessary in animal research regulations: a system of authorization of people, places, and projects; ethical, impartial, and independent evaluation of projects based on a cost-benefit balance; and impartial and independent verification of compliance involving some form of inspection. All rights reserved. •   Review of study design and purpose by institutional ethical review panel. Harmonization is a step in the right direction, but is not likely to achieve total consistency, in large part because each member state has its own legal system. Oxford University Press makes no representation, express or implied, that the drug dosages in this book are correct. When challenged with a difficult decision, assessors ask more and more questions, resulting in what is sometimes called “paralysis of analysis.” Eventually, either the project is approved or the applicant gives up. While public opinion polls on animal research informed the development of the directive, MacArthur Clark noted that there is little direct support in the directive of high-quality science in Europe. Think scientifically about animal training and behavior consulting for all species. If you have purchased a print title that contains an access token, please see the token for information about how to register your code. It also was noted that with so many disciplines and research areas, it is unlikely that a directive or legislation could specifically address individual research areas (e.g., neuroscience). Areas of harmonization across the member states might include the types of animals that are protected; minimum housing standards; project authorization and severity classification; accountability for training and competence requirements; animal welfare body and a designated veterinarian; and some form of inspectorate for compliance. Ready to take your reading offline? The U.S. system is different in that NIH-supported research is a partnership with the grantee institutions. Also, you can type in a page number and press Enter to go directly to that page in the book. Each partner has responsibilities and obligations as stewards of public funds. Not a MyNAP member yet? MyNAP members SAVE 10% off online. Brown noted that both sides share a mutual need for compli-, ance with the laws, regulations, and policies that apply to animal research. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single chapter of a title in Oxford Medicine Online for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice). You could not be signed in, please check and try again. The IACUC is expected to include consideration of the U.S. Government Principles in its review of protocols. Reduction : They may, for example, involve long-lasting severe pain that cannot be alleviated or the cost-benefit assessment may not balance. In the EU directive, there is some division by type of research (e.g., basic, translational research, regulatory testing for quality, efficacy, and safety), but not by field. Basic environment All animals are entitled to the Five Freedoms wherever they are housed. Training, however, does not necessarily equate with competence, MacArthur Clark noted. PRINTED FROM OXFORD MEDICINE ONLINE ( © Oxford University Press, 2021. The goal of biomedical research is to understand living systems, with a particular focus on human biology and human disorders, Nakamura said. Citing the GSK example discussed above, few participants noted that the basic principles of performance standards, professional judgment, and a harmonized approach or outcome is independent of the therapeutic area being investigated or the pathway being explored. This book is the first to present a framework of general principles for animal research ethics together with an analysis of the principles’ meaning and moral requirements. If psychologists learn of misuse or misrepresentation of … At a minimum the following Core Principles must be followed: •   Access to species-appropriate food and water. Animals are widely used in neuroscience research to explore biological mechanisms of nervous system function, to identify the genetic basis of disease states, and to provide models of human disorders and diseases for the development of new treatments. This document summarizes the workshop. Per this code, components of the systems described above would include implementation of the 3Rs, evidence of. The workshop brought together neuroscientists, legal scholars, administrators, and other key stakeholders to discuss current and emerging trends in animal regulations as they apply to the neurosciences. Specific recommendations or guidance on neuroscience procedures may be needed, but the core principles by which animal studies in neuroscience can be conducted might be the same as those for any discipline. In closing, MacArthur Clark quoted from the directive: This Directive represents an important step toward achieving the final goal of full replacement of procedures on live animals for scientific and educational purposes as soon as it is scientifically possible to do so. •   Commitment to minimizing pain and distress to the animal during in vivo and ex vivo studies. •   Considerations for animals in research could include. public. They are basic tenets of animal care and use, Brown said. International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals. The expectation of the PHS Policy is that IACUCs use the U.S. Government Principles as the basis for protocol review. The book features commentaries on the framework of principles written by eminent figures in animal research ethics representing an array of relevant disciplines: veterinary medicine, biomedical research, biology, zoology, comparative psychology, primatology, law, and bioethics. Understand environmental events that maintain behavior. Excerpts from the U.S. Principles, Principle II Rationale: “Procedures involving animals should be designed and performed with due consideration of their relevance to human or animal health, the advancement of knowledge, or the good of society.”, Principle III Justification: “The animals selected for a procedure should be of an appropriate species and quality and the minimum number required to obtain valid results. Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of Vertebrate Animals Used in Testing, Research, and Training” (U.S. Government Principles). Show this book's table of contents, where you can jump to any chapter by name. Ultimately, the goal would be to articulate a set of core principles for care of animals within and for the institution. In reference to the use of animals in research, it has been found that animal rights groups often exaggerate _____. Reject the project and provide reasons, or accept the marginal project and build in milestones that are not overly restrictive, MacArthur Clark asserted. For questions on access or troubleshooting, please check our FAQs, and if you can't find the answer there, please contact us. They apply to Strains differ in many ways, such as how they react to environmental enrichment items placed in the cage. The EU animal care and housing regulations, for example, are species specific, but do not go to the level of stocks and strains. The Five Freedoms are a set of five basic rules concerning the welfare of animals. Kalat (pp. However, the 3Rs are not a core principle, because as a core principle the 3Rs, specifically the principle of replacement, would translate into a goal to end animal research, Nakamura observed. science will not be inhibited from discovering much-needed solutions to global problems. As noted above, multinational companies can influence animal care and use practices in regions where they conduct research. •   Access to humane care and a program of veterinary care. Your current browser may not support copying via this button. Fair subject selection. 2021. The Three Rs (3Rs) in relation to science are guiding principles for more ethical use of animals in testing.They were first described by W. M. S. Russell and R. L. Burch in 1959. 4. o   Unbiased ethical evaluation of projects (balancing the cost-benefit ratio). This book is the first to present a framework of general principles for animal research ethics together with an analysis of the principles’ meaning and moral requirements. From the outset, the European commission declared its intention that there should be free movement of staff, including scientists, veterinarians, and animal care staff, throughout Europe. To consider animal research regulations from a global perspective, the IOM Forum on Neuroscience and Nervous System Disorders, in collaboration with the National Research Council and the Institute for Laboratory Animal Research, held a workshop in Buckinghamshire, UK, July 26-27, 2011. •   Animal housing that minimizes the development of abnormal behaviors. Do Animals Have Moral Status or Value? The primary basis for recruiting participants should be the scientific … Methods such as mathematical models, computer simulation, and in vitro biological systems should be considered.”, Principle IV Minimize Pain and Distress: “Proper use of animals, including the avoidance or minimization of discomfort, distress, and pain when consistent with sound scientific practices, is imperative. Readers must therefore always check the product information and clinical procedures with the most up to date published product information and data sheets provided by the manufacturers and the most recent codes of conduct and safety regulations. The authors and the publishers do not accept responsibility or legal liability for any errors in the text or for the misuse or misapplication of material in this work. 6 Public Engagement and Animal Research Regulations, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, International Animal Research Regulations: Impact on Neuroscience Research: Workshop Summary. (2008) Handbook of General Animal Nutrition.pdf For animal research that causes sentient nonhuman animal suffering to be justifiable, I believe that two conditions must be met. o   Training and maintenance of a competent workforce. Brown quoted from the draft revision. Finally, Brown noted that the idea of risk-benefit analysis for animal use, balancing the benefits derived from the research with the potential for pain and distress experienced by an animal, is now addressed in the draft Principle X. Margaret Landi, vice president of Global Laboratory Animal Science and chief of Animal Welfare and Veterinary Medicine for GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Pharmaceuticals,5 noted that a challenge for multinational corporations is developing an animal care system that meets the required standards, but that also recognizes the global diversity of rules, regulations, policies, and guidance. •   Access to species-specific housing, including appropriate temperature and humidity. BOX 7-1 Post-Procedure Care of Mice and Rats in Research: Reducing Pain and Distress: Personnel working with mice and rats in research: Wildlife Research: Personnel studying wildlife or reviewing wildlife research protocols: Post-Approval Monitoring (PAM) IACUC members, staff, and investigators: Institutional Official: Animal Care and Use Course Animal research, when intelligently designed and conducted with skill, appears still to hold utility. As a field of study, psychology examines a broad range of research and applied areas. Optimally, Nevalainen said, housing and care regulations or guidelines could be specific to the level of strains and stocks, but this may be unrealistic due to the vast number of different strains. methodological advantages of animal research. 