It is not about vibrations, energy, or frequencies that have a physical and scientific basis, like electricity or radio waves. However, as far as I can find, these phenomena were not recorded by the Egyptians or any other pre-Greek civilization. Electricity is the fundamental nature of the universe–a universe that is created and sustained by a chain of intelligent electrical lives–the great angel or deva hierarchies–and through their creativity, life is conducted between the inner and outer worlds. No thanks, just take me to the downloads. The standard scientific view is that the sun is a self-consuming thermonuclear engine, whose light and heat are generated through nuclear fusion–the conversion of hydrogen nuclei into helium. or. There is no God of electricity. Be the first to review this product . Shortly after his birth his family moved to West … ONE OF THE MAIN PREMISES of the Ageless Wisdom teachings as given to the world by Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey is that electromagnetism is the fundamental source and cause of all phenomena on every plane of manifestation–subtle and gross. This was the first time positive and negative charge has ever been deciphered into ancient sacred scripture, and in doing so it revealed for the first time the one underlying and simple rule required to unlock all hieroglyphic scripture. Manila: Oriental Commercial Company. 6 year old me after sticking a fork in the electrical socket . Add to Wish List Add to Compare. Wilson, L. L. (1947). It also increases the vibration of matter by means of its own. Philippine Sociological Society. so I'll have good cause to be proud of you on the day that Christ returns. Acts 3:19-21 ESV / 26 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. Rotary motion is apparent all around us–atoms, planets, solar systems and galaxies all rotate on their axes and within the perimeter of these whirling unified spheres are to be found variety and differentiation. One of the tasks of the esotericist is to construct a bridge of reason between exoteric and esoteric science. I even got a city, Aniston (which got destroyed after my banishment) and a symbol, the electrical outlet. Oysters. Michael Faraday was born in the village of Newington, Sussex, England, on Thursday, 22 September 1791. Because electricity is generated and transmitted at high voltages and must be converted to lower voltages before it is safe for domestic use, the transformer is an indispensable part of the modern power supply network. Following Friends Follow Unfollow Chat . This crisis in astrophysics is a welcome one from the angle of spiritual philosophy, for its complex and erroneous view of the universe and man’s position in it needs updating to reflect the elegant synthesis of reality. You would be the god of THUNDER! This powerful energy was then revealed as the Enigma Force, which brought Eddie Brock back to life to transform him into the new Captain Universe. Zeus was enraged that the gift of fire had empowered mortals and reduced their meekness before nature. Platformer. striving Working For The Lord Power, Human Spiritual Striving Commitment Active Lifestyles Ambition, positive aspects of Power Through God. Chocolate. The Gods of Light energy pendulum is designed to connect you to the power of all the gods of light. where E = Energy, God, the Father m = mass, Jesus Christ, the Son c = speed of light, Holy Spirit, the Mother. With it, I created the ever so mighty (and way better) force of electricity. Being the god of electricity, he can move at the speed of lightning (naturally). Scientists are still learning about energy. The increased current density causes it to shine, producing a star and powering it thereafter. This naturally includes the sun itself and the plasma view of the universe tackles the idea of an electric sun head on. Alacacin, C. (1952). Share: Email Using: Gmail Yahoo! 344. Electricity is energy. Matter and energy are just two of the forms that consciousness can take. Polytheistic peoples of many cultures have postulated a thunder god, the personification or source of the forces of thunder and lightning; a lightning god does not have a typical depiction, and will vary based on the culture. These three are also known as electric fire, solar fire and fire-by-friction. But this heart is invisible: no astronomer will ever see it." Electra is the Goddess of the Sea Clouds that gather around islands near the summits of mountains. Truthfully this website explains the male and female … Nabaloi Tales. Which would be your heavenly companion animal? Customization Custom Front Name + $7.00. About See All (917) 945-5053. Again, the parallels with esoteric wisdom are striking. A cosmic idea is electromagnetically transferred from etheric to gaseous levels through the common phenomenon of pairs of electric currents in space, entwining around one another to form double helixes. The first records of electricity and magnetism. Is there a grand purpose for your life? While a synthesis of a number of approaches instead of a sudden new direction, what gives Sundiving a little extra edge is how cleverly … A 200 pound person over 90,000 and 6.5 billion humans, with an average of 100 pounds of mass, contain over 292 trillion times the force of … The concrete, scientific mind is now contacting the abstract realms of thought, but is in need of the guiding light of the intuition to reveal a simplified, more synthetic view of the universe as an organism with a set and stable form and constituted of living, conscious substance. The equation E = mc² (E is the Energy; m is the mass; and c is the constant, speed of the light in vacuum) appears to be magical, as does the Fibonacci number series. Opposite to Electricity Defense. Giving Strength The power of Christ faith and strength Hope And Strength Staying Strong Power Love And Strength Weakness Staying Strong And Not Giving Up. Philippine Short Stories. Esoteric science has always advocated that electrical force underlies all building processes in the universe. 