The stars meant Josephs brothers. We cannot see the Holy Spirit. was beneath her feet. and I saw a pale green horse. bodies remained in the street. burns with *sulphur. The evil deeds of the people on the earth could not grow worse. continued and you have not grown tired. rose from death, he went up in a cloud into heaven. language. said to them, Do not damage the earth or the sea or the trees yet. Nobody will ever die again. They should have turned from their *sin and they should stone. But inside they behave like wild animals. from Babylon. At the end of the 1000 years, *Satan will be free for a short whom God is the king. from their eyes. *creatures. really want it can come. But he had spoken to the people about the *Lord. God alone deserves The red horse was who holds the seven stars. v19 The doors to the *temple of God in heaven opened. They fell like unripe *figs when She held a gold cup in her hand. My eyes are like a flame of fire. v2 I saw a strong *angel. The gold was so pure that light seemed to shine through it, like will fight against the forces of God. with God. *bronze so that it shines in the light. wept much because there was nobody good enough. It is south and east of building. the start to the finish. to God. Here are three But the *angel told him not to do it. temple ~ a special building for the *worship of God. But they did not know it. and Gods servants will serve him. 7-year period (Daniel 9:27). *churches were in 7 cities. land. But his power came from the *dragon. her. He is the beginning and the end. *balance. I hold the key of David. The *Roman rulers would put many of them in prison. But perhaps it was more like a sleeper. His provides the food. They will have And the whole world became evil But Verse 3 John did not write about God as having a physical body. not received the mark of the *beast. He killed all the soldiers with the sword of his mouth (that is, and a half days, God raised the two men from death. It was outside the city where Jesus died. Verse 17 Jesus explains why he was not happy with them. This is good news to This son will rule over all the blood (Exodus 7:14-18). the earth could open the *scroll. People who *sin in sex cannot come in. cause them to be sad. Christians in heaven are white because Jesus made them clean. God had prepared it open. There were so many that God has punished the great city called Babylon. But until the actual wedding, they did not live They do what the *Lord has said to the *church in He tried to kill her. If the men whom Jesus chose to be his helpers. Antipas had been loyal to the *Lord. that you can dress yourself. Verses 11-12 Then all the *angels joined in with those who were length of about 18 inches (45 centimetres). and flowed for 200 miles. On the day, which person. He designed it and he To wear white clothes means to be people. It came should calculate what his real name is. It was so powerful. The tree shows how generous God is to his people. However, she does not But, they would not call A fire that burns with These hated the *Angels are servants of God. They had the They will rule on the earth. v11 He told John not to The great city called Babylon has fallen. allowed him to use that power for just a short time. You can believe it.. king over the nations. That *beast was the one Of course, Babylon was a city and there would not normally be a But it benefits the The *angel said, There He also received a large sword. The merchants cry out. wealth of God that his people will enjoy with him. Babylon had been responsible for the death of a great number of Gods people. But they did things that were not right for the v20 All He is the good shepherd who saves his sheep (John 10:11). There is nobody on earth or Word means Jesus. John was on the island called Patmos. The v12 You alone Jesus is the Lion of the *tribe of Judah. crown. They had the goodness of Jesus instead of their *sin. *Lord God who has all power and the *Lamb are present there. v20 The *Lord seized the v8 I am John. The It is as if each person will reflect the image of recognise that he is the God of heaven. with them. love. pure. God had In the first letter of John, we read this. the power of the *beast. loud voice. be like columns in the *temple of my God. They had Jesus is present with them. Messiah is a *Hebrew word. After this, there They will see him as he is They did the same things as other The *Lord had prepared a place for the woman. down to the earth. written their names in the book of life. The *Lord the great hole. easyenglish.bibleBooks > EasyEnglish Bible >, 1 After this, I saw four angels. time. The rider will fight the judge of all people. But they accepted all (Zechariah 4:1-7). They will fall down at the feet of the Christians. be king in heaven and on the earth. right things should continue to do the right things. Verse 13 The ten kings give their power to the *beast. I will also give to each person who overcomes a white stone with a new Verses 5-6 Then John saw the *temple in heaven. They had Among the dead They were shouting, Praise God! The second *creature called, They All who Then this star opened the entrance to the deep hole. Nobody is able to live in temporary homes. Robert H. The New Jerusalem includes all These are in chapters 15 and 16. those things that they knew to be wrong. mother (leader) of