50:120:102 General Biology II (R) (3) Principles of biology, including the morphology, physiology, and development of plants and animals, including man. Share a link to this book page on your preferred social network or via email. Such exceptions should not be made solely for the purpose of teaching or demonstration.”. The framework presented in Principles of Animal Research Ethics is more comprehensive in addressing ethical requirements pertaining to societal benefit (the most important consideration in justifying the harming of animals in research) and features a more thorough, ethically defensible program of animal welfare (the area on which Russell and Burch focus). Provide Post-Operative Care. by an appropriate review group such as an IACUC. She also pointed out that while pharmaceutical companies have extensive internal capabilities, they also have numerous external collaborations, contracts, and alliances. During the discussion that followed the presentations, several panelists and participants observed that the core principles described above are generally applicable to all research areas and procedures involving animals. Animals are studied instead of humans in many situations where manipulating humans is not possible or acceptable. This “full replacement” is a goal of the directive and would lead to the discontinuation of animal research. Their “principles”—commonly referred to as the Three Rs—are better described as specific directives than as general moral principles, and they are insufficient as a moral framework of basic values in the context of contemporary biomedical and behavioral research. 50:120:101 General Biology I (R) (3) Principles of biology, including the cellular basis of life, genetics, and evolution. Recall that each EU member state has its own legislation, so even though staff can move freely among countries, they might need to understand the local legislation and how it is implemented. Portions of the directive involve significant changes for some of the 27 EU member states. 2 See discussion by Bennett in Chapter 2 for further detail on the PHS Policy and the Animal Welfare Act. Scientists can learn much about the principles of human biology and behavior from animal models and use discoveries in human biology to help understand other animals. 5 GSK is headquartered in the United Kingdom, with facilities in North America, Spain, France, China, and Singapore. Public users are able to search the site and view the abstracts for each book and chapter without a subscription. Principle VIII calls for establishing endpoints before animal use begins, with assessment throughout the course of the study. Brown highlighted several principles that illustrate where the United States is in terms of animal care and use (Box 7-1). The PHS Policy endorses the “U.S. It provides a basic description on the use of animals in research, examines EU legislation for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes, the values and principles prevalent in the area, and key ethical issues. Elton Professor of Philosophy & Senior Research Fellow, George Washington University & National Institute of Health, Clinical Center, Department of Bioethics. To ensure the humane care and use of animals, numerous laws, policies, and regulations are in place governing the use of animals in research, and certain animal regulations have implications specific to neuroscience research. Principle VII more fully addresses pain and distress in animals and calls for consultation with a veterinarian. The Modern Philosophical Debate About Animal Use in Research 5. In this session, government, industry, and other animal research regulation stakeholders discussed the feasibility of developing core principles governing the use of animals in research (key points and overlapping core principles are summarized at the end of the chapter in Box 7-3). Principles of Animal Research is the first publication to offer a broad look at animal research science for a student, early researcher, or technician. To minimize the chance of drug overdose and to reduce drug-related tissue damage, drugs used for smaller (<4 kg) laboratory animals may need to be diluted. The link was not copied. The guidelines reflect all these positions, and stipulate principles and considerations that can be used as tools when balancing between harm and benefit. •   Although recommendations or guidance on neuroscience procedures may be needed, the core principles by which animal studies in neuroscience could be conducted might be the same as those for any discipline. However, these general principles are, by and large, generically relevant to all areas of preclinical research. There are several reasons why the use of animals is critical for biomedical research: • Animals are biologically very similar to humans.

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