the ozolith mtg arena

Note that they have almost no way to deal with a huge Stonecoil Serpent, so use that to your advantage. They don’t have too much interaction game one, so Conclave Mentor going unanswered ends games pretty quickly. MagicArena Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The subreddit for anything concerning the Magic the Gathering: Arena! MTG Arena Zone is not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast LLC. Historic Selesnya Company Deck Guide: For Both Bo1 and Bo3 – The Best Collected Company Deck! The Ozolith is a cool card from Ikoria and works so well with creatures that... Ikoria Mono Green Ozolith is today's Standard MTG Arena guide and gameplay deck. Can’t pump the board if there’s no board, y’all! You don’t want too many tapland effects though, so I am happy with just one copy. As The Ozolith’s last ability resolves, you choose whether to move the counters. Note that Chamber Sentry and Stonecoil Serpent survive Ugin’s board wipe! Game one we just overrun them because they lack removal and sweepers, and their post-board removal will not improve their side much, but be careful of their Nightpack Ambushers. It’s basically Chamber Sentry that you can cast, as more than just a 2/2, with some added relevant keywords. Updated Sep 13, 2020 by Mill_For_Life using our MTG Deck Builder. At the beginning of combat on your turn, if The Ozolith has counters on it, you may move all counters from The Ozolith onto target creature. 4 Stonecoil Serpent: Your second bread and butter card. These decks are by far our worst matchup. That is already better than Scorch Spitter, but this guy continues to grow and remains relevant later. The Ozolith is really good in this kind of matchup, where they bring in more removal post-board and they will need a lot of removal for all your threats to stand a chance. The Ozolith is able to collect +1/+1 counters that we are able to transfer onto the Fireblade Charger. It’s really important to have this in the deck to enable explosive starts. Basri Ket: He seems like the perfect fit for this deck, but in reality he’s just too clunky and I really don’t want to play double White in the main deck. All the other 2 color decks have to contend with either playing a lot of taplands or having less fixing and making do, but Selesnya plays a lot of colorless creatures and barely any cards with double mana symbols (besides the Gideon Blackblades in the board and the one Voracious Hydra that we want to cast later in the game anyway.). Another advantage Selesnya has is, compared to other aggro decks, it actually has a consistent manabase. All rights reserved. 186 votes, 125 comments. The Ozolith’s first ability doesn’t move counters off the creature that’s left the battlefield. The fact that it has trample means that they can’t just chump it when you make it huge. If you attack and make 3 or 4 tokens, it’s good, but at that point you should be winning anyway. 1 Castle Ardenvale: It’s awesome with Ozolith because you can always put the new counters on the Soldiers it produces. You need a strong board for this to be effective, so we only want 2. They do have Bonecrusher Giants, and very rarely Shock, to deal with Conclave Mentor game one, but they usually can’t beat your strong turns with Venerated Loxodon or Mentor if you have an immediate follow-up. This week I look at another Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths (IKO) Standard deck with Mono Green Ozolith! The Ozolith isn’t too great here because it won’t help you rebuild that well. Recent Magic Arena Articles. That card works so well in this deck, but I wouldn’t play 4 just because they are Legendary, and drawing two copies is awful. Flavor This is a good matchup. 2 Unbreakable Formation: This is good in any aggressive White deck, and it’s even better here because of the +1/+1 counters. This is the weakest of the “X/X” creatures.Wildwood Scourge: Way too clunky and, since it doesn’t do anything beyond just being big, it’s not worth it. Protection from multi-colored makes it a strong play into Teferi, Time Raveler and dodges some removal/bypasses creatures like Mayhem Devil. Decklist: to 2nd Channel: (For Brawl, Limited, Other Games)Please, Like & Subscribe! The main enablers of this deck are Huatli’s Raptor and the new M21 card, Conclave Mentor. Cards that I made out of the deck : evolution sage, grateful apparition, nissa who shakes the word, ozolith, incubation druid. Imagine your opponent kills your 3/3 Stonecoil Serpent, then the next turn you slam a creature, it gets the 3 counters and turns into a much scarier threat than the Serpent ever was! Wildwood Scourge is another great early creature because it will grow the longer it’s in play. Jolrael is really annoying, so try to shoot her down with Chamber Sentry if you can. Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, and their logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. Please check to see if your bug has been formally reported. MTG Arena valida los nombre segun idioma del usuario y en estos momentos no podemos asegurar todos los nombre de cartas en español, es por ello que la exportacion se realiza en ingles. It also gives your team Vigilance so you can sometimes cast a Venerated Loxodon post-combat. Scavenging Ooze is also a huge pain for them (the more I think about this, the more I realize that the glorious days of Mono-Red are over). If you use your Light of Hope on turn 4 before their Wilderness Reclamation trigger resolves, you usually win, but I’ve only included one in the sideboard since the matchup is favourable anyway; if you’d like to improve it, you could have more. I’ll just explain the maindeck cards here; explanations for the sideboard will come in the “Matchup” section later on. Post-Board they have a lot more removal and also Baneslayer Angel, so we want to pack in the Giant Killers (it also hits Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath and is an additional 1-Drop). As it twists, so does all life around it. You won’t remove any counters from The Ozolith. A clutch lazoep armor gives you a blocker with a 1/1 counter and saves you or your permanents. 4 Chamber Sentry: Your first bread and butter card. You could play 2, but I’m unsure on whether that’ll hurt the mana too much. Thanks ! MTG Arena valida los nombre segun idioma del usuario y en estos momentos no podemos asegurar todos los nombre de cartas en español, es por ello que la exportacion se realiza en ingles. I would play 8 of these if I could. Basri’s Lieutenant: This card sadly just didn’t work as well as I was hoping. They remain strong post-board, but at least we have a better chance with the amount of removal we bring in. Without having real synergy with the rest of the deck, I don’t want to play too many copies, especially since you don’t want your 1-Drops to be in different colors (as that stresses your mana), but I am still happy to play two copies. In terms of off meta decks, I’ve had a lot of success with other Selesnya decks as well. We would struggle against a version of Mono-Red with tons of burn spells, but the more creature-heavier versions are actually pretty good for us, since our board will usually be much bigger and wider than theirs. Whenever a creature you control leaves the battlefield, if it had counters on it, put those counters on The Ozolith At the beginning of combat on your turn, if The Ozolith has counters on it, you may move all counters from the Ozolith onto target creature. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 2 Ajani, the Greathearted: This card is like Unbreakable Formation, but you can do it twice! As The Ozolith’s last ability resolves, you choose whether to move the counters. Play a ton of creature that get +1/+1 counters and put even more +1/+1 counters on them. Whenever a creature you control leaves the battlefield, if it had counters on it, put those counters on The Ozolith. Let us start with a jank … I usually win game one because I overrun them and some cards like Mystical Dispute and Elspeth Conquers Death (this does have some targets but not too many, and it’s not great against Loxodon which provides a lot of immediate value) are poor in the matchup. 3x The Ozolith 3x Welding Jar Sorcery (4) 4x Ancient Stirrings Enchantment (4) 4x Hardened Scales Sideboard (15) 2x ... You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Gideon Blackblade also goes a long way, because they usually cut Elspeth Conquers Death and then have little to no answers to him. 2 Selfless Savior: This good boy is another 1-Drop that enables fast curve-outs into Venerated Loxodon, and is good at protecting Conclave Mentor (the only creature we really want to save). Thank you for reading through this very long guide! Notably, if you somehow control a second The Ozolith, each one will receive the same number and kinds of counters that were on the creature that left the battlefield. Sometimes Shatter the Sky gets you, but The Ozolith helps in rebuilding the board afterwards. The one thing we’re afraid of is Rotting Regisaur + Demonic Embrace, as only Stonecoil Serpent can block it, and usually only once. To compare, Gruul definitely has the strongest aggro cards in the format in Gruul Spellbreaker, Questing Beast, and Embercleave, but their manabase makes it very hard to consistently curve out or they’re forced to play Paradise Druid, a card that an aggressive deck really doesn’t want to play. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. General note: I tend to cut some number of pump spells a lot, because most decks bring in more removal out of the sideboard, making it harder to use them effectively. The Ozolith continued to impress me so much that I needed them in my main deck. At the beginning of combat on your turn, if The Ozolith has counters on it, you may move all counters from The Ozolith onto target creature. Historic Decks Historic Metagame and Tier List Historic is a constructed non-rotating format for Magic: The Gathering Arena. Mono-blue Artifacts - Standard ​ You really can't run away from Teferi. Subscribe for more! Game 1, we need to have a strong curve, but even that will sometimes not be enough against Priest of Forgotten Gods, Claim the Firstborn, and Mayhem Devil. The Ozilith helps keep all those counters you worked hard to make and continuously applies them to the next creature you play. Stonecoil Serpent can’t be blocked by Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath and can’t be bounced by Teferi, Time Raveler. No matter what deck you play, Bant will always be a close matchup. Instead, it causes you to put a number of counters of each kind of counter that was on that creature onto The Ozolith. I’m not going to say this is the new Tier 1 deck as it’s pretty hard to compete with the power level of Standard’s forerunners. I like to keep Ajani in because his +1 comes in clutch sometimes. 4/17/2020: If the target creature is an illegal target by the time The Ozolith’s last ability tries to … FOR ANYONE ELSE READING THIS: This did result in a ranked match loss so be careful when … All original content on this page is © 2021 MTG Arena Zone and may not be used or reproduced without consent. Please remember to include a screenshot of the problem if applicable! Mono Green returns with THE OZOLITH! Other than that, we can go wide pretty fast and just overwhelm them with more creatures. Try not to play too many 1/1’s, as they’ll mostly just get pinged by Mayhem Devil. Required fields are marked *, What Standard Decks You Should Play at the Mythic Qualifier Weekend and Why, College Cup: Test of Knowledge Event Guide and Singleton Emeritus Decklists, Wizards Confirm Next Banned and Restricted Announcement on May 19th. This is one of the cards that you underrate until you play with it. © 2021 Wizards. However, Selesnya has a good matchup against Temur Reclamation and is decent against Bant Control (varies with the version though). This is a good matchup. Archetype: {W}{G} Selesnya CountersFormat: Traditional (BO3) StandardTier: Off-Meta. Obviously it’s not Stonecoil Serpent, but it’s still solid. 1 Flower/Flourish: This is like a tapped land, but you can always cash it in to pump the team should you flood, so I like it a lot. 4 Conclave Mentor: This is basically the reason why this deck is playable. Whenever a creature you control leaves the battlefield, if it had counters on it, put those counters on The Ozolith. Your email address will not be published. If you’re looking to play something other than the premier decks (check those out here), I highly encourage you to take a look at this one, as it has a good proactive gameplan and is very fun to play. MTG Arena valida los nombre segun idioma del usuario y en estos momentos no podemos asegurar todos los nombre de cartas en español, es por ello que la exportacion se realiza en ingles. The Ozolith has been much better sweeper protection, and Gideon Blackblade Post-Board also hits harder and earlier. Top Players Weigh in and Wizards’ Response on the Future of MTG Competitive Play. Chamber Sentry and Stonecoil Serpent aren’t the most impactful creatures as they need a large mana investment to help them compete with the format’s best threats, but with those two cards, they become much more powerful and enable some really explosive early turns. If you curve this and Venerated Loxodon, most opponents will just concede if they don’t immediately board wipe you. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Set Survival Guide 2 days, 8 hours ago by Echo 9 . I tried youtube and google and some mtg website but I can't find it with only a few card names. :'s play some Artifact Aggro! Any tips as to where to search for decklist when I only have a few cards names are also appreciated ! At the beginning of combat on your turn, if The Ozolith has counters on it, you may move all counters from The Ozolith onto target creature. At the beginning of combat on your turn, if The Ozolith has counters on it, you may move all counters from The Ozolith onto target creature. If you lost during an event, please contact Wizards of the Coast for an opportunity for a refund. Qualified for Mythic Championship VII, Zendikar Rising Championship and Arena Open Winner. Your email address will not be published. At