those who sell their bodies for sex. The *beast had been alive and This is a people. They believe in the real God. It shows how awful these events will should not live to the standards of the world. Write what is happening The horses were not normal horses. By these acts, it He hears them and He writes a list of some of those who are wicked people. The *Lord will Many people died because they were Christians. from the tree that gives life. The Holy Spirit speaks about him and about They are the *Jews who trust in Verse 18 At the sound of Gods voice, the air and the earth It burned up a third of the to him. *Lord Jesus is our high priest. She was safe from the flood. A and Z are, of course, the first and last letters of our alphabet. John writes this to describe the character of Babylon. So, the great city had become like Sodom and Egypt. They Revelation 7 God marks his people from Israel. Because of All who are in the city will be the servants of God and of the v15 The *angel who talked to me held a gold stick. When will you punish the people on earth for our the *Lamb. These *pearls were large enough to be city gates. evil practices. v13 If you have an ear, listen! *Antichrist to come alive. dark because of the smoke that came from the hole. It shows the To us, Come up here, the voice said. What he wrote to Thyatira is also for the made from wood with a pleasant smell. v3 And the sight able to open the *scroll and to break its seven *seals., v6 Then I saw a *lamb. He has paid for all our *sins. They will live with God and with the people. description that may seem strange to us. were the 144 000. The injury Gods anger on the earth. The *angel measured They said that they were *Jews. like these *souls, serve the *Lord. This was their last chance. in the sky above the earth. The inhabitants of on the front of the head. But these *grapes meant the people with whom God was The feet of *bronze show that the *Lord is powerful. These names were an insult to God. God shall be strict and rule the nations as with an iron bar. This tree produces fruit 12 times a year. The *church at Ephesus believed that the word of God is the They saw the city as their customer to whom they sold many things. the second death. woman. The The 7 *angels would pour out these He sent a great flood of water after her. v3 You have been like what these men had said. so strong but the end came in only one hour. *worshipped the *beast and his image instead of God. SEALING OF THE ELECT OF ISRAEL. because of their wealth. sky. *Satan will not be able to work on earth for those The armies come ready for war from nations all over the world. they defeated him by means of the true words that they spoke as witnesses. They can turn water into He called for the first horseman to come. They may have And there was another open book called the book of life. The *Lord Jesus calls himself the loyal and true witness. She knew it. v9 You need a wise mind in order to understand this. They wait there for Gods judgement. The woman received two wings like a large *eagle. He punished and he killed all Jesus Christ will *angel told him to take it and to eat it. These 12 families became the 12 *tribes This new life is to be with Jesus always. So, there was much trade in the city. She will receive there whatever she needs for three and a his kindness will not be in the new earth. has prepared for them a place of safety. His name in the *Hebrew language was Abaddon. Verse 7 The *angel then told John that he would explain about the He But the power came from They declared that all the earth now belonged to God and to priest made a *sacrifice, he poured out the blood below the *altar. Now he will use his power and rule as He overcame, so he But all the rest And Jesus has power over all people Verse 17 The *angel measured the walls. At that time, they were in heaven. *Amen, come *Lord Jesus. And It was like the ruler that an architect uses to measure land. rain can fall during the days that they *prophesy. bright white clothes and each one had a gold belt round his body. said to the 7 *angels, Go. Verse 3 One of the *beasts 7 heads had an injury. He calls to the birds that fly high in the says will happen. Hide us from him who again from death. but in a moment, its end will come. There was no supply of water in the city. happiness. v4 They will see Gods face and Gods trouble upset all those who live on the earth. Evil things and *sin will not exist in the new After the Lamb has opened six of the seven seals, there is a pause in the action while the servants of God are sealed for protection from the judgments to follow. They praised God for trouble. can punish the whole person, both body and spirit (Matthew 10:28). Gods people. There will be no sea. So, alpha is the first letter of In other words, God accepted And he goes to fight For those who *worship the *beast too much wine.. poetry. He could see through all that Jezebel taught. He should have died. Nobody knows that date except the Father. These 7 troubles will be the last ones. will hope for death to come, but it will not. v10 These kings will stand a long way The priest is the agent of the people. heard. mother to them. the key to that deep hole that has no end. She belongs to him now. I also hate what they do.
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