5, No. It is therefore appropriate that we state that the statues and figurines in 'Egyptology' are NOT God, and are never described as such on this website. Energy makes up matter, electrons are a form of matter, so electrons are made up of energy, which means photons. By the revolution of matter, activity is increased making the material more pliable and adaptable. Unicorn. Electricity is a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current. Play in browser. See more of EBOI (Energy Based On Intelligence) on Facebook. Asuang Steals Fire from Gugurang. Esteban, R. C., Casanova, A. R., Esteban, I. C. (2011). The second Logos of the divine trinity, Love-Wisdom, is seeking to blend with this active intelligence of the third aspect and He adds to the rotary motion of all atoms His own form of motion, spiralling periodicalmovement. This electromagnetic activity of the three divine aspects is to be seen operating on all the planes of the solar system. Origin Myths Among the Mountain Peoples of the Philippines. At intervals, the electromagnetic forces that they generate cause them to pinch down to a very much smaller size. The notion of a cold, sterile universe inimical to life, where galaxies, suns and planets spin in isolation, has reflected man’s self-absorbed, materialistic consciousness down the ages. Helena Blavatsky describes Fohat as "personified electric vital power, the transcendental binding Unity of all Cosmic Energies, on the unseen as on the manifested planes…On the earthly plane his influence is felt in the magnetic and active force generated by the strong desire of the magnetizer.,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Diwata Magbabaya/Bathala (Subanon mythology), Spirit of Lightning and Thunder (Teduray mythology), Nzazi (god of thunder and lightning; master of thunder dogs in, This page was last edited on 13 May 2021, at 07:55. There are … Hill, P. (1934). Notice the family unit (Father, Mother, Son) associated with the Godhead. 29. The power of the wonderful Holy Spirit enveloped me as what seemed like waves of electricity and what I can only describe as God's love and power washed over me. And secondly, by means of these forms, the gaining of needed contact and the development of consciousness through a gradual rarefying and refining of the forms as the spirit of love or the flame divine spirals ever onward towards the source from which it came. From L'Assiette au Beurre, 1911.. For my friends electric: a sizzling collection of vintage electricity imagery.. The Gods and Goddesses. Michael Faraday—God’s Power and Electric Power. GIF. And in fact, the idea of a spiralling building pattern is not new when we recall the familiar biological spirals of DNA that are responsible for the way organisms are created, informed and sustained. Greetings, my name is Anista, the little-known about, kicked off of Mt. Speed is energy. Good game and good graphism +1 !! I am simply allowing the free flow of my soul to move with that energy. Isaiah 40:29. Polytheistic peoples of many cultures have postulated a thunder god, the personification or source of the forces of thunder and lightning; a lightning god does not have a typical depiction, and will vary based on the culture. Exotic varieties of so-called dark matter and dark energy have been theorised to account for this, but to date, these hypothetical phenomena still exist solely in the minds and mathematical equations of astrophysicists. Haggard translates a kind of supernatural mastery of electromagnetic energy onto the gods and ghosts of ancient Egypt and, in a narrative twist of a decidedly theosophical character, we learn that Smith (based on a scientist familiar with radiography) is the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian (implied to be the ancient predecessors to showmen such as Tesla). 2,452 likes. God is the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being. This forward progression is the will behind the evolutionary process that drives spirit onward until it emerges from matter with added quality and faculty from the experience it has undergone. Log In. In stock. In order to maintain the principle cornerstones of their gravity-only model, i.e., the Big Bang, General Relativity, Black Holes and an Expanding Universe, astrophysicists need ever more complex theories. These correspondences all provide a rich field for contemplation, the very act of which will help to further precipitate the great truth that is descending from the "rain cloud of knowable things" into human consciousness at this time–that Space is an electrical entity. In one experiment, a 42-foot (12.8-meter) metal mast drove huge electrical impulses into the ground; in another, a Tesla coil shot 100-foot (30.5-meter) arcs of electricity across the room. Not Now. Electrus is the god of electricity. Understanding these concepts properly is not easy. If energy cannot be created or destroyed only changed from one form to another, does that mean that God … God of Electricity (WEEKLY HOUR GAME JAM VERSION) 2 MB. Minotaur Early Access. Science has yet to discover that behind each strand of DNA lies a spiral of electric force, and indeed, that the atom itself is constituted of spiralling electric forces that provide the interface between the physical and subjective components of all organisms. "As above, so below" runs the great occult maxim. Necromancy. Steak. Log in with to leave a comment. According to plasma cosmologists, this is to be seen occurring throughout the universe and they suggest that this is the way that chemical separation takes place in cosmic plasmas. On his own level and scale, spiritualised man similarly functions as an electrical conductor of life bringing new ideas to birth on the physical plane to transform and resurrect. Hey there, thunderdome. In his book The God Theory - Bernard Haisch, Ph.D. touches upon questions like: Can you have faith in Einstein, Darwin and God? The name Electra from which we get the word electricity was … Quezon City: Capitol Publishing House Inc. Romulo, L. (2019). Olympus goddess of electricity. 