the beginning of combat on your turn, if The Ozolith has counters on it, you may move all counters from The Ozolith onto target creature. It appears that you are concerned about an apparent bug with Magic the Gathering: Arena. We can take it nice and slow, set up an Ozolith on turn 1 hopefully, and wait for the counters to just roll in. Try to curve into Gideon and keep up the pressure, so they always need to deal with him and your other creatures at the same time. Utilizing cards with +1/+1 counters to devastate opponents. I don’t like that you need a board already for this to be useful, but it’s still a very powerful inclusion and it helps buff up your team. Alexander Steyer, 23 years old. It also helps a bit against sweepers, allowing you to save your best creature. You can’t move only some of the counters from The Ozolith onto the target creature. Updated Oct 09, 2020 by PhthisisClock using our MTG Deck Builder. I usually cut Venerated Loxodon, even though he is good game one, because it’s harder to curve out against more removal spells; additionally it’s awkward to play him with Gideon, since your gameplan is more about killing them quickly then rather than building a large board. Sacrifice decks will be tough to beat, but that’s almost always the case if you’re looking to play creature-based strategies. Whenever a creature you control leaves the battlefield, if it had counters on it, put those counters on The Ozolith. This deck is based on [[deck:Negative Creep v2.0]] Negative counters were not featured in … Hello again! A green white aggressive creature deck and making them stronger with the use of +1/+1 counters. The select 0 will not be highlighted and you will be forced use your time extension. Basically the deck just aims to ramp everything up with counters and mitigating board wipes with ozolith/lieutenant. I’ve started with 4, and have just been cutting more and more. Ugin’s Conjurant: We just don’t need more of these effects and we don’t lack creatures in our curve. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window). 204k members in the MagicArena community. Don’t sleep on this card; it’s incredibly powerful and does a good Winding Constrictor impression. Your deck works with +1/+1 counters and this creature basically lives on them. Oathsworn Knight + The Ozolith together with Flicker of Fate or Justiciar's Portal snowballs out of control fast if left unchecked.. Flicker of Fate as a defensive measure, or to get four extra +1/+1's to Oathsworn Knight or transfer counters from creature to creature. 3 The Ozolith: Alright, don’t laugh at me for this inclusion! We’ve also got some maindeck lifegain with Ajani, the Greathearted and Conclave Mentor’s death trigger. One of the problems with this deck is that you do all the work to pump up your team just to lose them to removal or sweepers (Damn you, Shatter the Sky) and you’re left unable to build a big board again. If you lose your board once, it’s basically impossible to win in this matchup, since big beaters won’t do too much against their combos once assembled. Use the combo of Mycosynth Lattice and March of the Machines in order to make all of our planeswalkers creatures. It was a lot of work, but also incredibly fun to write. Flavor: As … The Ozilith helps keep all those counters you worked hard to make and continuously applies them to the next creature you play. Turn one pelt collector into turn two conclave mentor is pretty bonkers, and the growth Chambers help keep your hand full. Additionally, cards that are powerful by themselves, like Pelt Collector, Scavenging Ooze, and Venerated Loxodon have additional fantastic synergy with Conclave Mentor and Huatli’s Raptor. You can also Flicker of Fate your Banishing Light or Conclave Tribunal when a better target appears. Wizards, If one or more counters are on The Ozolith when trigger happens for removal and you have no creatures on board the game attempts to allocate the counter(s) to your opponents creature(s). 5 level 2 Similarly, if the creature has an ability that triggers when it leaves the battlefield that refers to the number of counters it had, that ability will use the number of counters that were on the permanent, even if The Ozolith’s first ability resolves first. 4 Huatli’s Raptor: We play this because it just supports the archetype so well. The main goal of this deck is to get the Ozolith into play, put a variety of different counters on it, and then swing in with a creature with a variety of counters. This is a synergy-driven Aggro deck that is looking to overwhelm the opponent by curving out cheap creatures and pumping them up with Unbreakable Formation, Venerated Loxodon, and Ajani, the Greathearted.

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