Not so with ideas. i confute. Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. i deny. I don’t think you can underestimate the importance of honesty. No lo creo. Translate I don't buy. It’s not just a rejection of your idea but of you. Any product that makes huge promises (usually along with lots of “earnings proof”) but is vague about the actual offer is a newbie-trap. I cut my own hair & my husband’s, don’t buy clothes (except a few pieces from yard sales), keep our heat down at 66 day & night & sleep under electric blanket at night. Explanation: This phrase comes from a popular way of getting agreement, which is "buy in." In conclusion, "I don't buy it" means: "I disagree." Find 47 ways to say DON'T BUY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. People don't buy advertising from you because you are their friend; they buy it because you have [...] shown them that your readers are their customers, that your rates are fair and based on your circulation, that your magazine will give them repeated exposure because it is kept and referred to again and again or it will introduce his ads to new readers through your pass along readership. The humorist Jean Carr said, “marrying a man is like buying something you’ve been admiring for a long time in a shop window. Just reveal enough to pique interest and get opens. Don’t ask if there is “anything else?” Suggest one item that logically goes with what they are purchasing. Remember, the apostrophe goes before the "s," where the "i" (or "ha" in the case of "it has") is missing. Ideas have consequences and not just in the sense that dangerous ideas can lead to dangerous behaviors. See how “I don't buy it ” is translated from English to French with more examples in context. How we pay for the ideas we buy may explain the sense that we have all the money in the world. With the ideas we buy, we may know that they’re good ideas without ever putting in the effort to turn them into know-how practice. To say we believe something as though it’s something we own. I don't buy it, mamacita. Take a look at some examples of "it's" in a sentence. Also, in Samuel Johnson's A Dictionary of the English Language, published in 1773, one of the several meanings for agree: to settle a price between buyer and seller. What does the expression “don’t buy” mean? So is ours. A discussion can escalate quickly. Using this phrase, over and over the last several months, has been a powerful exercise to think twice before I buy. Still, that promise is deceptive. I’ve been able to stop buying stuff I don’t need, because yes, you’re catching on…I have enough. This appreciation leads to your customers loving your brand and much more. Here are four ways … definitions. Example: I never bought the idea that eggs were unhealthful, and now researchers are finding out they’re perfectly OK to eat. I don't buy it, Jared. I've put it in brackets to show that it's optional. If you do agree with an idea, you use another phrase like "believe in": I believe in the idea of getting a good education. Synonyms for I Don't Buy It (other words and phrases for I Don't Buy It). We often don’t notice that the ideas were buying clash with other ideas we’ve bought. The teacher didn't buy my story about the dog eating my homework. It’s cheaper than buying generic. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved. You may feel like retaliating. antonyms. When buying a shirt, you want something practical to keep you warm and covered but also something flattering, affirming, and alluring. To “buy” a moral idea should be like remembering it every time you’re prompted. When we say “I don’t buy that,” we often sound proud as though we are buyers in a buyers market, discerning connoisseurs dismissing a shabby product with a hand wave, as though we have all the money in the world. We've got to be downtown at four and it's still not here. She said it's only a fifteen minute drive. Definition of I'm not buying it. If I get the slightest hint they are feeding me a line, I’m out the door even if I really NEED the product their selling. How to Communicate and Negotiate with Hostile/Angry Persons. A belief isn’t like a cell phone or nose, something you carry around everywhere you go. Psychology Today © 2021 Sussex Publishers, LLC, Spotting the Hoovering Techniques of a Narcissist, Why Narcissists Make Life So Exhausting for Everyone Else, The Terms of Noncommitment: Ghosting, Breadcrumbing, More, 7 Child Behaviors That Have Nothing to Do With Parenting, The Mental Health Reforms Police Departments Should Adopt, 6 Ways People Shut Down Difficult Conversations, If You Help Others, They Will Be More Willing to Help You. In this statement, "buy in" is getting agreement. When shopping for partners or material objects, we're inevitably confronted by the clash. If I feel a salesperson is coming across as honest I am more apt to listen and possibly buy from them. When we use some, we don't say the exact quantity, but we could probably find it out if we needed to. don't cut off your nose to spite your face. Je n'y crois pas, mamacita. Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. See also: buy, not. Some days I think it's a wonderful world. don't care a fig; don't care a fig; don't care a fig; don't care a hang Such a statement often includes and, for example I need to go and buy food, in the same manner as Please try and come does. But there is a path through this conundrum. phrases. I think he is fake.|"I don't buy it" means you think something is a lie, and "I don't buy him/her/them" generally means that you think some or many aspects of someone's behavior is fake. We are Axon, a team committed to pushing the boundaries of technology to help you feel more confident in the field, at the station, and in court. We don't need to change the tense, though probably we do need to change the 'person' from 'I' to 'she', for example. I prefer “I don’t want to think about that,” over “That’s wrong to think.” I like when people give reasons instead of just saying “I don’t buy that.”, Shopper’s pride may be an exacerbated side-effect of our commercialized, high-tech society. People Don't Buy What You Do, They Buy Why You Do It " We are purpose maximisers not just profit maximisers" Dan PInk. I bearly pay for anything. We tend to buy ideas that promise the simple reliability we’ve come to expect through commercialism and technology. Don’t say you’re “not authorized” to give a discount, they’ll just ask, “Then who is?” 13. In parallel, our smartphones, computers, and other high tech devices are our reliable subservient slaves, taking our every preference seriously, doing our bidding and when not, easily upgraded until they do. Je n'y crois pas, maître. |It means “I don’t believe him/it” Like ‘there’s not enough evidence for you to believe (“buy”) him/it buy into (an idea) To "buy into" an idea means to believe in that idea. similar meaning - 79 Lists. People usually use "buy into" in a negative sense - "I don't buy into that." "I Don't Buy It!" Log in. The teacher didn't buy my story about the dog eating my homework. This self-flattery can make for conflict as can many other gestures we make when we’re unreceptive.
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