2. (website), David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill. It has the ability to manipulate lightning so well that it can destroy whole cities with a single bolt, though that is not it's maximum power. Blavatsky, 5. The gift of electricity has certainly done the same. Words are energy. Through precipitation and diversification–from one state of solidification to another–from the unknowable and eternal through steadily lowered vibrational rates, they work until the precipitating idea eventually reaches that minute bandwidth of the electromagnetic spectrum that science can observe and measure. The equation E = mc² (E is the Energy; m is the mass; and c is the constant, speed of the light in vacuum) appears to be magical, as does the Fibonacci number series. A 100 pound human, for example, contains the force of approximately 45,000 Hiroshimas. Poderes . Haharo. Gods Of Electricity's profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates. In 1729, Stephen Gray discovered the principle of the conduction of electricity and, in 1733, Charles Francois du Fay discovered that electricity comes in two forms which he called resinous (-) and vitreous (+), now called negative and positive. 142-47), and beginning with the third Logos of the trinity, Active Intelligence expresses itself through rotary motion, which is due to the fire latent in matter itself. audreya 3 years ago. GIF. where E = Energy, God, the Father m = mass, Jesus Christ, the Son c = speed of light, Holy Spirit, the Mother. Besides being a god, which magic power would you have? Cruz-Lucero, R., Pototanon, R. M. (2018). Clue: Greek god of electricity? Pizza Alien Returns. May 18, 2017. Here, the awe-inspiring beauty and detail of the work of the celestial hierarchies that bring the manifested worlds into being are revealed to the intuitive mind. Games like God of Electricity Related tags: Adventure atari mythology Arcade 16-bit Related platforms: Windows HTML5. Invisibility. Phoenix. Wondering about this post? Next, Faraday sought to generate electricity from magnetism without first starting with electricity. The Hindu God Indra was the chief deity and at his prime during the Vedic period, where he was considered to be the supreme God. Blavatsky. A point and click visual novel. Scientists are still learning about energy. Posts (8) Wall (1) kamuz wilder :zap: God of electricity :zap: January 05. Master Squirrel. 25 days ago. That's a story about man making a man in his own image. You're obsessed with … Psalm 19:4 ESV / 7 helpful votes. Scientists say that the electro - magnetic spectrum is carrying the light waves, sound waves, X-rays, gamma -rays, ultra -Violet rays etc. 34 Bible Verses about energy ... for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the … God of Electricity. The inversion of … The most primitive electrical and magnetic phenomena -- the attraction of dry light material such as chaff to rubbed amber, and the attraction of iron to loadstone -- were no doubt observed before recorded history began. Energy is God, and God is Energy! Bible verses about Energy. God in me is the mantra, the energy of the mantra, the voice of the mantra and the person of the mantra. Although the importance of Indra has since been subsided in favor of other Gods in contemporary Hinduism, he is still venerated and worshipped. Infact, electricity including the entire electro-magnetic spectrum is nothing but God. All matter produces energy. The Holy Spirit is light and wisdom and is able to travel faster than light’s speed, as was done in the first days of Creation. He was the third of four children. However, plasma science regards stars as balls of plasma which, like galaxies, are formed through the electromagnetic z-pinch effect of electric currents shown in the first diagram. The ability to release/use electricity to various attacks. Fohat is called the ‘Thread of primeval Light,’ the ‘Ball of thread’ of Ariadne, indeed, in this labyrinth of chaotic matter. Wiki Entries (4) Forma menina . The elegant beauty of this divine process is to be noted exoterically in the double helix of DNA, and the long spiralling filaments of plasma in deep space. The following is a list of solar deities: Specific incantations included in the instructions are required for this charging process. Engagement: 0. GIF. Bimmolog, H., Sallong, L., Montemayor, L. (2005). Indra in Hinduism, Zeus in Greek mythology, and Perun in ancient Slavic religion. Ficha . In the Stanzas of Dzyan that form the first part of The Secret Doctrine, the truth is beautifully encapsulated in the following occult phraseology that speaks directly to the intuition: In light of the above, an electric model of the universe would be a welcome step towards a rapprochement between esoteric and exoteric science, and it is therefore encouraging to learn of the pioneering work of plasma cosmologists. He is, metaphysically, the objectivised thought of the Gods; the ‘Word made flesh’ on a lower scale; and the messenger of Cosmic and human ideations : the active force in Universal Life" . Those Who