Sova Arrow On Icebox. hide. level 1. Press J to jump to the feed. level 2. Sova Recon Bolt. To help the average Sova player out, we've come up with some easy to remember Sova Recon Bolt spots for Icebox that you won't forget. Sova's Recon Bolt is an incredible ability, and while many inventive lineups have been shared online, most are all-too easy to forget if you're not a professional. Sort by. With a solid recon dart lineup on this map, the entire enemy team can be revealed with a single scan. For aggressive big brain Sova mains, this is an opportunity to find out the sneaky spots to strike a recon. Valorant Act III is bringing a whole new map for players to discover new lineups. 0:00. Original Poster 1 month ago. Check out our Icebox, Ascent, and Haven guides for more Sova skills. Learn the best arrow spots to gather info on the enemy positions with Recon Bolt, or to kill them with Shock Bolt. Those lineups are focused on playing on the defensive side of the map. For VALORANT players who main Sova! Sova’s Recon Bolt ability can be used in many effective ways, and out of Sova’s kit, has the most potential to impact the game. For bomb point, A, plant the Spike for the default green box under rafters. 97% Upvoted. Settings. Guide. save. 0:00. share. You may use the stars as your lineup guide, or the joint on the metal top of the building. User account menu • EASY Sova Arrow Spots on Icebox (Defense) Tips & Tricks. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This gives your team a very strong advantage when taking fights with enemies. This guide will demonstrate three Sova Recon Bolt lineups on Valorant’s newest map, Icebox. Those are all the easy Valorant Breeze Recon Bolt Spots we’ve found so far, but we’ll aim to update this guide as simpler and more effective arrows are discovered. Learn the best arrow spots to gather info on the enemy positions with Recon Bolt, or to kill them with Shock Bolt. 1 month ago. Head to our Valorant … The best Sova’s arrows on Icebox. best. Icebox tends to be a very good map for Sova on both attack and defense, as there are many open areas that his utility can heavily benefit from. 4 comments. share. Play. Sova arrow lineup trick on Icebox. report. Those lineups will help you use this powerful ability to its full potential on attack. The best Sova’s arrows on Icebox. Valorant Best Brimstone Molotov spots on Ascent. Fullscreen. The Recon Bolt is Sova’s default ability and recharges over time (35 seconds) after being used. Articles Vincenzo "Skulz" Milella March 23, 2021 Guides, Arrows, Sova, Maps Comment. Reply. Report Save. Aim upwards at the sky and use your ability hud as a guide, as shown in the image. 2. This guide demonstrates 3 Recon Bolt lineups on the map Icebox. Articles Vincenzo "Skulz" Milella March 23, 2021 Guides , Arrows , Sova , Maps Comment Run towards the … Sova’s Recon Bolt ability can be used in many useful ways, and out of Sova’s kit, has the most potential to impact the game. Bro thats a nice arrow. These Sova lineups on bomb point B and A can help you win rounds as attackers on Icebox. Log in sign up. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Stand atop the left bar of the yellow fence in the Attacker's base.
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