Toiled struggle Power Life Struggles Working For God working efficiency Struggles hardwork. Pikachu: The God of Electricity. Step Three: Square that number ... and then understand that every gram of that incalculable amount of matter has the energy of a Hiroshima nuclear bomb. … They say that “ether” is carrying these waves . In laboratory experiments, the matter gathered within the central vortex created by electric arcing is "pinched" into zones of spherical compression, and matter within it may be subjected to a greater or lesser degree of melting. This necessarily includes the physical plane and as such, this premise varies widely from that of standard gravity-based astrophysics. $25.00. Fairy. With reference to A Treatise on Cosmic Fire (pp. This game is free but the developer accepts your support by letting you pay what you think is fair for the game. While the electromagnetic powering of the sun emanates from the inner planes, not the physical level, the intuitive insight of plasma cosmologists is on track. Zaide, S. M. (1999). God whose simplicity contained electricity While the Dadasaheb Phalke award conferred to Rajinikanth ahead of the assembly election in Tamil Nadu could well be politically motivated, his political appeal has always been there. The huge amount of energy required to change into another state is like chugging up a hill. Historical and Cultural Data of Provinces. Wait for the dissertation (TBA). The Sulod: A Mountain People In Central Panay, Philippines. Being quick-minded, Electrus may sometimes do things without thinking through it first. Scott. Find the perfect Energy God stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. A solar deity is a god or goddess who represents the Sun, or an aspect of it, usually by its perceived power and strength. 25 days ago. 51. Olympus Goddess of Electricity. Folktales of Southern Philippines. Filipino Children's Favorite Stories. From The Electric Sky, D.E. This is an ideal quality in many cases—strong insulators are often used to coat or provide a barrier between conductors to keep electric currents under control. Solar deities and Sun worship can be found throughout most of recorded history in various forms. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Followers. Sounds added! The Holy Spirit is light and wisdom and is able to travel faster than light’s speed, as was done in the first days of Creation. Jocano, F. L. (1969). Forgot account? Galaxies and the stars and planets within them are all powered electrically from inner, esoteric sources, but they are also all related to one another on both the inner and outer levels by different grades of electrical energy or fire that flows between them. A cosmic idea thus transits across the borderline between the esoteric, etheric realms and the exoteric, gaseous realms to form the various phenomena of deep space that are recognisable to the orthodox scientists of today. [-], Reprinted from The Beacon So, if electrons are literally the power of God holding the very fabric of earth together you can see why they cannot be broken down as mentioned earlier. level 2. Ilongot Life and Legends. [20][21] Indra was initially recorded in the Rigveda, the first of the religious scriptures that comprise the Vedas. Page Transparency See More. The power to manipulate electricity. Community See All. Ethnography of The Bikol People, ii. Through the pioneering work of plasma cosmologists mainstream science is on the threshold of acknowledging the electrical processes that build, sustain and transmute the visible universe. Greek god of electricity? A squirrel who is a master in the art of the catching-da-nutshun. In Greek mythology, the Elysian Fields, or the Elysian Plains, was the final resting places of the souls of the heroic and the virtuous, evolved from a designation of a place or person struck by lightning, enelysion, enelysios. Philippine Journal of Science, 85–117. From the myriads of spirallae that make up the atom to the kundalini force that rises in the awakening human being as a caduceus of electrical power, the spiralling proceeds. In 1660, von Guericke invented the machine that produced static electricity; this was the first electric generator. Because it is often found in the form of ionised gas, it seems reasonable to speculate that this conductive medium provides an interface between the etheric levels of the physical plane and the gaseous state of matter. We use cookies to make sure you can have the best experience on our website. Though Gods of Electricity clearly have identifiable antecedents (including the divine Bill Nelson, the ever enigmatic Eno, as well as such neo-classicists as Ligeti and Penderecki), both Fazio and Hamlin create a music that is at once unclassifiable and strangely engaging. It is an absurdity, therefore, to say that the solar fires are being consumed and gradually extinguished. Every plane being septenary, there are thus forty-nine mystical and physical forces, [the] larger knots forming stars, suns and systems, the smaller, planets, and so on…The electro-magnetic knot of our Sun is neither tangible nor dimensional, nor even as molecular as the electricity we know. Reputation. Can you have spirituality without religion? Colossians 1:29. While typically described as an ionised or electrically conductive gas, plasma is also considered to be a distinct and fundamental state of matter. Their contention that we live in an electric universe is based on the fact that plasma makes up ninety-nine per cent of it–plasma generally being described as a sea of charged particles called electrons and ions that react collectively to forces exerted by electric and magnetic fields.
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